>>> Building on exopi-4 under textproc/pandoc BDEPENDS = [devel/gmp;converters/libiconv;lang/ghc;devel/libffi;devel/cabal-install] DIST = [textproc/pandoc:hackage/lua-2.3.2.tar.gz;devel/cabal-install:hackage/base64-bytestring-;devel/git-annex:hackage/blaze-markup-;net/matterhorn:hackage/half-0.3.1_1.cabal;devel/git-annex:hackage/http-date-0.0.11.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/QuickCheck-2.14.3.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/primitive-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/doctemplates-0.11.tar.gz;devel/shellcheck:hackage/unordered-containers-0.2.20_1.cabal;devel/darcs:hackage/streaming-commons-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/hslua-typing-0.1.1.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/unicode-collation-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/Glob-0.10.2_3.cabal;devel/cabal-install:hackage/regex-base-;devel/git-annex:hackage/network-byte-order-0.1.7.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/skylighting-core-0.14.1.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/conduit-extra-1.3.6.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/toml-parser-;devel/git-annex:hackage/http-api-data-0.6_1.cabal;devel/git-annex:hackage/recv-0.1.0.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/uniplate-1.6.13.tar.gz;devel/cabal-install:hackage/safe-exceptions-;devel/darcs:hackage/data-default-class-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/warp-3.3.31.tar.gz;productivity/hledger:hackage/doclayout-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/OneTuple-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/wai-3.2.4.tar.gz;devel/git-annex:hackage/Only-0.1_2.cabal;textproc/pandoc:hackage/base-unicode-symbols-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/aeson-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/JuicyPixels-3.3.8_1.cabal;devel/darcs:hackage/zip-archive-0.4.3.tar.gz;net/matterhorn:hackage/safe-0.3.21_1.cabal;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/unliftio-core-;devel/darcs:hackage/asn1-encoding-0.9.6.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/typst-;net/matterhorn:hackage/unix-time-0.4.12.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/data-fix-0.3.2.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/ordered-containers-0.2.3.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/network-uri-;devel/shellcheck:hackage/unordered-containers-0.2.20.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/th-abstraction-;devel/git-annex:hackage/cabal-doctest-1.0.9_3.cabal;net/matterhorn:hackage/pretty-show-1.10.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/vector-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/transformers-compat-0.7.2.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/wai-cors-0.2.7.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/text-conversions-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/http2-5.0.1.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/servant-server-0.20.tar.gz;devel/git-annex:hackage/xml-types-0.3.8.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/mime-types-;devel/git-annex:hackage/yaml-;devel/darcs:hackage/regex-tdfa-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/bifunctors-5.6.1_2.cabal;devel/git-annex:hackage/Only-0.1.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/uniplate-1.6.13_1.cabal;devel/git-annex:hackage/vault-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/comonad-5.0.8_2.cabal;textproc/pandoc:hackage/hslua-repl-0.1.2.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/djot-;net/matterhorn:hackage/serialise-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/commonmark-;devel/git-annex:hackage/psqueues-;net/matterhorn:hackage/unicode-data-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/JuicyPixels-3.3.8.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/cereal-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/strict-0.5_1.cabal;textproc/pandoc:hackage/servant-0.20.1_2.cabal;devel/cabal-install:hackage/base64-bytestring-;devel/darcs:hackage/socks-0.6.1.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/appar-0.1.8.tar.gz;devel/git-annex:hackage/bsb-http-chunked-;productivity/hledger:hackage/mmorph-1.2.0_3.cabal;devel/darcs:hackage/bitvec-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/pandoc-lua-engine-;devel/darcs:hackage/vector-algorithms-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/time-compat-;net/matterhorn:hackage/http-media-;devel/cabal-install:hackage/zlib-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/pandoc-types-1.23.1.tar.gz;devel/cabal-install:hackage/safe-exceptions-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/semigroupoids-;devel/darcs:hackage/blaze-builder-;devel/darcs:hackage/conduit-1.3.5.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/base-compat-0.13.1.tar.gz;net/matterhorn:hackage/unicode-data-;devel/darcs:hackage/asn1-encoding-0.9.6_2.cabal;textproc/pandoc:hackage/skylighting-format-ansi-0.1.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/asn1-types-0.3.4.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3.tar.gz;productivity/hledger:hackage/aeson-pretty-0.8.10.tar.gz;devel/git-annex:hackage/cassava-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/sop-core-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/assoc-1.1.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/hslua-cli-1.4.2.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/wai-extra-3.1.14.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/constraints-0.14.tar.gz;devel/git-annex:hackage/xml-conduit-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/dlist-1.0.tar.gz;devel/darcs:hackage/cookie-0.4.6.tar.gz;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/aeson-;textproc/pandoc:hackage/hslua-packaging-2.3.1.tar.gz;net/matterhorn:hackage/emojis-0.1.3.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/vault-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/colour-2.3.6.tar.gz;net/matterhorn:hackage/tls-2.0.1.tar.gz;textproc/pandoc:hackage/pandoc-server-;devel/git-annex:hackage/happy-;devel/git-annex:hackage/blaze-html-;devel/cabal-bundler:hackage/text-short-0.1.5_3.cabal;textproc/pandoc:hackage/hslua-classes-2.3.1.tar.gz;devel/git-annex:hackage/data-default-instances-old-lo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FULLPKGNAME = pandoc- RDEPENDS = [devel/libffi;devel/gmp;converters/libiconv] (Junk lock failure for exopi-4 at 1714098319.2662) Received IO (Junk lock obtained for exopi-4 at 1714098320.12) Woken up textproc/pandoc Woken up textproc/pandoc Woken up textproc/pandoc >>> Running depends in textproc/pandoc at 1714098322.08 last junk was in math/mlpack,-main /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair cabal-install- cups-libs-2.4.7 epoll-shim-0.0.20230411 ffmpeg-4.4.4p3v1 ghc-9.6.5 gmp-6.3.0 libffi-3.4.4p1 libiconv-1.17 libusb1-1.0.27 pcsc-lite-2.0.2 xmlto-0.0.28p1 was: /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair cabal-install- ghc-9.6.5 gmp-6.3.0 libffi-3.4.4p1 libiconv-1.17 /usr/sbin/pkg_add -aI -Drepair cabal-install- cups-libs-2.4.7 epoll-shim-0.0.20230411 ffmpeg-4.4.4p3v1 ghc-9.6.5 gmp-6.3.0 libffi-3.4.4p1 libiconv-1.17 libusb1-1.0.27 pcsc-lite-2.0.2 xmlto-0.0.28p1 The following new rcscripts were installed: /etc/rc.d/messagebus /etc/rc.d/pcscd See rcctl(8) for details. New and changed readme(s): /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/dbus >>> Running show-prepare-results in textproc/pandoc at 1714098361.21 ===> textproc/pandoc ===> Building from scratch pandoc- ===> pandoc- depends on: cabal-install->= -> cabal-install- ===> pandoc- depends on: ghc->=8.6.4 -> ghc-9.6.5 ===> pandoc- depends on: libiconv-* -> libiconv-1.17 ===> pandoc- depends on: gmp-* -> gmp-6.3.0 ===> pandoc- depends on: libffi-* -> libffi-3.4.4p1 ===> Verifying specs: c ffi gmp iconv m pthread util z ===> found c.100.0 ffi.2.0 gmp.11.1 iconv.7.1 m.10.1 pthread.27.1 util.18.0 z.7.0 cabal-install- ghc-9.6.5 gmp-6.3.0 libffi-3.4.4p1 libiconv-1.17 (Junk lock released for exopi-4 at 1714098362.82) Woken up x11/freerdp distfiles size=38034889 >>> Running patch in textproc/pandoc at 1714098362.87 ===> textproc/pandoc ===> Checking files for pandoc- `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-cli-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/Glob-0.10.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/Glob-0.10.2_3.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/HUnit-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/JuicyPixels-3.3.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/JuicyPixels-3.3.8_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/OneTuple-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/OneTuple-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/Only-0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/Only-0.1_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/QuickCheck-2.14.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/SHA-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/StateVar-1.2.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/aeson-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/aeson-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/aeson-pretty-0.8.10.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/alex-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/ansi-terminal-1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/ansi-terminal-types-1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/appar-0.1.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/asn1-encoding-0.9.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/asn1-encoding-0.9.6_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/asn1-parse-0.9.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/asn1-types-0.3.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/assoc-1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/assoc-1.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/async-2.2.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/attoparsec-0.14.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/attoparsec-0.14.4_5.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/auto-update-0.1.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base-compat-0.13.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base-orphans-0.9.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base-unicode-symbols-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base16-bytestring-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base16-bytestring-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base64-bytestring-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/base64-bytestring-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/basement-0.0.16.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/bifunctors-5.6.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/bifunctors-5.6.1_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/bitvec-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/blaze-builder-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/blaze-html-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/blaze-html-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/blaze-markup-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/blaze-markup-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/boring-0.2.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/boring-0.2.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/bsb-http-chunked-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/bsb-http-chunked-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/byteorder-1.0.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cabal-doctest-1.0.9.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cabal-doctest-1.0.9_3.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/call-stack-0.4.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/case-insensitive-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cassava-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cassava-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cborg-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cereal-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/citeproc-0.8.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/colour-2.3.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/commonmark-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/commonmark-extensions-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/commonmark-pandoc-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/comonad-5.0.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/comonad-5.0.8_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/conduit-1.3.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/conduit-extra-1.3.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/constraints-0.14.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/contravariant-1.5.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/cookie-0.4.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-0.34.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-connection-0.3.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-x509-1.7.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-x509-1.7.6_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-x509-store-1.6.9.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-x509-system-1.6.7.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-default-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-default-class-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-fix-0.3.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/data-fix-0.3.2_5.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/dec-0.0.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/dec-0.0.5_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/digest-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/distributive-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/distributive-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/djot-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/dlist-1.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/dlist-1.0_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/doclayout-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/doctemplates-0.11.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/easy-file-0.2.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/emojis-0.1.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/fast-logger-3.2.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/file-embed-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/generically-0.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/generically-0.1.1_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/gridtables-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/gridtables-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/haddock-library-1.11.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/haddock-library-1.11.0_3.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/half-0.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/half-0.3.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/happy-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hashable-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hashable-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/haskell-lexer-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hourglass-0.2.12.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hsc2hs-0.68.10.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hsc2hs-0.68.10_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-2.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-aeson-2.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-classes-2.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-cli-1.4.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-core-2.3.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-list-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-marshalling-2.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-module-path-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-module-system-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-module-text-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-module-version-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-module-zip-1.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-packaging-2.3.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-repl-0.1.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/hslua-typing-0.1.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-api-data-0.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-api-data-0.6_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-client-0.7.16.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-client-tls-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-date-0.0.11.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-media-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-media-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http-types-0.12.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/http2-5.0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/indexed-traversable-0.1.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/indexed-traversable-instances-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/indexed-traversable-instances-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/integer-conversion-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/integer-conversion-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/integer-logarithms-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/integer-logarithms-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/iproute-1.7.12.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/ipynb-0.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/ipynb-0.2_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/isocline-1.0.9.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/libyaml-0.1.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/libyaml-0.1.2_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/lpeg-1.1.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/lua-2.3.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/memory-0.18.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/mime-types-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/mmorph-1.2.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/mmorph-1.2.0_3.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/monad-control-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/mono-traversable-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/network-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/network-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/network-byte-order-0.1.7.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/network-control-0.0.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/network-uri-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/network-uri-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/old-locale-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/old-locale-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/old-time-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/optparse-applicative-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/ordered-containers-0.2.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-lua-engine-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-server-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-types-1.23.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pandoc-types-1.23.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pem-0.2.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/pretty-show-1.10.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/prettyprinter-1.7.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/primitive-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/psqueues-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/random-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/recv-0.1.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/regex-base-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/regex-base-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/regex-tdfa-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/regex-tdfa-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/resourcet-1.3.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/safe-0.3.21.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/safe-0.3.21_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/safe-exceptions-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/safe-exceptions-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/scientific-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/scientific-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/semialign-1.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/semialign-1.3_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/semigroupoids-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/semigroupoids-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/serialise-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/serialise-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/servant-0.20.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/servant-0.20.1_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/servant-server-0.20.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/servant-server-0.20_4.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/simple-sendfile-0.2.32.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/singleton-bool-0.1.7.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/singleton-bool-0.1.7_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/skylighting-0.14.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/skylighting-core-0.14.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/skylighting-format-ansi-0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/skylighting-format-blaze-html-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/skylighting-format-context-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/skylighting-format-latex-0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/socks-0.6.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/some-1.0.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/sop-core-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/sop-core-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/split-0.2.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/splitmix-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/streaming-commons-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/streaming-commons-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/strict-0.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/strict-0.5_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/string-conversions-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/string-conversions-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/syb-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/tagged-0.8.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/tagsoup-0.14.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/temporary-1.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/texmath-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/text-conversions-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/text-iso8601-0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/text-iso8601-0.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/text-short-0.1.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/text-short-0.1.5_3.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/th-abstraction-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/th-abstraction-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/th-compat-0.1.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/th-compat-0.1.4_4.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/th-lift-0.8.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/th-lift-instances-0.1.20.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/these-1.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/these-1.2_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/time-compat-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/time-compat-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/time-manager-0.0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/tls-2.0.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/tls-2.0.1_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/toml-parser-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/transformers-base-0.4.6.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/transformers-compat-0.7.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/type-equality-1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/type-equality-1_6.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/typed-process-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/typst-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/typst-symbols-0.1.5.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/typst-symbols-0.1.5_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unicode-collation-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unicode-data-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unicode-data-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unicode-transforms-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unicode-transforms-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/uniplate-1.6.13.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/uniplate-1.6.13_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unix-compat-0.7.1.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unix-time-0.4.12.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unliftio-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unliftio-core-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unliftio-core-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unordered-containers-0.2.20.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/unordered-containers-0.2.20_1.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/utf8-string-1.0.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/uuid-types-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/vault-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/vault-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/vector-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/vector-algorithms-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/vector-algorithms-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/vector-stream-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/wai-3.2.4.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/wai-app-static-3.1.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/wai-cors-0.2.7.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/wai-extra-3.1.14.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/wai-logger-2.4.0.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/warp-3.3.31.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/witherable-0.4.2.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/witherable-0.4.2_4.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/word8-0.1.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/xml-1.3.14.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/xml-1.3.14_2.cabal' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/xml-conduit-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/xml-types-0.3.8.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/yaml-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/yaml-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/zip-archive-0.4.3.tar.gz' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/zlib-' is up to date. `/exopi-cvs/ports/distfiles/hackage/zlib-' is up to date. >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc-cli- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/Glob-0.10.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/Glob-0.10.2_3.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/HUnit- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/JuicyPixels-3.3.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/JuicyPixels-3.3.8_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/OneTuple- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/OneTuple- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/Only-0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/Only-0.1_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/QuickCheck-2.14.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/SHA- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/StateVar-1.2.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/aeson- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/aeson- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/aeson-pretty-0.8.10.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/alex- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/ansi-terminal-1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/ansi-terminal-types-1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/appar-0.1.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/asn1-encoding-0.9.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/asn1-encoding-0.9.6_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/asn1-parse-0.9.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/asn1-types-0.3.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/assoc-1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/assoc-1.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/async-2.2.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/attoparsec-0.14.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/attoparsec-0.14.4_5.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/auto-update-0.1.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base-compat-0.13.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base-orphans-0.9.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base-unicode-symbols- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base16-bytestring- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base16-bytestring- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base64-bytestring- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/base64-bytestring- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/basement-0.0.16.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/bifunctors-5.6.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/bifunctors-5.6.1_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/bitvec- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/blaze-builder- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/blaze-html- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/blaze-html- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/blaze-markup- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/blaze-markup- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/boring-0.2.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/boring-0.2.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/bsb-http-chunked- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/bsb-http-chunked- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/byteorder-1.0.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cabal-doctest-1.0.9.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cabal-doctest-1.0.9_3.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/call-stack-0.4.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/case-insensitive- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cassava- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cassava- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cborg- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cereal- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/citeproc-0.8.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/colour-2.3.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/commonmark- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/commonmark-extensions- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/commonmark-pandoc- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/comonad-5.0.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/comonad-5.0.8_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/conduit-1.3.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/conduit-extra-1.3.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/constraints-0.14.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/contravariant-1.5.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/cookie-0.4.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-0.34.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-connection-0.3.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-x509-1.7.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-x509-1.7.6_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-x509-store-1.6.9.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-x509-system-1.6.7.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-default- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-default-class- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-fix-0.3.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/data-fix-0.3.2_5.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/dec-0.0.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/dec-0.0.5_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/digest- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/distributive- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/distributive- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/djot- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/dlist-1.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/dlist-1.0_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/doclayout- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/doctemplates-0.11.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/easy-file-0.2.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/emojis-0.1.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/fast-logger-3.2.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/file-embed- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/generically-0.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/generically-0.1.1_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/gridtables- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/gridtables- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/haddock-library-1.11.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/haddock-library-1.11.0_3.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/half-0.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/half-0.3.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/happy- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hashable- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hashable- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/haskell-lexer-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hourglass-0.2.12.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hsc2hs-0.68.10.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hsc2hs-0.68.10_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-2.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-aeson-2.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-classes-2.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-cli-1.4.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-core-2.3.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-list-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-marshalling-2.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-module-path-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-module-system-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-module-text-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-module-version-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-module-zip-1.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-packaging-2.3.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-repl-0.1.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/hslua-typing-0.1.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-api-data-0.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-api-data-0.6_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-client-0.7.16.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-client-tls- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-date-0.0.11.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-media- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-media- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http-types-0.12.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/http2-5.0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/indexed-traversable-0.1.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/indexed-traversable-instances- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/indexed-traversable-instances- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/integer-conversion- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/integer-conversion- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/integer-logarithms- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/integer-logarithms- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/iproute-1.7.12.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/ipynb-0.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/ipynb-0.2_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/isocline-1.0.9.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/libyaml-0.1.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/libyaml-0.1.2_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/lpeg-1.1.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/lua-2.3.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/memory-0.18.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/mime-types- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/mmorph-1.2.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/mmorph-1.2.0_3.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/monad-control- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/mono-traversable- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/network- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/network- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/network-byte-order-0.1.7.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/network-control-0.0.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/network-uri- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/network-uri- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/old-locale- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/old-locale- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/old-time- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/optparse-applicative- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/ordered-containers-0.2.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc-lua-engine- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc-server- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc-types-1.23.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pandoc-types-1.23.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pem-0.2.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/pretty-show-1.10.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/prettyprinter-1.7.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/primitive- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/psqueues- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/random- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/recv-0.1.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/regex-base- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/regex-base- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/regex-tdfa- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/regex-tdfa- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/resourcet-1.3.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/safe-0.3.21.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/safe-0.3.21_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/safe-exceptions- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/safe-exceptions- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/scientific- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/scientific- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/semialign-1.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/semialign-1.3_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/semigroupoids- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/semigroupoids- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/serialise- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/serialise- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/servant-0.20.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/servant-0.20.1_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/servant-server-0.20.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/servant-server-0.20_4.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/simple-sendfile-0.2.32.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/singleton-bool-0.1.7.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/singleton-bool-0.1.7_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/skylighting-0.14.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/skylighting-core-0.14.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/skylighting-format-ansi-0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/skylighting-format-blaze-html- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/skylighting-format-context- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/skylighting-format-latex-0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/socks-0.6.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/some-1.0.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/sop-core- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/sop-core- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/split-0.2.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/splitmix- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/streaming-commons- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/streaming-commons- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/strict-0.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/strict-0.5_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/string-conversions- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/string-conversions- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/syb- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/tagged-0.8.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/tagsoup-0.14.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/temporary-1.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/texmath- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/text-conversions- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/text-iso8601-0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/text-iso8601-0.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/text-short-0.1.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/text-short-0.1.5_3.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/th-abstraction- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/th-abstraction- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/th-compat-0.1.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/th-compat-0.1.4_4.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/th-lift-0.8.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/th-lift-instances-0.1.20.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/these-1.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/these-1.2_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/time-compat- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/time-compat- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/time-manager-0.0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/tls-2.0.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/tls-2.0.1_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/toml-parser- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/transformers-base-0.4.6.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/transformers-compat-0.7.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/type-equality-1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/type-equality-1_6.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/typed-process- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/typst- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/typst-symbols-0.1.5.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/typst-symbols-0.1.5_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unicode-collation- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unicode-data- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unicode-data- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unicode-transforms- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unicode-transforms- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/uniplate-1.6.13.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/uniplate-1.6.13_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unix-compat-0.7.1.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unix-time-0.4.12.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unliftio- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unliftio-core- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unliftio-core- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unordered-containers-0.2.20.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/unordered-containers-0.2.20_1.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/utf8-string-1.0.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/uuid-types- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/vault- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/vault- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/vector- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/vector-algorithms- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/vector-algorithms- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/vector-stream- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/wai-3.2.4.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/wai-app-static-3.1.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/wai-cors-0.2.7.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/wai-extra-3.1.14.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/wai-logger-2.4.0.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/warp-3.3.31.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/witherable-0.4.2.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/witherable-0.4.2_4.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/word8-0.1.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/xml-1.3.14.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/xml-1.3.14_2.cabal: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/xml-conduit- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/xml-types-0.3.8.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/yaml- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/yaml- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/zip-archive-0.4.3.tar.gz: OK >> (SHA256) hackage/zlib- OK >> (SHA256) hackage/zlib- OK ===> Extracting for pandoc- ===> Patching for pandoc- ===> Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang ===> Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++ ===> Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc ===> Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++ >>> Running configure in textproc/pandoc at 1714098376.32 ===> textproc/pandoc ===> Generating configure for pandoc- ===> Configuring for pandoc- >>> Running build in textproc/pandoc at 1714098377.44 ===> textproc/pandoc ===> Building for pandoc- Warning: No remote package servers have been specified. Usually you would have one specified in the config file. Resolving dependencies... Build profile: -w ghc-9.6.5 -O1 In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details): - OneTuple- (lib) (first run) - Only-0.1 (lib) (first run) - SHA- (lib) (first run) - StateVar-1.2.2 (lib) (first run) - alex- (exe:alex) (first run) - appar-0.1.8 (lib:appar) (first run) - attoparsec-0.14.4 (lib:attoparsec-internal) (first run) - auto-update-0.1.6 (lib) (first run) - base-compat-0.13.1 (lib) (first run) - base-orphans-0.9.1 (lib) (first run) - base-unicode-symbols- (lib:base-unicode-symbols) (first run) - base16-bytestring- (lib) (first run) - base64-bytestring- (lib) (first run) - basement-0.0.16 (lib) (first run) - blaze-builder- (lib) (first run) - bsb-http-chunked- (lib) (first run) - byteorder-1.0.4 (lib:byteorder) (first run) - cabal-doctest-1.0.9 (lib) (first run) - call-stack-0.4.0 (lib) (first run) - cereal- (lib) (first run) - colour-2.3.6 (lib) (first run) - data-default-class- (lib:data-default-class) (first run) - dlist-1.0 (lib) (first run) - easy-file-0.2.5 (lib) (first run) - emojis-0.1.3 (lib) (first run) - file-embed- (lib) (first run) - generically-0.1.1 (lib) (first run) - haddock-library-1.11.0 (lib) (first run) - half-0.3.1 (lib) (first run) - happy- (exe:happy) (first run) - hashable- (lib) (first run) - haskell-lexer-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - hourglass-0.2.12 (lib) (first run) - hsc2hs-0.68.10 (exe:hsc2hs) (first run) - indexed-traversable-0.1.3 (lib) (first run) - integer-logarithms- (lib) (first run) - isocline-1.0.9 (lib) (first run) - jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1 (lib) (first run) - lua-2.3.2 (lib) (first run) - mime-types- (lib) (first run) - network-byte-order-0.1.7 (lib) (first run) - old-locale- (lib) (first run) - ordered-containers-0.2.3 (lib) (first run) - prettyprinter-1.7.1 (lib) (first run) - primitive- (lib) (first run) - regex-base- (lib) (first run) - safe-0.3.21 (lib) (first run) - safe-exceptions- (lib) (first run) - sop-core- (lib) (first run) - split-0.2.5 (lib) (first run) - splitmix- (lib) (first run) - syb- (lib) (first run) - tagged-0.8.8 (lib) (first run) - tagsoup-0.14.8 (lib) (first run) - th-abstraction- (lib) (first run) - th-compat-0.1.4 (lib) (first run) - transformers-compat-0.7.2 (lib) (first run) - type-equality-1 (lib) (first run) - typst-symbols-0.1.5 (lib) (first run) - unicode-data- (lib) (first run) - unix-compat-0.7.1 (lib) (first run) - unliftio-core- (lib) (first run) - utf8-string-1.0.2 (lib) (first run) - vector-stream- (lib) (first run) - word8-0.1.3 (lib) (first run) - xml-1.3.14 (lib:xml) (first run) - xml-types-0.3.8 (lib) (first run) - zlib- (lib) (first run) - contravariant-1.5.5 (lib) (first run) - some-1.0.6 (lib) (first run) - text-conversions- (lib) (first run) - memory-0.18.0 (lib) (first run) - blaze-markup- (lib) (first run) - HUnit- (lib) (first run) - ansi-terminal-types-1.1 (lib) (first run) - data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1 (lib:data-default-instances-containers) (first run) - cookie-0.4.6 (lib) (first run) - data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1 (lib:data-default-instances-dlist) (first run) - unordered-containers-0.2.20 (lib) (first run) - time-compat- (lib) (first run) - text-short-0.1.5 (lib) (first run) - psqueues- (lib) (first run) - data-fix-0.3.2 (lib) (first run) - case-insensitive- (lib) (first run) - async-2.2.5 (lib) (first run) - pretty-show-1.10 (lib) (first run) - network- (lib:network) (first run) - lpeg-1.1.0 (lib) (first run) - hslua-core-2.3.2 (lib) (first run) - old-time- (lib:old-time) (first run) - data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1 (lib:data-default-instances-old-locale) (first run) - toml-parser- (lib) (first run) - scientific- (lib) (first run) - integer-conversion- (lib) (first run) - cborg- (lib) (first run) - regex-tdfa- (lib) (first run) - doclayout- (lib) (first run) - random- (lib) (first run) - distributive- (lib) (first run) - boring-0.2.1 (lib) (first run) - assoc-1.1 (lib) (first run) - th-lift-0.8.4 (lib) (first run) - network-uri- (lib) (first run) - transformers-base-0.4.6 (lib) (first run) - mmorph-1.2.0 (lib) (first run) - Glob-0.10.2 (lib) (first run) - unicode-transforms- (lib) (first run) - resourcet-1.3.0 (lib) (first run) - string-conversions- (lib) (first run) - vector- (lib) (first run) - digest- (lib) (first run) - pem-0.2.4 (lib) (first run) - crypton-0.34 (lib) (first run) - asn1-types-0.3.4 (lib:asn1-types) (first run) - blaze-html- (lib) (first run) - ansi-terminal-1.1 (lib) (first run) - vault- (lib) (first run) - uniplate-1.6.13 (lib) (first run) - http-types-0.12.4 (lib) (first run) - http-media- (lib) (first run) - unliftio- (lib) (first run) - typed-process- (lib) (first run) - socks-0.6.1 (lib) (first run) - recv-0.1.0 (lib) (first run) - iproute-1.7.12 (lib) (first run) - hslua-repl-0.1.2 (lib) (first run) - hslua-marshalling-2.3.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-list-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - unix-time-0.4.12 (lib:unix-time) (first run) - data-default- (lib:data-default) (first run) - attoparsec-0.14.4 (lib) (first run) - text-iso8601-0.1 (lib) (first run) - gridtables- (lib) (first run) - djot- (lib) (first run) - uuid-types- (lib) (first run) - temporary-1.3 (lib) (first run) - streaming-commons- (lib) (first run) - QuickCheck-2.14.3 (lib) (first run) - comonad-5.0.8 (lib) (first run) - dec-0.0.5 (lib) (first run) - constraints-0.14 (lib) (first run) - these-1.2 (lib) (first run) - monad-control- (lib) (first run) - commonmark- (lib) (first run) - th-lift-instances-0.1.20 (lib) (first run) - indexed-traversable-instances- (lib) (first run) - bitvec- (lib) (first run) - JuicyPixels-3.3.8 (lib) (first run) - zip-archive-0.4.3 (lib) (first run) - asn1-encoding-0.9.6 (lib) (first run) - prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3 (lib) (first run) - wai-3.2.4 (lib) (first run) - time-manager-0.0.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-typing-0.1.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-cli-1.4.2 (lib) (first run) - hslua-classes-2.3.1 (lib) (first run) - network-control-0.0.2 (lib) (first run) - fast-logger-3.2.2 (lib) (first run) - http-date-0.0.11 (lib) (first run) - cassava- (lib) (first run) - http-api-data-0.6 (lib) (first run) - http-client-0.7.16 (lib) (first run) - bifunctors-5.6.1 (lib) (first run) - singleton-bool-0.1.7 (lib) (first run) - strict-0.5 (lib) (first run) - commonmark-extensions- (lib) (first run) - unicode-collation- (lib) (first run) - witherable-0.4.2 (lib) (first run) - vector-algorithms- (lib) (first run) - asn1-parse-0.9.5 (lib:asn1-parse) (first run) - optparse-applicative- (lib) (first run) - wai-cors-0.2.7 (lib) (first run) - hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1 (lib) (first run) - http2-5.0.1 (lib) (first run) - wai-logger-2.4.0 (lib:wai-logger) (first run) - semigroupoids- (lib) (first run) - serialise- (lib) (first run) - mono-traversable- (lib) (first run) - crypton-x509-1.7.6 (lib) (first run) - hslua-packaging-2.3.1 (lib) (first run) - semialign-1.3 (lib) (first run) - conduit-1.3.5 (lib) (first run) - crypton-x509-store-1.6.9 (lib) (first run) - hslua-module-zip-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-module-version-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-module-text-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-module-system-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - hslua-module-path-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - aeson- (lib) (first run) - libyaml-0.1.2 (lib) (first run) - conduit-extra-1.3.6 (lib) (first run) - crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12 (lib) (first run) - crypton-x509-system-1.6.7 (lib) (first run) - servant-0.20.1 (lib) (first run) - pandoc-types-1.23.1 (lib) (first run) - ipynb-0.2 (lib) (first run) - hslua-aeson-2.3.1 (lib) (first run) - doctemplates-0.11 (lib) (first run) - aeson-pretty-0.8.10 (lib) (first run) - yaml- (lib) (first run) - xml-conduit- (lib:xml-conduit) (first run) - simple-sendfile-0.2.32 (lib) (first run) - tls-2.0.1 (lib) (first run) - texmath- (lib) (first run) - commonmark-pandoc- (lib) (first run) - hslua-2.3.1 (lib) (first run) - typst- (lib) (first run) - skylighting-core-0.14.1 (lib) (first run) - pandoc- (lib:xml-light) (first run) - citeproc-0.8.1 (lib) (first run) - warp-3.3.31 (lib) (first run) - crypton-connection-0.3.2 (lib) (first run) - pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.4 (lib) (first run) - hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1 (lib) (first run) - skylighting-format-latex-0.1 (lib) (first run) - skylighting-format-context- (lib) (first run) - skylighting-format-blaze-html- (lib) (first run) - skylighting-format-ansi-0.1 (lib) (first run) - wai-extra-3.1.14 (lib) (first run) - http-client-tls- (lib) (first run) - skylighting-0.14.1 (lib) (first run) - wai-app-static-3.1.8 (lib) (first run) - pandoc- (lib) (first run) - servant-server-0.20 (lib) (first run) - pandoc-lua-engine- (lib) (first run) - pandoc-server- (lib) (first run) - pandoc-cli- (exe:pandoc) (first run) Configuring library for OneTuple- Preprocessing library for OneTuple- Building library for OneTuple- [1 of 3] Compiling Data.Tuple.Solo ( src/Data/Tuple/Solo.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.Tuple.OneTuple ( src/Data/Tuple/OneTuple.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.Tuple.Solo.TH ( src/Data/Tuple/Solo/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for Only-0.1.. Preprocessing library for Only-0.1.. Building library for Only-0.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Tuple.Only ( src/Data/Tuple/Only.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for SHA- Preprocessing library for SHA- Building library for SHA- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Digest.Pure.SHA ( src/Data/Digest/Pure/SHA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for StateVar-1.2.2.. Preprocessing library for StateVar-1.2.2.. Building library for StateVar-1.2.2.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.StateVar ( src/Data/StateVar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/StateVar.hs:220:33: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 220 | default ($~) :: (MonadIO m, a ~ b, HasGetter t a) => t -> (a -> b) -> m () | ^ src/Data/StateVar.hs:226:34: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 226 | default ($~!) :: (MonadIO m, a ~ b, HasGetter t a) => t -> (a -> b) -> m () | ^ src/Data/StateVar.hs:230:32: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 230 | defaultUpdate :: (MonadIO m, a ~ b, HasGetter t a, HasSetter t a) => t -> (a -> b) -> m () | ^ src/Data/StateVar.hs:235:38: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 235 | defaultUpdateStrict :: (MonadIO m, a ~ b, HasGetter t a, HasSetter t a) => t -> (a -> b) -> m () | ^ Configuring executable 'alex' for alex- Preprocessing executable 'alex' for alex- Building executable 'alex' for alex- [ 1 of 19] Compiling DFS ( src/DFS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 19] Compiling Data.Ranged.Boundaries ( src/Data/Ranged/Boundaries.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 19] Compiling Data.Ranged.Ranges ( src/Data/Ranged/Ranges.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 19] Compiling Data.Ranged.RangedSet ( src/Data/Ranged/RangedSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 19] Compiling Data.Ranged ( src/Data/Ranged.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 19] Compiling Paths_alex ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 19] Compiling UTF8 ( src/UTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 19] Compiling CharSet ( src/CharSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 19] Compiling Util ( src/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 19] Compiling AbsSyn ( src/AbsSyn.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 19] Compiling ParseMonad ( src/ParseMonad.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 19] Compiling Scan ( src/Scan.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 19] Compiling Parser ( src/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 19] Compiling Output ( src/Output.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 19] Compiling NFA ( src/NFA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 19] Compiling Info ( src/Info.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 19] Compiling DFAMin ( src/DFAMin.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 19] Compiling DFA ( src/DFA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 19] Compiling Main ( src/Main.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 20] Linking /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- OSThreads.c(OSThreads.o:(createAttachedOSThread) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2.a): warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy() EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2.a): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() Configuring appar-0.1.8... Warning: appar.cabal:20:37: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Preprocessing library for appar-0.1.8.. Building library for appar-0.1.8.. on the commandline: warning: [-Wdeprecated-flags] -Wnoncanonical-monadfail-instances is deprecated: fail is no longer a method of Monad [1 of 5] Compiling Text.Appar.Input ( Text/Appar/Input.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Text.Appar.Parser ( Text/Appar/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Text/Appar/Parser.hs:59:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Fail’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Fail’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Fail() | 59 | import Control.Monad.Fail as Fail | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 5] Compiling Text.Appar.LazyByteString ( Text/Appar/LazyByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Text.Appar.ByteString ( Text/Appar/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Text.Appar.String ( Text/Appar/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library 'attoparsec-internal' for attoparsec-0.14.4.. Preprocessing library 'attoparsec-internal' for attoparsec-0.14.4.. Building library 'attoparsec-internal' for attoparsec-0.14.4.. [1 of 6] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.FastSet ( internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/FastSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/FastSet.hs:97:18: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memset’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.fillBytes instead" | 97 | _ <- I.memset t 0 32 | ^^^^^^^^ [2 of 6] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Compat ( internal/Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 6] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Fhthagn ( internal/Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Fhthagn.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Buffer ( internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Buffer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Buffer.hs:62:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 62 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Buffer.hs:121:11: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 121 | memcpy (ptr0 `plusPtr` (off0+len0)) | ^^^^^^ internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Buffer.hs:132:13: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 132 | memcpy ptr (ptr0 `plusPtr` off0) (fromIntegral len0) | ^^^^^^ internal/Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Buffer.hs:133:13: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 133 | memcpy (ptr `plusPtr` len0) (ptr1 `plusPtr` off1) | ^^^^^^ [5 of 6] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Text.Buffer ( internal/Data/Attoparsec/Text/Buffer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) internal/Data/Attoparsec/Text/Buffer.hs:44:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 44 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [6 of 6] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Text.FastSet ( internal/Data/Attoparsec/Text/FastSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for auto-update-0.1.6.. Preprocessing library for auto-update-0.1.6.. Building library for auto-update-0.1.6.. [1 of 5] Compiling Control.AutoUpdate ( Control/AutoUpdate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Control.AutoUpdate.Util ( Control/AutoUpdate/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Control.Debounce.Internal ( Control/Debounce/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Control.Debounce ( Control/Debounce.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Control.Reaper ( Control/Reaper.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for base-compat-0.13.1.. Preprocessing library for base-compat-0.13.1.. Building library for base-compat-0.13.1.. [ 1 of 130] Compiling Control.Concurrent.Compat ( src/Control/Concurrent/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 130] Compiling Control.Concurrent.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Concurrent/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 130] Compiling Control.Concurrent.MVar.Compat ( src/Control/Concurrent/MVar/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 130] Compiling Control.Concurrent.MVar.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Concurrent/MVar/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 130] Compiling Control.Exception.Compat ( src/Control/Exception/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 130] Compiling Control.Exception.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Exception/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.Compat ( src/Control/Monad/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Monad/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.Fail.Compat ( src/Control/Monad/Fail/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 10 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.Fail.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Monad/Fail/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 11 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.IO.Class.Compat ( src/Control/Monad/IO/Class/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 12 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.IO.Class.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Monad/IO/Class/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 13 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Unsafe.Compat ( src/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Unsafe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 14 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Unsafe.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Monad/ST/Lazy/Unsafe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 15 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe.Compat ( src/Control/Monad/ST/Unsafe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 16 of 130] Compiling Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe.Compat.Repl ( src/Control/Monad/ST/Unsafe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 17 of 130] Compiling Data.Bifoldable.Compat ( src/Data/Bifoldable/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 18 of 130] Compiling Data.Bifoldable.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Bifoldable/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 19 of 130] Compiling Data.Bifoldable1.Compat ( src/Data/Bifoldable1/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 20 of 130] Compiling Data.Bifoldable1.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Bifoldable1/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 21 of 130] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Compat ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 22 of 130] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 23 of 130] Compiling Data.Bitraversable.Compat ( src/Data/Bitraversable/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 24 of 130] Compiling Data.Bitraversable.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Bitraversable/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 25 of 130] Compiling Data.Bits.Compat ( src/Data/Bits/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 26 of 130] Compiling Data.Bits.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Bits/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 27 of 130] Compiling Data.Bool.Compat ( src/Data/Bool/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 28 of 130] Compiling Data.Bool.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Bool/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 29 of 130] Compiling Data.Complex.Compat ( src/Data/Complex/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 30 of 130] Compiling Data.Complex.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Complex/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 31 of 130] Compiling Data.Either.Compat ( src/Data/Either/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 32 of 130] Compiling Data.Either.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Either/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 33 of 130] Compiling Data.Foldable.Compat ( src/Data/Foldable/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 34 of 130] Compiling Data.Foldable.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Foldable/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 35 of 130] Compiling Data.Foldable1.Compat ( src/Data/Foldable1/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 36 of 130] Compiling Data.Foldable1.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Foldable1/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 37 of 130] Compiling Data.Function.Compat ( src/Data/Function/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 38 of 130] Compiling Data.Function.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Function/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 39 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 40 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 41 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Compose.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Compose/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 42 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Compose.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Compose/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 43 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Const.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Const/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 44 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Const.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Const/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 45 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 46 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 47 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Identity.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Identity/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 48 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Identity.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Identity/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 49 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Product.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Product/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 50 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Product.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Product/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 51 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Sum.Compat ( src/Data/Functor/Sum/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 52 of 130] Compiling Data.Functor.Sum.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Functor/Sum/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 53 of 130] Compiling Data.IORef.Compat ( src/Data/IORef/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 54 of 130] Compiling Data.IORef.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/IORef/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 55 of 130] Compiling Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat ( src/Data/List/NonEmpty/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 56 of 130] Compiling Data.List.NonEmpty.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/List/NonEmpty/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 57 of 130] Compiling Data.Monoid.Compat ( src/Data/Monoid/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 58 of 130] Compiling Data.Monoid.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Monoid/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 59 of 130] Compiling Data.Proxy.Compat ( src/Data/Proxy/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 60 of 130] Compiling Data.Proxy.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Proxy/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 61 of 130] Compiling Data.Ratio.Compat ( src/Data/Ratio/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 62 of 130] Compiling Data.Ratio.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Ratio/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 63 of 130] Compiling Data.STRef.Compat ( src/Data/STRef/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 64 of 130] Compiling Data.STRef.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/STRef/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 65 of 130] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Compat ( src/Data/Semigroup/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 66 of 130] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Semigroup/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 67 of 130] Compiling Data.String.Compat ( src/Data/String/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 68 of 130] Compiling Data.String.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/String/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 69 of 130] Compiling Data.Traversable.Compat ( src/Data/Traversable/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 70 of 130] Compiling Data.Traversable.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Traversable/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 71 of 130] Compiling Data.Tuple.Compat ( src/Data/Tuple/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 72 of 130] Compiling Data.Tuple.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Tuple/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 73 of 130] Compiling Data.Type.Coercion.Compat ( src/Data/Type/Coercion/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 74 of 130] Compiling Data.Type.Coercion.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Type/Coercion/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 75 of 130] Compiling Data.Type.Equality.Compat ( src/Data/Type/Equality/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 76 of 130] Compiling Data.Type.Equality.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Type/Equality/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 77 of 130] Compiling Data.Version.Compat ( src/Data/Version/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 78 of 130] Compiling Data.Version.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Version/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 79 of 130] Compiling Data.Void.Compat ( src/Data/Void/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 80 of 130] Compiling Data.Void.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Void/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 81 of 130] Compiling Data.Word.Compat ( src/Data/Word/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 82 of 130] Compiling Data.Word.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Word/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 83 of 130] Compiling Debug.Trace.Compat ( src/Debug/Trace/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 84 of 130] Compiling Debug.Trace.Compat.Repl ( src/Debug/Trace/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 85 of 130] Compiling Foreign.ForeignPtr.Compat ( src/Foreign/ForeignPtr/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 86 of 130] Compiling Foreign.ForeignPtr.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/ForeignPtr/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 87 of 130] Compiling Foreign.ForeignPtr.Safe.Compat ( src/Foreign/ForeignPtr/Safe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 88 of 130] Compiling Foreign.ForeignPtr.Safe.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/ForeignPtr/Safe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 89 of 130] Compiling Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe.Compat ( src/Foreign/ForeignPtr/Unsafe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 90 of 130] Compiling Foreign.ForeignPtr.Unsafe.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/ForeignPtr/Unsafe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 91 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.Compat ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Alloc/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 92 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Alloc.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Alloc/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 93 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Array.Compat ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Array/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 94 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Array.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Array/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 95 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Safe.Compat ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Safe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 96 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Safe.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Safe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 97 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Unsafe.Compat ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Unsafe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 98 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Unsafe.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Unsafe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 99 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Utils.Compat ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Utils/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [100 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Compat ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [101 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [102 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Compat ( src/Foreign/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [103 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [104 of 130] Compiling Foreign.Marshal.Utils.Compat.Repl ( src/Foreign/Marshal/Utils/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [105 of 130] Compiling Numeric.Compat ( src/Numeric/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [106 of 130] Compiling Numeric.Compat.Repl ( src/Numeric/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [107 of 130] Compiling Numeric.Natural.Compat ( src/Numeric/Natural/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [108 of 130] Compiling Numeric.Natural.Compat.Repl ( src/Numeric/Natural/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [109 of 130] Compiling Prelude.Compat ( src/Prelude/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [110 of 130] Compiling Data.List.Compat ( src/Data/List/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [111 of 130] Compiling Data.List.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/List/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [112 of 130] Compiling Prelude.Compat.Repl ( src/Prelude/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [113 of 130] Compiling System.Environment.Compat ( src/System/Environment/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [114 of 130] Compiling System.Environment.Compat.Repl ( src/System/Environment/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [115 of 130] Compiling System.Exit.Compat ( src/System/Exit/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [116 of 130] Compiling System.Exit.Compat.Repl ( src/System/Exit/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [117 of 130] Compiling System.IO.Compat ( src/System/IO/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [118 of 130] Compiling System.IO.Compat.Repl ( src/System/IO/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [119 of 130] Compiling System.IO.Error.Compat ( src/System/IO/Error/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [120 of 130] Compiling System.IO.Error.Compat.Repl ( src/System/IO/Error/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [121 of 130] Compiling System.IO.Unsafe.Compat ( src/System/IO/Unsafe/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [122 of 130] Compiling System.IO.Unsafe.Compat.Repl ( src/System/IO/Unsafe/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [123 of 130] Compiling Text.Read.Compat ( src/Text/Read/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [124 of 130] Compiling Text.Read.Compat.Repl ( src/Text/Read/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [125 of 130] Compiling Text.Read.Lex.Compat ( src/Text/Read/Lex/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [126 of 130] Compiling Text.Read.Lex.Compat.Repl ( src/Text/Read/Lex/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [127 of 130] Compiling Type.Reflection.Compat ( src/Type/Reflection/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [128 of 130] Compiling Data.Typeable.Compat ( src/Data/Typeable/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [129 of 130] Compiling Data.Typeable.Compat.Repl ( src/Data/Typeable/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [130 of 130] Compiling Type.Reflection.Compat.Repl ( src/Type/Reflection/Compat/Repl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for base-orphans-0.9.1.. Preprocessing library for base-orphans-0.9.1.. Building library for base-orphans-0.9.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling Data.Orphans.Prelude ( src/Data/Orphans/Prelude.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Orphans ( src/Data/Orphans.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: base-unicode-symbols.cabal:59:40: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Warning: base-unicode-symbols.cabal:56:40: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Warning: base-unicode-symbols.cabal:52:34: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Configuring base-unicode-symbols- Preprocessing library for base-unicode-symbols- Building library for base-unicode-symbols- [ 1 of 14] Compiling Control.Applicative.Unicode ( src/Control/Applicative/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Control.Category.Unicode ( src/Control/Category/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 14] Compiling Control.Arrow.Unicode ( src/Control/Arrow/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 14] Compiling Control.Monad.Unicode ( src/Control/Monad/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Data.Bool.Unicode ( src/Data/Bool/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 14] Compiling Data.Eq.Unicode ( src/Data/Eq/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 14] Compiling Data.Foldable.Unicode ( src/Data/Foldable/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Data.Function.Unicode ( src/Data/Function/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Data.List.Unicode ( src/Data/List/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 14] Compiling Data.Monoid.Unicode ( src/Data/Monoid/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Data.Ord.Unicode ( src/Data/Ord/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 14] Compiling Data.String.Unicode ( src/Data/String/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 14] Compiling Numeric.Natural.Unicode ( src/Numeric/Natural/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 14] Compiling Prelude.Unicode ( src/Prelude/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for base16-bytestring- Preprocessing library for base16-bytestring- Building library for base16-bytestring- [1 of 3] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base16.Internal ( Data/ByteString/Base16/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base16 ( Data/ByteString/Base16.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base16.Lazy ( Data/ByteString/Base16/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for base64-bytestring- Preprocessing library for base64-bytestring- Building library for base64-bytestring- [1 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base64.Internal ( Data/ByteString/Base64/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base64 ( Data/ByteString/Base64.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy ( Data/ByteString/Base64/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base64.URL ( Data/ByteString/Base64/URL.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Base64.URL.Lazy ( Data/ByteString/Base64/URL/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for basement-0.0.16.. Preprocessing library for basement-0.0.16.. Building library for basement-0.0.16.. Basement/Error.hs:7:14: warning: [-Wdeprecated-flags] -XTypeInType is deprecated: use -XDataKinds and -XPolyKinds instead | 7 | {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^ [ 1 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Bifunctor ( Basement/Compat/Bifunctor.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.C.Types ( Basement/Compat/C/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.CallStack ( Basement/Compat/CallStack.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Identity ( Basement/Compat/Identity.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.IsList ( Basement/Compat/IsList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Natural ( Basement/Compat/Natural.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.NumLiteral ( Basement/Compat/NumLiteral.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.PrimTypes ( Basement/Compat/PrimTypes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Primitive ( Basement/Compat/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Semigroup ( Basement/Compat/Semigroup.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Typeable ( Basement/Compat/Typeable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.Base ( Basement/Compat/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.MonadTrans ( Basement/Compat/MonadTrans.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.AMP ( Basement/Compat/AMP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 84] Compiling Basement.Endianness ( Basement/Endianness.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 84] Compiling Basement.Floating ( Basement/Floating.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 84] Compiling Basement.Monad ( Basement/Monad.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Basement/Monad.hs:47:23: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 47 | type PrimVar m :: * -> * | ^ Basement/Monad.hs:47:28: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 47 | type PrimVar m :: * -> * | ^ [18 of 84] Compiling Basement.FinalPtr ( Basement/FinalPtr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 84] Compiling Basement.Numerical.Conversion ( Basement/Numerical/Conversion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 84] Compiling Basement.Numerical.Number ( Basement/Numerical/Number.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 84] Compiling Basement.IntegralConv ( Basement/IntegralConv.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.Char7 ( Basement/Types/Char7.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 84] Compiling Basement.Base16 ( Basement/Base16.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.Word128 ( Basement/Types/Word128.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.Word256 ( Basement/Types/Word256.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 84] Compiling Basement.Nat ( Basement/Nat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 84] Compiling Basement.Bounded ( Basement/Bounded.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 84] Compiling Basement.Numerical.Subtractive ( Basement/Numerical/Subtractive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 84] Compiling Basement.Numerical.Additive ( Basement/Numerical/Additive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 84] Compiling Basement.Numerical.Multiplicative ( Basement/Numerical/Multiplicative.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.OffsetSize ( Basement/Types/OffsetSize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.Ptr ( Basement/Types/Ptr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [33 of 84] Compiling Basement.Terminal.Size ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 84] Compiling Basement.Terminal ( Basement/Terminal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [35 of 84] Compiling Basement.Runtime ( Basement/Runtime.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [36 of 84] Compiling Basement.PrimType ( Basement/PrimType.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [37 of 84] Compiling Basement.MutableBuilder ( Basement/MutableBuilder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [38 of 84] Compiling Basement.Exception ( Basement/Exception.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [39 of 84] Compiling Basement.NonEmpty ( Basement/NonEmpty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [40 of 84] Compiling Basement.Bindings.Memory ( Basement/Bindings/Memory.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [41 of 84] Compiling Basement.Alg.Class ( Basement/Alg/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [42 of 84] Compiling Basement.Compat.ExtList ( Basement/Compat/ExtList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [43 of 84] Compiling Basement.Alg.XorShift ( Basement/Alg/XorShift.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [44 of 84] Compiling Basement.Alg.PrimArray ( Basement/Alg/PrimArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [45 of 84] Compiling Basement.Alg.Mutable ( Basement/Alg/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [46 of 84] Compiling Basement.NormalForm ( Basement/NormalForm.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [47 of 84] Compiling Basement.These ( Basement/These.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [48 of 84] Compiling Basement.Sized.List ( Basement/Sized/List.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [49 of 84] Compiling Basement.Block.Base ( Basement/Block/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [50 of 84] Compiling Basement.Cast ( Basement/Cast.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [51 of 84] Compiling Basement.Block.Mutable ( Basement/Block/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [52 of 84] Compiling Basement.Block ( Basement/Block.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [53 of 84] Compiling Basement.Sized.Block ( Basement/Sized/Block.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [54 of 84] Compiling Basement.BlockN ( Basement/BlockN.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [55 of 84] Compiling Basement.Bits ( Basement/Bits.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [56 of 84] Compiling Basement.UArray.Base ( Basement/UArray/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [57 of 84] Compiling Basement.BoxedArray ( Basement/BoxedArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [58 of 84] Compiling Basement.Sized.Vect ( Basement/Sized/Vect.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [59 of 84] Compiling Basement.UArray.Mutable ( Basement/UArray/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [60 of 84] Compiling Basement.UArray ( Basement/UArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [61 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.AsciiString ( Basement/Types/AsciiString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [62 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.Encoding.Encoding ( Basement/String/Encoding/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [63 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.Encoding.UTF32 ( Basement/String/Encoding/UTF32.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [64 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.Encoding.UTF16 ( Basement/String/Encoding/UTF16.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [65 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.Encoding.ISO_8859_1 ( Basement/String/Encoding/ISO_8859_1.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [66 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.Encoding.ASCII7 ( Basement/String/Encoding/ASCII7.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [67 of 84] Compiling Basement.Sized.UVect ( Basement/Sized/UVect.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [68 of 84] Compiling Basement.UTF8.Types ( Basement/UTF8/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [69 of 84] Compiling Basement.UTF8.Table ( Basement/UTF8/Table.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [70 of 84] Compiling Basement.UTF8.Helper ( Basement/UTF8/Helper.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [71 of 84] Compiling Basement.Types.CharUTF8 ( Basement/Types/CharUTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [72 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.CaseMapping ( Basement/String/CaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [73 of 84] Compiling Basement.Alg.UTF8 ( Basement/Alg/UTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [74 of 84] Compiling Basement.UTF8.Base ( Basement/UTF8/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [75 of 84] Compiling Basement.Show ( Basement/Show.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [76 of 84] Compiling Basement.Error ( Basement/Error.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [77 of 84] Compiling Basement.Imports ( Basement/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [78 of 84] Compiling Basement.Environment ( Basement/Environment.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [79 of 84] Compiling Basement.Alg.String ( Basement/Alg/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [80 of 84] Compiling Basement.String ( Basement/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [81 of 84] Compiling Basement.Terminal.ANSI ( Basement/Terminal/ANSI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [82 of 84] Compiling Basement.From ( Basement/From.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [83 of 84] Compiling Basement.Block.Builder ( Basement/Block/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [84 of 84] Compiling Basement.String.Builder ( Basement/String/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for blaze-builder- Preprocessing library for blaze-builder- Building library for blaze-builder- [ 1 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Write ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Internal/Write.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Compat.Write ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Compat/Write.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Int ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Int.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Word ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Html/Word.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8 ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Char8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Char/Utf8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Html/Utf8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.HTTP ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/HTTP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Word ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder/Word.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 11] Compiling Blaze.ByteString.Builder ( Blaze/ByteString/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for bsb-http-chunked- Preprocessing library for bsb-http-chunked- Building library for bsb-http-chunked- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.ByteString.Builder.HTTP.Chunked ( Data/ByteString/Builder/HTTP/Chunked.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring byteorder-1.0.4... Preprocessing library for byteorder-1.0.4.. Building library for byteorder-1.0.4.. [1 of 1] Compiling System.ByteOrder ( System/ByteOrder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for cabal-doctest-1.0.9.. Preprocessing library for cabal-doctest-1.0.9.. Building library for cabal-doctest-1.0.9.. [1 of 1] Compiling Distribution.Extra.Doctest ( src/Distribution/Extra/Doctest.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for call-stack-0.4.0.. Preprocessing library for call-stack-0.4.0.. Building library for call-stack-0.4.0.. [1 of 3] Compiling Data.SrcLoc ( src/Data/SrcLoc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.CallStack ( src/Data/CallStack.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Paths_call_stack ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for cereal- Preprocessing library for cereal- Building library for cereal- [1 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize.Get ( src/Data/Serialize/Get.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize.Put ( src/Data/Serialize/Put.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize.IEEE754 ( src/Data/Serialize/IEEE754.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Data.Serialize ( src/Data/Serialize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Serialize.hs:702:22: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 702 | newtype Tagged (s :: * -> *) b = Tagged {unTagged :: b} | ^ src/Data/Serialize.hs:702:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 702 | newtype Tagged (s :: * -> *) b = Tagged {unTagged :: b} | ^ Configuring library for colour-2.3.6.. Preprocessing library for colour-2.3.6.. Building library for colour-2.3.6.. [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.CIE.Chromaticity ( Data/Colour/CIE/Chromaticity.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.CIE.Illuminant ( Data/Colour/CIE/Illuminant.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Chan ( Data/Colour/Chan.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Internal ( Data/Colour/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Matrix ( Data/Colour/Matrix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGB ( Data/Colour/RGB.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSL ( Data/Colour/RGBSpace/HSL.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSV ( Data/Colour/RGBSpace/HSV.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear ( Data/Colour/SRGB/Linear.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.RGBSpace ( Data/Colour/RGBSpace.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.SRGB ( Data/Colour/SRGB.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour ( Data/Colour.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.Names ( Data/Colour/Names.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 14] Compiling Data.Colour.CIE ( Data/Colour/CIE.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: data-default-class.cabal:17:33: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Configuring data-default-class- Preprocessing library for data-default-class- Building library for data-default-class- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Default.Class ( Data/Default/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for dlist-1.0.. Preprocessing library for dlist-1.0.. Building library for dlist-1.0.. [1 of 5] Compiling Data.DList.Internal ( Data/DList/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/DList/Internal.hs:642:12: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 642 | instance a ~ Char => IsString (DList a) where | ^ [2 of 5] Compiling Data.DList ( Data/DList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.DList.DNonEmpty.Internal ( Data/DList/DNonEmpty/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/DList/DNonEmpty/Internal.hs:459:12: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 459 | instance a ~ Char => IsString (DNonEmpty a) where | ^ [4 of 5] Compiling Data.DList.DNonEmpty ( Data/DList/DNonEmpty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.DList.Unsafe ( Data/DList/Unsafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for easy-file-0.2.5.. Preprocessing library for easy-file-0.2.5.. Building library for easy-file-0.2.5.. [1 of 4] Compiling System.EasyFile.Directory ( System/EasyFile/Directory.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling System.EasyFile.FilePath ( System/EasyFile/FilePath.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling System.EasyFile.Missing ( System/EasyFile/Missing.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling System.EasyFile ( System/EasyFile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for emojis-0.1.3.. Preprocessing library for emojis-0.1.3.. Building library for emojis-0.1.3.. [1 of 1] Compiling Text.Emoji ( src/Text/Emoji.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for file-embed- Preprocessing library for file-embed- Building library for file-embed- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.FileEmbed ( Data/FileEmbed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/FileEmbed.hs:71:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 71 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for generically-0.1.1.. Preprocessing library for generically-0.1.1.. Building library for generically-0.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling GHC.Generics.Generically ( src/GHC/Generics/Generically.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for haddock-library-1.11.0.. Preprocessing library for haddock-library-1.11.0.. Building library for haddock-library-1.11.0.. [1 of 8] Compiling CompatPrelude ( src/CompatPrelude.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Types ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Monad.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Identifier ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Identifier.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Markup ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Markup.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Doc ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Doc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 8] Compiling Documentation.Haddock.Parser ( src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for half-0.3.1.. Preprocessing library for half-0.3.1.. Building library for half-0.3.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling Numeric.Half.Internal ( src/Numeric/Half/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Numeric.Half ( src/Numeric/Half.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring executable 'happy' for happy- Preprocessing executable 'happy' for happy- Building executable 'happy' for happy- [ 1 of 19] Compiling AbsSyn ( src/AbsSyn.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 19] Compiling GenUtils ( src/GenUtils.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 19] Compiling NameSet ( src/NameSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 19] Compiling ParamRules ( src/ParamRules.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 19] Compiling ParseMonad ( src/ParseMonad.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 19] Compiling Lexer ( src/Lexer.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 19] Compiling AttrGrammar ( src/AttrGrammar.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 19] Compiling AttrGrammarParser ( src/AttrGrammarParser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 19] Compiling Grammar ( src/Grammar.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 19] Compiling LALR ( src/LALR.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 19] Compiling First ( src/First.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 19] Compiling Parser ( src/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 19] Compiling Paths_happy ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 19] Compiling Info ( src/Info.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 19] Compiling PrettyGrammar ( src/PrettyGrammar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 19] Compiling ProduceGLRCode ( src/ProduceGLRCode.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 19] Compiling Target ( src/Target.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 19] Compiling ProduceCode ( src/ProduceCode.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 19] Compiling Main ( src/Main.lhs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 20] Linking /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- OSThreads.c(OSThreads.o:(createAttachedOSThread) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2.a): warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy() EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2.a): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() Configuring library for hashable- Preprocessing library for hashable- Building library for hashable- [1 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable.Imports ( src/Data/Hashable/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable.LowLevel ( src/Data/Hashable/LowLevel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable.Class ( src/Data/Hashable/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable.Lifted ( src/Data/Hashable/Lifted.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable.Generic.Instances ( src/Data/Hashable/Generic/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Hashable/Generic/Instances.hs:5:14: warning: [GHC-19244] [-Wtrustworthy-safe] ‘Data.Hashable.Generic.Instances’ is marked as Trustworthy but has been inferred as safe! | 5 | {-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^ [6 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable.Generic ( src/Data/Hashable/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling Data.Hashable ( src/Data/Hashable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for haskell-lexer-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for haskell-lexer-1.1.1.. Building library for haskell-lexer-1.1.1.. [1 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Lexer.Position ( Language/Haskell/Lexer/Position.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Lexer.Tokens ( Language/Haskell/Lexer/Tokens.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Lexer.Layout ( Language/Haskell/Lexer/Layout.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Lexer.Utils ( Language/Haskell/Lexer/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Lexer.Lex ( Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:230:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start5’ | 230 | start5 is = state5 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:249:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start7’ | 249 | start7 is = state7 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:295:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start8’ | 295 | start8 is = state8 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:310:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start10’ | 310 | start10 is = state10 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:330:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start12’ | 330 | start12 is = state12 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:339:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start13’ | 339 | start13 is = state13 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:348:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start14’ | 348 | start14 is = state14 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:358:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start15’ | 358 | start15 is = state15 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:367:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start16’ | 367 | start16 is = state16 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:377:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start17’ | 377 | start17 is = state17 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:386:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start18’ | 386 | start18 is = state18 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:397:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start19’ | 397 | start19 is = state19 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:406:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start20’ | 406 | start20 is = state20 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:415:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start21’ | 415 | start21 is = state21 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:428:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start22’ | 428 | start22 is = state22 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:437:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start23’ | 437 | start23 is = state23 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:446:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start24’ | 446 | start24 is = state24 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:455:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start25’ | 455 | start25 is = state25 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:465:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start26’ | 465 | start26 is = state26 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:475:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start27’ | 475 | start27 is = state27 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:484:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start28’ | 484 | start28 is = state28 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:493:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start29’ | 493 | start29 is = state29 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:503:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start30’ | 503 | start30 is = state30 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:516:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start32’ | 516 | start32 is = state32 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:525:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start33’ | 525 | start33 is = state33 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:534:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start34’ | 534 | start34 is = state34 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:571:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start35’ | 571 | start35 is = state35 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:582:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start36’ | 582 | start36 is = state36 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:601:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start38’ | 601 | start38 is = state38 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:625:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start39’ | 625 | start39 is = state39 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:657:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start41’ | 657 | start41 is = state41 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:673:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start42’ | 673 | start42 is = state42 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:685:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start44’ | 685 | start44 is = state44 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:725:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start45’ | 725 | start45 is = state45 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:738:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start46’ | 738 | start46 is = state46 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:747:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start47’ | 747 | start47 is = state47 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:756:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start48’ | 756 | start48 is = state48 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:766:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start49’ | 766 | start49 is = state49 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:775:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start50’ | 775 | start50 is = state50 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:785:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start51’ | 785 | start51 is = state51 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:794:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start52’ | 794 | start52 is = state52 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:805:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start53’ | 805 | start53 is = state53 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:814:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start54’ | 814 | start54 is = state54 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:823:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start55’ | 823 | start55 is = state55 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:836:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start56’ | 836 | start56 is = state56 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:845:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start57’ | 845 | start57 is = state57 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:854:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start58’ | 854 | start58 is = state58 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:863:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start59’ | 863 | start59 is = state59 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:873:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start60’ | 873 | start60 is = state60 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:883:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start61’ | 883 | start61 is = state61 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:892:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start62’ | 892 | start62 is = state62 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:901:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start63’ | 901 | start63 is = state63 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:911:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start64’ | 911 | start64 is = state64 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:924:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start65’ | 924 | start65 is = state65 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:934:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start66’ | 934 | start66 is = state66 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:943:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start67’ | 943 | start67 is = state67 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:952:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start68’ | 952 | start68 is = state68 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:989:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start69’ | 989 | start69 is = state69 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1000:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start70’ | 1000 | start70 is = state70 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1012:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start71’ | 1012 | start71 is = state71 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1036:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start72’ | 1036 | start72 is = state72 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1194:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start82’ | 1194 | start82 is = state82 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1220:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start84’ | 1220 | start84 is = state84 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1234:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start85’ | 1234 | start85 is = state85 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1271:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start88’ | 1271 | start88 is = state88 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1293:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start90’ | 1293 | start90 is = state90 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1485:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start98’ | 1485 | start98 is = state98 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1592:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start101’ | 1592 | start101 is = state101 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1614:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start102’ | 1614 | start102 is = state102 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1658:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start104’ | 1658 | start104 is = state104 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1702:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start106’ | 1702 | start106 is = state106 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1746:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start108’ | 1746 | start108 is = state108 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:1802:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start110’ | 1802 | start110 is = state110 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:2716:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start136’ | 2716 | start136 is = state136 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:2822:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start139’ | 2822 | start139 is = state139 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3650:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start162’ | 3650 | start162 is = state162 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3684:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start163’ | 3684 | start163 is = state163 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3740:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start164’ | 3740 | start164 is = state164 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3774:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start165’ | 3774 | start165 is = state165 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3808:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start166’ | 3808 | start166 is = state166 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3818:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start169’ | 3818 | start169 is = state169 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3832:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start173’ | 3832 | start173 is = state173 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3868:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start174’ | 3868 | start174 is = state174 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3903:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start175’ | 3903 | start175 is = state175 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3938:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start176’ | 3938 | start176 is = state176 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:3973:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start177’ | 3973 | start177 is = state177 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4008:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start178’ | 4008 | start178 is = state178 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4043:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start179’ | 4043 | start179 is = state179 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4080:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start180’ | 4080 | start180 is = state180 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4115:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start181’ | 4115 | start181 is = state181 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4150:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start182’ | 4150 | start182 is = state182 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4186:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start183’ | 4186 | start183 is = state183 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4221:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start184’ | 4221 | start184 is = state184 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4256:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start185’ | 4256 | start185 is = state185 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4291:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start186’ | 4291 | start186 is = state186 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4326:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start187’ | 4326 | start187 is = state187 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4361:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start188’ | 4361 | start188 is = state188 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4396:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start189’ | 4396 | start189 is = state189 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4431:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start190’ | 4431 | start190 is = state190 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4466:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start191’ | 4466 | start191 is = state191 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4501:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start192’ | 4501 | start192 is = state192 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4536:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start193’ | 4536 | start193 is = state193 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4573:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start194’ | 4573 | start194 is = state194 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4608:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start195’ | 4608 | start195 is = state195 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4643:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start196’ | 4643 | start196 is = state196 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4678:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start197’ | 4678 | start197 is = state197 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4714:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start198’ | 4714 | start198 is = state198 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4749:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start199’ | 4749 | start199 is = state199 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4784:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start200’ | 4784 | start200 is = state200 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4820:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start201’ | 4820 | start201 is = state201 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4855:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start202’ | 4855 | start202 is = state202 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4890:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start203’ | 4890 | start203 is = state203 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4925:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start204’ | 4925 | start204 is = state204 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4960:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start205’ | 4960 | start205 is = state205 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:4995:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start206’ | 4995 | start206 is = state206 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5030:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start207’ | 5030 | start207 is = state207 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5065:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start208’ | 5065 | start208 is = state208 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5100:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start209’ | 5100 | start209 is = state209 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5135:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start210’ | 5135 | start210 is = state210 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5170:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start211’ | 5170 | start211 is = state211 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5205:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start212’ | 5205 | start212 is = state212 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5240:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start213’ | 5240 | start213 is = state213 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5275:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start214’ | 5275 | start214 is = state214 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5310:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start215’ | 5310 | start215 is = state215 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5345:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start216’ | 5345 | start216 is = state216 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5381:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start217’ | 5381 | start217 is = state217 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5416:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start218’ | 5416 | start218 is = state218 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5451:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start219’ | 5451 | start219 is = state219 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5486:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start220’ | 5486 | start220 is = state220 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ Language/Haskell/Lexer/Lex.hs:5521:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘start221’ | 5521 | start221 is = state221 (\ as is -> gotError as is) "" is | ^^^^^^^^ [6 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Lexer ( Language/Haskell/Lexer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hourglass-0.2.12.. Preprocessing library for hourglass-0.2.12.. Building library for hourglass-0.2.12.. [ 1 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Utils ( Data/Hourglass/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Zone ( Data/Hourglass/Zone.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 17] Compiling Time.Types ( Time/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Types ( Data/Hourglass/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Internal.Unix ( Data/Hourglass/Internal/Unix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Hourglass/Internal/Unix.hs:24:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 24 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 6 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Internal ( Data/Hourglass/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Calendar ( Data/Hourglass/Calendar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Diff ( Data/Hourglass/Diff.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Hourglass/Diff.hs:23:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 23 | import Data.Monoid | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Hourglass/Diff.hs:49:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid Period’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 49 | mappend (Period y1 m1 d1) (Period y2 m2 d2) = | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... Data/Hourglass/Diff.hs:70:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid Duration’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 70 | mappend (Duration h1 m1 s1 ns1) (Duration h2 m2 s2 ns2) = | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... [ 9 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Time ( Data/Hourglass/Time.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Epoch ( Data/Hourglass/Epoch.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Local ( Data/Hourglass/Local.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 17] Compiling Time.System ( Time/System.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Time/System.hs:23:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 23 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [13 of 17] Compiling System.Hourglass ( System/Hourglass.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Format ( Data/Hourglass/Format.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass ( Data/Hourglass.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 17] Compiling Time.Compat ( Time/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 17] Compiling Data.Hourglass.Compat ( Data/Hourglass/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring executable 'hsc2hs' for hsc2hs-0.68.10.. Preprocessing executable 'hsc2hs' for hsc2hs-0.68.10.. Building executable 'hsc2hs' for hsc2hs-0.68.10.. [ 1 of 12] Compiling ATTParser ( src/ATTParser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 12] Compiling Compat.ResponseFile ( src/Compat/ResponseFile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 12] Compiling Compat.TempFile ( src/Compat/TempFile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 12] Compiling Common ( src/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 12] Compiling Flags ( src/Flags.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 12] Compiling HSCParser ( src/HSCParser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 12] Compiling C ( src/C.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 12] Compiling CrossCodegen ( src/CrossCodegen.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 12] Compiling Paths_hsc2hs ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 12] Compiling UtilsCodegen ( src/UtilsCodegen.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 12] Compiling DirectCodegen ( src/DirectCodegen.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 12] Compiling Main ( src/Main.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Linking /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- OSThreads.c(OSThreads.o:(createAttachedOSThread) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2.a): warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy() EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2.a): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() Configuring library for indexed-traversable-0.1.3.. Preprocessing library for indexed-traversable-0.1.3.. Building library for indexed-traversable-0.1.3.. [1 of 7] Compiling CoerceCompat ( src/CoerceCompat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling GhcList ( src/GhcList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling WithIndex ( src/WithIndex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Data.Traversable.WithIndex ( src/Data/Traversable/WithIndex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 7] Compiling Data.Functor.WithIndex ( src/Data/Functor/WithIndex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Data.Foldable1.WithIndex ( src/Data/Foldable1/WithIndex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling Data.Foldable.WithIndex ( src/Data/Foldable/WithIndex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for integer-logarithms- Preprocessing library for integer-logarithms- Building library for integer-logarithms- [1 of 4] Compiling GHC.Integer.Logarithms.Compat ( src/GHC/Integer/Logarithms/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms ( src/Math/NumberTheory/Logarithms.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Integer ( src/Math/NumberTheory/Powers/Integer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Natural ( src/Math/NumberTheory/Powers/Natural.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for isocline-1.0.9.. Preprocessing library for isocline-1.0.9.. Building library for isocline-1.0.9.. [1 of 2] Compiling Paths_isocline ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling System.Console.Isocline ( haskell/System/Console/Isocline.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1.. Preprocessing library for jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1.. Building library for jira-wiki-markup-1.5.1.. [1 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Markup [2 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Parser.Core [3 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Parser.Shared [4 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Parser.Inline [5 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Parser.PlainText [6 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Parser.Block [7 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Parser [8 of 8] Compiling Text.Jira.Printer Configuring library for lua-2.3.2.. Preprocessing library for lua-2.3.2.. Building library for lua-2.3.2.. [ 1 of 13] Compiling Lua.Types [ 2 of 13] Compiling Lua.Lib [ 3 of 13] Compiling Lua.Ersatz.Functions [ 4 of 13] Compiling Lua.Ersatz.Auxiliary [ 5 of 13] Compiling Lua.Primary [ 6 of 13] Compiling Lua.Ersatz [ 7 of 13] Compiling Lua.Debug [ 8 of 13] Compiling Lua.Constants [ 9 of 13] Compiling Lua.Call [10 of 13] Compiling Lua.Auxiliary [11 of 13] Compiling Lua.Userdata [12 of 13] Compiling Lua.Warn [13 of 13] Compiling Lua Configuring library for mime-types- Preprocessing library for mime-types- Building library for mime-types- [1 of 1] Compiling Network.Mime ( Network/Mime.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for network-byte-order-0.1.7.. Preprocessing library for network-byte-order-0.1.7.. Building library for network-byte-order-0.1.7.. [1 of 1] Compiling Network.ByteOrder ( Network/ByteOrder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/ByteOrder.hs:266:47: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 266 | peekByteString src len = create len $ \dst -> memcpy dst src len | ^^^^^^ Network/ByteOrder.hs:363:5: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 363 | memcpy ptr (p `plusPtr` o) (fromIntegral l) | ^^^^^^ Network/ByteOrder.hs:518:5: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 518 | memcpy dst src len | ^^^^^^ Network/ByteOrder.hs:542:24: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 542 | create len $ \p -> memcpy p start len | ^^^^^^ Network/ByteOrder.hs:698:30: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 698 | create len $ \dst -> memcpy dst src len | ^^^^^^ Network/ByteOrder.hs:704:29: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 704 | create len' $ \dst -> memcpy dst src len' | ^^^^^^ Configuring library for old-locale- Preprocessing library for old-locale- Building library for old-locale- [1 of 1] Compiling System.Locale ( System/Locale.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for ordered-containers-0.2.3.. Preprocessing library for ordered-containers-0.2.3.. Building library for ordered-containers-0.2.3.. [1 of 5] Compiling Data.Map.Util ( Data/Map/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Data.Map.Ordered.Internal ( Data/Map/Ordered/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Map/Ordered/Internal.hs:68:9: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Bias L (OMap k v))’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 68 | mappend (Bias o) (Bias o') = Bias (unionWithL (const mappend) o o') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Map/Ordered/Internal.hs:77:9: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Bias R (OMap k v))’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 77 | mappend (Bias o) (Bias o') = Bias (unionWithR (const mappend) o o') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 5] Compiling Data.Map.Ordered.Strict ( Data/Map/Ordered/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.Map.Ordered ( Data/Map/Ordered.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.Set.Ordered ( Data/Set/Ordered.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Set/Ordered.hs:88:9: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Bias L (OSet a))’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 88 | mappend (Bias o) (Bias o') = Bias (o |<> o') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Set/Ordered.hs:96:9: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Bias R (OSet a))’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 96 | mappend (Bias o) (Bias o') = Bias (o <>| o') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for prettyprinter-1.7.1.. Preprocessing library for prettyprinter-1.7.1.. Building library for prettyprinter-1.7.1.. [ 1 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Util.Panic ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Util/Panic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Internal ( src/Prettyprinter/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.String ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.String ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Internal.Type ( src/Prettyprinter/Internal/Type.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Internal.Type ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Internal/Type.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Internal.Debug ( src/Prettyprinter/Internal/Debug.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Internal.Debug ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Internal/Debug.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Internal ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Util.Panic ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Util/Panic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Util.StackMachine ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Util/StackMachine.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Prettyprinter/Render/Util/StackMachine.hs:34:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 34 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [12 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Util.StackMachine ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Util/StackMachine.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Symbols.Ascii ( src/Prettyprinter/Symbols/Ascii.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter ( src/Prettyprinter.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Util.SimpleDocTree ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Util/SimpleDocTree.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Util.SimpleDocTree ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Util/SimpleDocTree.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Tutorials.TreeRenderingTutorial ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Tutorials/TreeRenderingTutorial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Tutorials.TreeRenderingTutorial ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Tutorials/TreeRenderingTutorial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Tutorials.StackMachineTutorial ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Tutorials/StackMachineTutorial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Tutorials.StackMachineTutorial ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Tutorials/StackMachineTutorial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Tutorials/StackMachineTutorial.hs:7:1: warning: [-Wdeprecations] Module ‘Prettyprinter.Render.Tutorials.StackMachineTutorial’ is deprecated: "Writing your own stack machine is probably more efficient and customizable; also consider using »renderSimplyDecorated(A)« instead" | 7 | import Prettyprinter.Render.Tutorials.StackMachineTutorial | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [21 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Text ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Symbols.Ascii ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Symbols/Ascii.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Symbols.Unicode ( src/Prettyprinter/Symbols/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Symbols.Unicode ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Symbols/Unicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 28] Compiling Prettyprinter.Util ( src/Prettyprinter/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 28] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Util ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for primitive- Preprocessing library for primitive- Building library for primitive- [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.Internal.Read ( Data/Primitive/Internal/Read.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.MachDeps ( Data/Primitive/MachDeps.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.Internal.Operations ( Data/Primitive/Internal/Operations.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 14] Compiling Control.Monad.Primitive ( Control/Monad/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.MVar ( Data/Primitive/MVar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.Array ( Data/Primitive/Array.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.MutVar ( Data/Primitive/MutVar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.SmallArray ( Data/Primitive/SmallArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.Types ( Data/Primitive/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.ByteArray ( Data/Primitive/ByteArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.PrimArray ( Data/Primitive/PrimArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.Ptr ( Data/Primitive/Ptr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive ( Data/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 14] Compiling Data.Primitive.PrimVar ( Data/Primitive/PrimVar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for regex-base- Preprocessing library for regex-base- Building library for regex-base- [1 of 5] Compiling Paths_regex_base ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike ( src/Text/Regex/Base/RegexLike.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Text.Regex.Base.Context ( src/Text/Regex/Base/Context.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Text.Regex.Base ( src/Text/Regex/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Text.Regex.Base.Impl ( src/Text/Regex/Base/Impl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for safe-0.3.21.. Preprocessing library for safe-0.3.21.. Building library for safe-0.3.21.. [1 of 5] Compiling Safe.Partial ( Safe/Partial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Safe.Util ( Safe/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Safe.Foldable ( Safe/Foldable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Safe.Exact ( Safe/Exact.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Safe ( Safe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for safe-exceptions- Preprocessing library for safe-exceptions- Building library for safe-exceptions- [1 of 1] Compiling Control.Exception.Safe ( src/Control/Exception/Safe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for sop-core- Preprocessing library for sop-core- Building library for sop-core- [1 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.BasicFunctors ( src/Data/SOP/BasicFunctors.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.Constraint ( src/Data/SOP/Constraint.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.Classes ( src/Data/SOP/Classes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.Sing ( src/Data/SOP/Sing.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.NP ( src/Data/SOP/NP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.NS ( src/Data/SOP/NS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP.Dict ( src/Data/SOP/Dict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 8] Compiling Data.SOP ( src/Data/SOP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for split-0.2.5.. Preprocessing library for split-0.2.5.. Building library for split-0.2.5.. [1 of 2] Compiling Data.List.Split.Internals ( src/Data/List/Split/Internals.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.List.Split ( src/Data/List/Split.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for splitmix- Preprocessing library for splitmix- Building library for splitmix- [1 of 4] Compiling Data.Bits.Compat ( src-compat/Data/Bits/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling System.Random.SplitMix.Init ( src/System/Random/SplitMix/Init.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling System.Random.SplitMix ( src/System/Random/SplitMix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling System.Random.SplitMix32 ( src/System/Random/SplitMix32.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for syb- Preprocessing library for syb- Building library for syb- [ 1 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Aliases ( src/Data/Generics/Aliases.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Basics ( src/Data/Generics/Basics.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Builders ( src/Data/Generics/Builders.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Instances ( src/Data/Generics/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Schemes ( src/Data/Generics/Schemes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Text ( src/Data/Generics/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics.Twins ( src/Data/Generics/Twins.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 16] Compiling Data.Generics ( src/Data/Generics.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB ( src/Generics/SYB.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Aliases ( src/Generics/SYB/Aliases.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Basics ( src/Generics/SYB/Basics.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Builders ( src/Generics/SYB/Builders.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Instances ( src/Generics/SYB/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Schemes ( src/Generics/SYB/Schemes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Text ( src/Generics/SYB/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 16] Compiling Generics.SYB.Twins ( src/Generics/SYB/Twins.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for tagged-0.8.8.. Preprocessing library for tagged-0.8.8.. Building library for tagged-0.8.8.. [1 of 2] Compiling Data.Proxy.TH ( src/Data/Proxy/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Tagged ( src/Data/Tagged.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for tagsoup-0.14.8.. Warning: tagsoup.cabal:1:24: Packages with 'cabal-version: 1.12' or later should specify a specific version of the Cabal spec of the form 'cabal-version: x.y'. Use 'cabal-version: 1.18'. Preprocessing library for tagsoup-0.14.8.. Building library for tagsoup-0.14.8.. [ 1 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Entity ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Entity.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 13] Compiling Text.StringLike ( src/Text/StringLike.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Type ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Type.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Match.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Render ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Render.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Options ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Options.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Implementation ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Implementation.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Specification ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Specification.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Manual ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Manual.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Generated ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Generated.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Parser ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Compiling Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree ( src/Text/HTML/TagSoup/Tree.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for th-abstraction- Preprocessing library for th-abstraction- Building library for th-abstraction- [1 of 3] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.Internal ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Datatype/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.TyVarBndr ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Datatype/TyVarBndr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Datatype.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for th-compat-0.1.4.. Preprocessing library for th-compat-0.1.4.. Building library for th-compat-0.1.4.. [1 of 1] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Compat ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Syntax/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for transformers-compat-0.7.2.. Preprocessing library for transformers-compat-0.7.2.. Building library for transformers-compat-0.7.2.. [1 of 4] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans.Instances ( src/Control/Monad/Trans/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Data.Functor.Classes.Generic.Internal ( generics/Data/Functor/Classes/Generic/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Data.Functor.Classes.Generic ( generics/Data/Functor/Classes/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Paths_transformers_compat ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for type-equality-1.. Preprocessing library for type-equality-1.. Building library for type-equality-1.. src-hetero/Data/Type/Equality/Hetero.hs:11:14: warning: [-Wdeprecated-flags] -XTypeInType is deprecated: use -XDataKinds and -XPolyKinds instead | 11 | {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^ [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Type.Equality.Hetero ( src-hetero/Data/Type/Equality/Hetero.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for typst-symbols-0.1.5.. Preprocessing library for typst-symbols-0.1.5.. Building library for typst-symbols-0.1.5.. [1 of 3] Compiling Typst.Emoji ( src/Typst/Emoji.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Typst.Shorthands ( src/Typst/Shorthands.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Typst.Symbols ( src/Typst/Symbols.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unicode-data- Preprocessing library for unicode-data- Building library for unicode-data- [ 1 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Bits ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Bits.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.Blocks ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/Blocks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.General.Blocks ( lib/Unicode/Char/General/Blocks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.CaseFolding ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/CaseFolding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.DerivedCoreProperties ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/DerivedCoreProperties.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.DerivedNumericValues ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/DerivedNumericValues.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.PropList ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/PropList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.Identifiers ( lib/Unicode/Char/Identifiers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.SpecialCasing.LowerCaseMapping ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/SpecialCasing/LowerCaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.SpecialCasing.TitleCaseMapping ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/SpecialCasing/TitleCaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.SpecialCasing.UpperCaseMapping ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/SpecialCasing/UpperCaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.CombiningClass ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/CombiningClass.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.Compositions ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/Compositions.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.Decomposable ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/Decomposable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.DecomposableK ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/DecomposableK.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.Decompositions ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/Decompositions.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.DecompositionsK2 ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/DecompositionsK2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.DecompositionsK ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/DecompositionsK.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.GeneralCategory ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/GeneralCategory.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.SimpleLowerCaseMapping ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/SimpleLowerCaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.SimpleTitleCaseMapping ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/SimpleTitleCaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Char.UnicodeData.SimpleUpperCaseMapping ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Char/UnicodeData/SimpleUpperCaseMapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Division ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Division.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.General ( lib/Unicode/Char/General.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.Numeric.Compat ( lib/Unicode/Char/Numeric/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.Numeric ( lib/Unicode/Char/Numeric.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.Normalization ( lib/Unicode/Char/Normalization.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.General.Compat ( lib/Unicode/Char/General/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.Case.Compat ( lib/Unicode/Char/Case/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Internal.Unfold ( lib/Unicode/Internal/Unfold.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char.Case ( lib/Unicode/Char/Case.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 32] Compiling Unicode.Char ( lib/Unicode/Char.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unix-compat-0.7.1.. Preprocessing library for unix-compat-0.7.1.. Building library for unix-compat-0.7.1.. [1 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Files ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Process ( src/System/PosixCompat/Process.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Temp ( src/System/PosixCompat/Temp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Time ( src/System/PosixCompat/Time.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Types ( src/System/PosixCompat/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Extensions ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat.Unistd ( src/System/PosixCompat/Unistd.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 8] Compiling System.PosixCompat ( src/System/PosixCompat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unliftio-core- Preprocessing library for unliftio-core- Building library for unliftio-core- [1 of 2] Compiling Control.Monad.IO.Unlift ( src/Control/Monad/IO/Unlift.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Paths_unliftio_core ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for utf8-string-1.0.2.. Preprocessing library for utf8-string-1.0.2.. Building library for utf8-string-1.0.2.. [1 of 5] Compiling Codec.Binary.UTF8.String ( Codec/Binary/UTF8/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Codec.Binary.UTF8.Generic ( Codec/Binary/UTF8/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 ( Data/ByteString/Lazy/UTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.UTF8 ( Data/ByteString/UTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.String.UTF8 ( Data/String/UTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for vector-stream- Preprocessing library for vector-stream- Building library for vector-stream- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Stream.Monadic ( src/Data/Stream/Monadic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for word8-0.1.3.. Preprocessing library for word8-0.1.3.. Building library for word8-0.1.3.. [1 of 2] Compiling Data.Char8 ( Data/Char8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Word8 ( Data/Word8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: xml.cabal:18:32: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Configuring xml-1.3.14... Preprocessing library for xml-1.3.14.. Building library for xml-1.3.14.. [1 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light.Types ( Text/XML/Light/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light.Proc ( Text/XML/Light/Proc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light.Output ( Text/XML/Light/Output.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light.Lexer ( Text/XML/Light/Lexer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Text/XML/Light/Lexer.hs:119:1: warning: [GHC-94817] [-Wtabs] Tab character found here, and in one further location. Suggested fix: Please use spaces instead. | 119 | | otherwise = munch ('>':acc) (nesting-1) ds | ^^^^^^^^ [5 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light.Input ( Text/XML/Light/Input.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light.Cursor ( Text/XML/Light/Cursor.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Light ( Text/XML/Light.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for xml-types-0.3.8.. Preprocessing library for xml-types-0.3.8.. Building library for xml-types-0.3.8.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.XML.Types ( lib/Data/XML/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) lib/Data/XML/Types.hs:27:1: warning: [GHC-94817] [-Wtabs] Tab character found here, and in 157 further locations. Suggested fix: Please use spaces instead. | 27 | ( -- * Types | ^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for zlib- Preprocessing library for zlib- Building library for zlib- [1 of 6] Compiling Codec.Compression.Zlib.ByteStringCompat ( Codec/Compression/Zlib/ByteStringCompat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 6] Compiling Codec.Compression.Zlib.Stream ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 6] Compiling Codec.Compression.Zlib.Internal ( Codec/Compression/Zlib/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Codec/Compression/Zlib/Internal.hs:929:17: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘(DecompressStream Stream, Stream.State s)’ not matched: ((DecompressOutputAvailable _ _), _) ((DecompressStreamEnd _), _) ((DecompressStreamError _), _) | 929 | let (DecompressInputRequired next, zstate') = x | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 6] Compiling Codec.Compression.Zlib.Raw ( Codec/Compression/Zlib/Raw.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Codec.Compression.Zlib ( Codec/Compression/Zlib.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 6] Compiling Codec.Compression.GZip ( Codec/Compression/GZip.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for contravariant-1.5.5.. Preprocessing library for contravariant-1.5.5.. Building library for contravariant-1.5.5.. [1 of 3] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Divisible.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compose ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Compose.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Generic ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for some-1.0.6.. Preprocessing library for some-1.0.6.. Building library for some-1.0.6.. [ 1 of 10] Compiling Data.EqP ( src/Data/EqP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 10] Compiling Data.GADT.DeepSeq ( src/Data/GADT/DeepSeq.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 10] Compiling Data.GADT.Internal ( src/Data/GADT/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 10] Compiling Data.GADT.Compare ( src/Data/GADT/Compare.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 10] Compiling Data.GADT.Show ( src/Data/GADT/Show.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 10] Compiling Data.OrdP ( src/Data/OrdP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 10] Compiling Data.Some.Church ( src/Data/Some/Church.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 10] Compiling Data.Some.GADT ( src/Data/Some/GADT.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 10] Compiling Data.Some.Newtype ( src/Data/Some/Newtype.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 10] Compiling Data.Some ( src/Data/Some.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for text-conversions- Preprocessing library for text-conversions- Building library for text-conversions- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Text.Conversions ( src/Data/Text/Conversions.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for memory-0.18.0.. Preprocessing library for memory-0.18.0.. Building library for memory-0.18.0.. [ 1 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.ExtendedWords ( Data/Memory/ExtendedWords.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.Compat ( Data/Memory/Internal/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Endian ( Data/Memory/Endian.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Hash.SipHash ( Data/Memory/Hash/SipHash.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Encoding.Base32 ( Data/Memory/Encoding/Base32.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Encoding.Base16 ( Data/Memory/Encoding/Base16.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim ( Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.CompatPrim64 ( Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Memory/Internal/CompatPrim64.hs:58:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: type constructor or class ‘OutBool’ | 58 | type OutBool = Int# | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 9 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.DeepSeq ( Data/Memory/Internal/DeepSeq.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Internal.Imports ( Data/Memory/Internal/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Hash.FNV ( Data/Memory/Hash/FNV.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.Encoding.Base64 ( Data/Memory/Encoding/Base64.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.MemMap.Posix ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 28] Compiling Data.Memory.PtrMethods ( Data/Memory/PtrMethods.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Types ( Data/ByteArray/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.MemView ( Data/ByteArray/MemView.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Pack.Internal ( Data/ByteArray/Pack/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Hash ( Data/ByteArray/Hash.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Sized ( Data/ByteArray/Sized.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.ScrubbedBytes ( Data/ByteArray/ScrubbedBytes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Methods ( Data/ByteArray/Methods.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.View ( Data/ByteArray/View.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Parse ( Data/ByteArray/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Mapping ( Data/ByteArray/Mapping.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Encoding ( Data/ByteArray/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Bytes ( Data/ByteArray/Bytes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray ( Data/ByteArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 28] Compiling Data.ByteArray.Pack ( Data/ByteArray/Pack.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for blaze-markup- Preprocessing library for blaze-markup- Building library for blaze-markup- [1 of 6] Compiling Text.Blaze.Internal ( src/Text/Blaze/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Blaze/Internal.hs:82:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 82 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Blaze/Internal.hs:84:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 84 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mconcat, mempty) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Blaze/Internal.hs:223:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad MarkupM’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 223 | return x = Empty x | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Blaze/Internal.hs:225:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘(>>)’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad MarkupM’. ‘(>>)’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(*>)’ Either remove definition for ‘(>>)’ (recommended) or define as ‘(>>) = (*>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 225 | (>>) = Append | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Blaze/Internal.hs:230:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 230 | instance (a ~ ()) => IsString (MarkupM a) where | ^ [2 of 6] Compiling Text.Blaze ( src/Text/Blaze.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Blaze.hs:92:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 92 | import Data.Monoid (mconcat) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Blaze.hs:93:42: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Word’ from module ‘Data.Word’ is redundant | 93 | import Data.Word (Word, Word32, Word64) | ^^^^ [3 of 6] Compiling Text.Blaze.Renderer.String ( src/Text/Blaze/Renderer/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Text.Blaze.Renderer.Pretty ( src/Text/Blaze/Renderer/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Text.Blaze.Renderer.Text ( src/Text/Blaze/Renderer/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Blaze/Renderer/Text.hs:15:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 15 | import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [6 of 6] Compiling Text.Blaze.Renderer.Utf8 ( src/Text/Blaze/Renderer/Utf8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Blaze/Renderer/Utf8.hs:11:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 11 | import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for HUnit- Preprocessing library for HUnit- Building library for HUnit- [1 of 6] Compiling Paths_HUnit ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 6] Compiling Test.HUnit.Lang ( src/Test/HUnit/Lang.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 6] Compiling Test.HUnit.Base ( src/Test/HUnit/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Test.HUnit.Terminal ( src/Test/HUnit/Terminal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Test.HUnit.Text ( src/Test/HUnit/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 6] Compiling Test.HUnit ( src/Test/HUnit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for ansi-terminal-types-1.1.. Preprocessing library for ansi-terminal-types-1.1.. Building library for ansi-terminal-types-1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling System.Console.ANSI.Types ( src/System/Console/ANSI/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1... Warning: data-default-instances-containers.cabal:17:33: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Preprocessing library for data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1.. Building library for data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Default.Instances.Containers ( Data/Default/Instances/Containers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for cookie-0.4.6.. Preprocessing library for cookie-0.4.6.. Building library for cookie-0.4.6.. [1 of 1] Compiling Web.Cookie ( Web/Cookie.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: data-default-instances-dlist.cabal:17:33: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Configuring data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1... Preprocessing library for data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1.. Building library for data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Default.Instances.DList ( Data/Default/Instances/DList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unordered-containers-0.2.20.. Preprocessing library for unordered-containers-0.2.20.. Building library for unordered-containers-0.2.20.. Data/HashMap/Internal.hs:12:14-23: warning: [-Wdeprecated-flags] -XTypeInType is deprecated: use -XDataKinds and -XPolyKinds instead | 12 | {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^ [1 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Internal.Array ( Data/HashMap/Internal/Array.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/HashMap/Internal/Array.hs:83:1-35: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 83 | import Control.Applicative (liftA2) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Internal.List ( Data/HashMap/Internal/List.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Internal ( Data/HashMap/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Internal.Debug ( Data/HashMap/Internal/Debug.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Internal.Strict ( Data/HashMap/Internal/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 9] Compiling Data.HashSet.Internal ( Data/HashSet/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 9] Compiling Data.HashSet ( Data/HashSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Strict ( Data/HashMap/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [9 of 9] Compiling Data.HashMap.Lazy ( Data/HashMap/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for time-compat- Preprocessing library for time-compat- Building library for time-compat- [ 1 of 20] Compiling Data.Format ( src/Data/Format.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Month.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Month/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Quarter.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Quarter/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Types ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Orphans ( src/Data/Time/Orphans.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Format.ISO8601.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Format/ISO8601/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Format.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Format/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Clock.System.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Clock/System/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Clock.POSIX.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Clock/POSIX/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Clock.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Clock/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/WeekDate/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Private ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Private.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/OrdinalDate/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/MonthDay/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Easter.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Easter/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.LocalTime.Compat ( src/Data/Time/LocalTime/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Clock.TAI.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Clock/TAI/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 20] Compiling Data.Time.Calendar.Julian.Compat ( src/Data/Time/Calendar/Julian/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for text-short-0.1.5.. Preprocessing library for text-short-0.1.5.. Building library for text-short-0.1.5.. [1 of 5] Compiling PrimOps ( src-ghc804/PrimOps.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Data.Text.Short.Internal ( src/Data/Text/Short/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.Text.Short.Unsafe ( src/Data/Text/Short/Unsafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.Text.Short ( src/Data/Text/Short.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.Text.Short.Partial ( src/Data/Text/Short/Partial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for psqueues- Preprocessing library for psqueues- Building library for psqueues- [1 of 7] Compiling Data.BitUtil ( src/Data/BitUtil.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Data.IntPSQ.Internal ( src/Data/IntPSQ/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/IntPSQ/Internal.hs:66:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 66 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/IntPSQ/Internal.hs:70:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Foldable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Foldable() | 70 | import Data.Foldable (Foldable) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/IntPSQ/Internal.hs:75:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Word’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Word’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Word() | 75 | import Data.Word (Word) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 7] Compiling Data.IntPSQ ( src/Data/IntPSQ.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Data.OrdPSQ.Internal ( src/Data/OrdPSQ/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 7] Compiling Data.OrdPSQ ( src/Data/OrdPSQ.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Data.HashPSQ.Internal ( src/Data/HashPSQ/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/HashPSQ/Internal.hs:59:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Foldable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Foldable() | 59 | import Data.Foldable (Foldable) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [7 of 7] Compiling Data.HashPSQ ( src/Data/HashPSQ.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for data-fix-0.3.2.. Preprocessing library for data-fix-0.3.2.. Building library for data-fix-0.3.2.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Fix ( src/Data/Fix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for case-insensitive- Preprocessing library for case-insensitive- Building library for case-insensitive- [1 of 3] Compiling Data.CaseInsensitive.Internal ( Data/CaseInsensitive/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/CaseInsensitive/Internal.hs:124:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (CI s)’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 124 | CI o1 l1 `mappend` CI o2 l2 = CI (o1 `mappend` o2) (l1 `mappend` l2) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 3] Compiling Data.CaseInsensitive ( Data/CaseInsensitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.CaseInsensitive.Unsafe ( Data/CaseInsensitive/Unsafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for async-2.2.5.. Preprocessing library for async-2.2.5.. Building library for async-2.2.5.. [1 of 2] Compiling Control.Concurrent.Async.Internal ( Control/Concurrent/Async/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Control/Concurrent/Async/Internal.hs:50:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 50 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 2] Compiling Control.Concurrent.Async ( Control/Concurrent/Async.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for pretty-show-1.10.. Preprocessing library for pretty-show-1.10.. Building library for pretty-show-1.10.. [1 of 6] Compiling Paths_pretty_show ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 6] Compiling Text.Show.Value ( Text/Show/Value.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Text/Show/Value.hs:84:27: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Value]’ not matched: [] | 84 | | otherwise -> do ~(v1:vs1) <- delMany (v:vs) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Text/Show/Value.hs:93:25: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Value]’ not matched: [] [_] (_:_:_:_) | 93 | Ratio v1 v2 -> do ~[a,b] <- delMany [v1,v2] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 6] Compiling Text.Show.PrettyVal ( Text/Show/PrettyVal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Text.Show.Parser ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Text.Show.Html ( Text/Show/Html.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Text/Show/Html.hs:112:1: warning: [-Wunused-top-binds] Defined but not used: ‘tallTuple’ | 112 | tallTuple els = table "tallTuple" $ map (tr . return . td) els | ^^^^^^^^^ [6 of 6] Compiling Text.Show.Pretty ( Text/Show/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Text/Show/Pretty.hs:52:22: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Foldable’ from module ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant | 52 | import Data.Foldable(Foldable,toList) | ^^^^^^^^ Configuring network- configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-openbsd7.5 checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-openbsd7.5 checking for gcc... /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- accepts -g... yes checking for /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes checking how to run the C preprocessor... /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- -E checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for memory.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking limits.h usability... yes checking limits.h presence... yes checking for limits.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... (cached) yes checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes checking fcntl.h usability... yes checking fcntl.h presence... yes checking for fcntl.h... yes checking sys/uio.h usability... yes checking sys/uio.h presence... yes checking for sys/uio.h... yes checking sys/socket.h usability... yes checking sys/socket.h presence... yes checking for sys/socket.h... yes checking netinet/in.h usability... yes checking netinet/in.h presence... yes checking for netinet/in.h... yes checking netinet/tcp.h usability... yes checking netinet/tcp.h presence... yes checking for netinet/tcp.h... yes checking sys/un.h usability... yes checking sys/un.h presence... yes checking for sys/un.h... yes checking arpa/inet.h usability... yes checking arpa/inet.h presence... yes checking for arpa/inet.h... yes checking netdb.h usability... yes checking netdb.h presence... yes checking for netdb.h... yes checking net/if.h usability... yes checking net/if.h presence... yes checking for net/if.h... yes checking netioapi.h usability... no checking netioapi.h presence... no checking for netioapi.h... no checking for struct ucred... no checking for gai_strerror... yes checking for gethostent... yes checking for accept4... yes checking for getpeereid... yes checking whether AI_ADDRCONFIG is declared... yes checking whether AI_ALL is declared... no checking whether AI_NUMERICSERV is declared... yes checking whether AI_V4MAPPED is declared... no checking whether IPV6_V6ONLY is declared... yes checking whether IPPROTO_IP is declared... yes checking whether IPPROTO_TCP is declared... yes checking whether IPPROTO_IPV6 is declared... yes checking whether SO_PEERCRED is declared... yes checking for struct msghdr.msg_control... yes checking for struct msghdr.msg_accrights... no checking for struct sockaddr.sa_len... yes configure: creating ./network.buildinfo configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating include/HsNetworkConfig.h configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler Preprocessing library for network- Building library for network- [ 1 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Imports ( Network/Socket/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.If ( Network/Socket/If.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Flag ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Cbits ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Fcntl ( Network/Socket/Fcntl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Posix.IOVec ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.ReadShow ( Network/Socket/ReadShow.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Types ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Posix.Cmsg ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Internal ( Network/Socket/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Posix.MsgHdr ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Posix.CmsgHdr ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Socket/Posix/CmsgHdr.hsc:72:9: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 72 | memcpy dst src len | ^^^^^^ Network/Socket/Posix/CmsgHdr.hsc:91:66: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 91 | Cmsg (CmsgId lvl typ) <$> create (fromIntegral siz) (\dst -> memcpy dst src siz) | ^^^^^^ [13 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Options ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Syscall ( Network/Socket/Syscall.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Socket/Syscall.hs:104:19: warning: [-Wunused-matches] Defined but not used: ‘s’ | 104 | unsetIPv6Only s = when (family == AF_INET6 && stype `elem` [Stream, Datagram]) $ | ^ [15 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Name ( Network/Socket/Name.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Info ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Handle ( Network/Socket/Handle.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.ByteString.Internal ( Network/Socket/ByteString/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Buffer ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.SockAddr ( Network/Socket/SockAddr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Shutdown ( Network/Socket/Shutdown.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.ByteString.IO ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy.Posix ( Network/Socket/ByteString/Lazy/Posix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.ByteString ( Network/Socket/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Address ( Network/Socket/Address.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.Unix ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket ( Network/Socket.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 28] Compiling Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy ( Network/Socket/ByteString/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for lpeg-1.1.0.. Preprocessing library for lpeg-1.1.0.. Building library for lpeg-1.1.0.. [1 of 1] Compiling Lua.LPeg Configuring library for hslua-core-2.3.2.. Preprocessing library for hslua-core-2.3.2.. Building library for hslua-core-2.3.2.. [ 1 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Utf8 [ 2 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Types [ 3 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Userdata [ 4 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Unsafe [ 5 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Debug [ 6 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Error [ 7 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Primary [ 8 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Closures [ 9 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Auxiliary [10 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Run [11 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Trace [12 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Package [13 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core.Warn [14 of 14] Compiling HsLua.Core Configuring old-time- configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler checking for gcc... /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes checking whether /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- accepts -g... yes checking for /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- option to enable C11 features... none needed checking for stdio.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking for sys/time.h... yes checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes checking for sys/timeb.h... no checking for time.h... yes checking for ftime... no checking for gmtime_r... yes checking for localtime_r... yes checking for gettimeofday... yes checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... time.h checking for /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- options needed to detect all undeclared functions... -fno-builtin checking for struct tm.tm_zone... yes checking for sys/time.h... (cached) yes checking whether altzone is declared... no configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating include/HsTimeConfig.h configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler Preprocessing library for old-time- Building library for old-time- [1 of 1] Compiling System.Time ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: data-default-instances-old-locale.cabal:17:33: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Configuring data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1... Preprocessing library for data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1.. Building library for data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Default.Instances.OldLocale ( Data/Default/Instances/OldLocale.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for toml-parser- Preprocessing library for toml-parser- Building library for toml-parser- [ 1 of 20] Compiling Toml.FromValue.Matcher ( src/Toml/FromValue/Matcher.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 20] Compiling Toml.Lexer.Token ( src/Toml/Lexer/Token.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 20] Compiling Toml.Position ( src/Toml/Position.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 20] Compiling Toml.Located ( src/Toml/Located.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 20] Compiling Toml.Parser.Types ( src/Toml/Parser/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 20] Compiling Toml.Lexer.Utils ( src/Toml/Lexer/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 20] Compiling Toml.Lexer ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 20] Compiling Toml.Semantics.Ordered ( src/Toml/Semantics/Ordered.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 20] Compiling Toml.Value ( src/Toml/Value.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 20] Compiling Toml.ToValue ( src/Toml/ToValue.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 20] Compiling Toml.ToValue.Generic ( src/Toml/ToValue/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 20] Compiling Toml.Semantics ( src/Toml/Semantics.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 20] Compiling Toml.Pretty ( src/Toml/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 20] Compiling Toml.Parser.Utils ( src/Toml/Parser/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 20] Compiling Toml.Parser ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 20] Compiling Toml.FromValue.ParseTable ( src/Toml/FromValue/ParseTable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 20] Compiling Toml.FromValue ( src/Toml/FromValue.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 20] Compiling Toml.FromValue.Generic ( src/Toml/FromValue/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 20] Compiling Toml.Generic ( src/Toml/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 20] Compiling Toml ( src/Toml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for scientific- Preprocessing library for scientific- Building library for scientific- [1 of 5] Compiling GHC.Integer.Compat ( src/GHC/Integer/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Utils ( src/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.Scientific ( src/Data/Scientific.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Scientific.hs:1063:16: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Char]’ not matched: [] [] [] | 1063 | (d:ds') = map intToDigit (if ei > 0 then init is' else is') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Scientific.hs:1079:11: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Char]’ not matched: [] | 1079 | d:ds' = map intToDigit (if ei > 0 then is' else 0:is') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 5] Compiling Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Scientific ( src/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Scientific.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Scientific.hs:20:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 20 | import Data.Monoid ((<>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Scientific.hs:67:12: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Char]’ not matched: [] [] [] | 67 | (d:ds') = map i2d (if ei > 0 then init is' else is') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Text/Lazy/Builder/Scientific.hs:95:11: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Char]’ not matched: [] | 95 | d:ds' = map i2d (if ei > 0 then is' else 0:is') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [5 of 5] Compiling Data.ByteString.Builder.Scientific ( src/Data/ByteString/Builder/Scientific.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/ByteString/Builder/Scientific.hs:25:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 25 | import Data.Monoid ((<>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/ByteString/Builder/Scientific.hs:75:12: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Char]’ not matched: [] [] [] | 75 | (d:ds') = map i2d (if ei > 0 then init is' else is') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/ByteString/Builder/Scientific.hs:105:11: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Char]’ not matched: [] | 105 | d:ds' = map i2d (if ei > 0 then is' else 0:is') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for integer-conversion- Preprocessing library for integer-conversion- Building library for integer-conversion- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Integer.Conversion ( src/Data/Integer/Conversion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for cborg- Preprocessing library for cborg- Building library for cborg- [ 1 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.ByteArray.Internal ( src/Codec/CBOR/ByteArray/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.ByteArray.Sliced ( src/Codec/CBOR/ByteArray/Sliced.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/CBOR/ByteArray/Sliced.hs:44:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The qualified import of ‘Data.ByteString.Short.Internal’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.ByteString.Short.Internal’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.ByteString.Short.Internal() | 44 | import qualified Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as BSS | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 3 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.ByteArray ( src/Codec/CBOR/ByteArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/CBOR/ByteArray.hs:39:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The qualified import of ‘Data.ByteString.Short.Internal’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.ByteString.Short.Internal’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.ByteString.Short.Internal() | 39 | import qualified Data.ByteString.Short.Internal as BSS | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 4 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Decoding ( src/Codec/CBOR/Decoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Magic ( src/Codec/CBOR/Magic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Read ( src/Codec/CBOR/Read.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Encoding[boot] ( src/Codec/CBOR/Encoding.hs-boot, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.FlatTerm[boot] ( src/Codec/CBOR/FlatTerm.hs-boot, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Encoding ( src/Codec/CBOR/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.FlatTerm ( src/Codec/CBOR/FlatTerm.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Term ( src/Codec/CBOR/Term.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR ( src/Codec/CBOR.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Write ( src/Codec/CBOR/Write.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 14] Compiling Codec.CBOR.Pretty ( src/Codec/CBOR/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for regex-tdfa- Preprocessing library for regex-tdfa- Building library for regex-tdfa- [ 1 of 25] Compiling Data.IntMap.CharMap2 ( lib/Data/IntMap/CharMap2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 25] Compiling Data.IntSet.EnumSet2 ( lib/Data/IntSet/EnumSet2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 25] Compiling Data.IntMap.EnumMap2 ( lib/Data/IntMap/EnumMap2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 25] Compiling Paths_regex_tdfa ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.IntArrTrieSet ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/IntArrTrieSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.Common ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Uncons ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Uncons.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.MakeTest ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/MakeTest.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Tester ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Tester.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine_NC_FA ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine_NC_FA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine_NC ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine_NC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine_FA ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine_FA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Engine ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.Pattern ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/Pattern.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.CorePattern ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/CorePattern.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.ReadRegex ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/ReadRegex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.TNFA ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/TNFA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.TDFA ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/TDFA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.String ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.Sequence ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/Sequence.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/ByteString/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.Text ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.Text.Lazy ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA/Text/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 25] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA ( lib/Text/Regex/TDFA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for doclayout- Preprocessing library for doclayout- Building library for doclayout- [1 of 1] Compiling Text.DocLayout ( src/Text/DocLayout.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for random- Preprocessing library for random- Building library for random- [1 of 4] Compiling System.Random.GFinite ( src/System/Random/GFinite.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling System.Random.Internal ( src/System/Random/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling System.Random ( src/System/Random.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling System.Random.Stateful ( src/System/Random/Stateful.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for distributive- Preprocessing library for distributive- Building library for distributive- [1 of 2] Compiling Data.Distributive ( src/Data/Distributive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Distributive.hs:157:26: warning: [GHC-47082] [-Woperator-whitespace-ext-conflict] The prefix use of a ‘$’ would denote an untyped splice were the TemplateHaskell extension enabled. Suggested fix: Add whitespace after the ‘$’. | 157 | distribute a e = fmap ($e) a | ^ [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Distributive.Generic ( src/Data/Distributive/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for boring-0.2.1.. Preprocessing library for boring-0.2.1.. Building library for boring-0.2.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Boring ( src/Data/Boring.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for assoc-1.1.. Preprocessing library for assoc-1.1.. Building library for assoc-1.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Assoc ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Assoc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Swap ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Swap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for th-lift-0.8.4.. Preprocessing library for th-lift-0.8.4.. Building library for th-lift-0.8.4.. [1 of 2] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Lift.Internal ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Lift/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Lift ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Lift.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for network-uri- Preprocessing library for network-uri- Building library for network-uri- [1 of 3] Compiling Network.URI ( Network/URI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Network.URI.Lens ( Network/URI/Lens.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Network.URI.Static ( Network/URI/Static.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for transformers-base-0.4.6.. Preprocessing library for transformers-base-0.4.6.. Building library for transformers-base-0.4.6.. [1 of 1] Compiling Control.Monad.Base ( src/Control/Monad/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for mmorph-1.2.0.. Preprocessing library for mmorph-1.2.0.. Building library for mmorph-1.2.0.. [1 of 2] Compiling Control.Monad.Morph ( src/Control/Monad/Morph.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans.Compose ( src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:30: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:36: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:41: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:51: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:56: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:62: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Compose.hs:45:67: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | newtype ComposeT (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (g :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) m a | ^ Configuring library for Glob-0.10.2.. Preprocessing library for Glob-0.10.2.. Building library for Glob-0.10.2.. [1 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob.Utils ( System/FilePath/Glob/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob.Base ( System/FilePath/Glob/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob.Simplify ( System/FilePath/Glob/Simplify.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob.Primitive ( System/FilePath/Glob/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob.Match ( System/FilePath/Glob/Match.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob.Directory ( System/FilePath/Glob/Directory.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling System.FilePath.Glob ( System/FilePath/Glob.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unicode-transforms- Preprocessing library for unicode-transforms- Building library for unicode-transforms- [1 of 4] Compiling Data.Unicode.Internal.NormalizeStream ( Data/Unicode/Internal/NormalizeStream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Data.Unicode.Types ( Data/Unicode/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Data.Text.Normalize ( Data/Text/Normalize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Data.ByteString.UTF8.Normalize ( Data/ByteString/UTF8/Normalize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for resourcet-1.3.0.. Preprocessing library for resourcet-1.3.0.. Building library for resourcet-1.3.0.. [1 of 5] Compiling Data.Acquire.Internal ( Data/Acquire/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Acquire/Internal.hs:17:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 17 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 5] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.Internal ( Control/Monad/Trans/Resource/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Control/Monad/Trans/Resource/Internal.hs:28:29: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Applicative’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | 28 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..), Alternative(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Trans/Resource/Internal.hs:57:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.IO.Class’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.IO.Class’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.IO.Class() | 57 | import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Control/Monad/Trans/Resource/Internal.hs:67:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Word’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Word’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Word() | 67 | import Data.Word(Word) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 5] Compiling Data.Acquire ( Data/Acquire.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans.Resource ( Control/Monad/Trans/Resource.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling UnliftIO.Resource ( UnliftIO/Resource.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for string-conversions- Preprocessing library for string-conversions- Building library for string-conversions- [1 of 2] Compiling Data.String.Conversions ( src/Data/String/Conversions.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/String/Conversions.hs:39:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 39 | import Data.Monoid | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 2] Compiling Data.String.Conversions.Monomorphic ( src/Data/String/Conversions/Monomorphic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for vector- Preprocessing library for vector- Building library for vector- [ 1 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic ( src/Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Monadic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Util ( src/Data/Vector/Fusion/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Size ( src/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle/Size.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable.Base ( src/Data/Vector/Generic/Mutable/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.Base ( src/Data/Vector/Generic/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Internal.Check ( src/Data/Vector/Internal/Check.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle.Monadic ( src/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle/Monadic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Fusion.Bundle ( src/Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable ( src/Data/Vector/Generic/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic.New ( src/Data/Vector/Generic/New.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Generic ( src/Data/Vector/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Mutable ( src/Data/Vector/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector ( src/Data/Vector.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Primitive.Mutable ( src/Data/Vector/Primitive/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Primitive ( src/Data/Vector/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Storable.Internal ( src/Data/Vector/Storable/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable ( src/Data/Vector/Storable/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Storable ( src/Data/Vector/Storable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base ( src/Data/Vector/Unboxed/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Unboxed ( src/Data/Vector/Unboxed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 21] Compiling Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable ( src/Data/Vector/Unboxed/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for digest- Preprocessing library for digest- Building library for digest- [1 of 3] Compiling Data.Digest.Adler32 ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.Digest.CRC32 ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.Digest.CRC32C ( Data/Digest/CRC32C.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for pem-0.2.4.. Preprocessing library for pem-0.2.4.. Building library for pem-0.2.4.. [1 of 4] Compiling Data.PEM.Types ( Data/PEM/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Data.PEM.Parser ( Data/PEM/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Data.PEM.Writer ( Data/PEM/Writer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Data.PEM ( Data/PEM.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for crypton-0.34.. Preprocessing library for crypton-0.34.. Building library for crypton-0.34.. [ 1 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.DES.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/DES/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Data.Padding ( Crypto/Data/Padding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Error.Types ( Crypto/Error/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Error ( Crypto/Error.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Compat ( Crypto/Internal/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.ByteArray ( Crypto/Internal/ByteArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Utils ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.CompatPrim ( Crypto/Internal/CompatPrim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.DeepSeq ( Crypto/Internal/DeepSeq.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 10 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Base ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Base.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 11 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Stream ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Stream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 12 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Imports ( Crypto/Internal/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 13 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Builder ( Crypto/Internal/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 14 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Types ( Crypto/Hash/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 15 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Whirlpool ( Crypto/Hash/Whirlpool.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 16 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Tiger ( Crypto/Hash/Tiger.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 17 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Skein512 ( Crypto/Hash/Skein512.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 18 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Skein256 ( Crypto/Hash/Skein256.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 19 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA512t ( Crypto/Hash/SHA512t.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 20 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA512 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA512.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 21 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA384 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA384.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 22 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA3 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA3.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 23 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA256 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA256.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 24 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA224 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA224.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 25 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHA1 ( Crypto/Hash/SHA1.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 26 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.RIPEMD160 ( Crypto/Hash/RIPEMD160.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 27 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.MD5 ( Crypto/Hash/MD5.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 28 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.MD4 ( Crypto/Hash/MD4.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 29 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.MD2 ( Crypto/Hash/MD2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 30 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Keccak ( Crypto/Hash/Keccak.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 31 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.IO ( Crypto/Hash/IO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 32 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2sp ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2sp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 33 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2s ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2s.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 34 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2bp ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2bp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 35 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2b ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2b.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 36 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.GF ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/GF.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 37 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.AEAD ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/AEAD.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 38 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types.Block ( Crypto/Cipher/Types/Block.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 39 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Types ( Crypto/Cipher/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 40 of 138] Compiling Crypto.ConstructHash.MiyaguchiPreneel ( Crypto/ConstructHash/MiyaguchiPreneel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 41 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Utils ( Crypto/Cipher/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 42 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.TripleDES ( Crypto/Cipher/TripleDES.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 43 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.DES ( Crypto/Cipher/DES.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 44 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Salsa ( Crypto/Cipher/Salsa.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 45 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.XSalsa ( Crypto/Cipher/XSalsa.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 46 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.RC4 ( Crypto/Cipher/RC4.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 47 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.ChaCha ( Crypto/Cipher/ChaCha.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 48 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.AES.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/AES/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 49 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.AES ( Crypto/Cipher/AES.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 50 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Nat ( Crypto/Internal/Nat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 51 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.SHAKE ( Crypto/Hash/SHAKE.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 52 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Blake2 ( Crypto/Hash/Blake2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 53 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash.Algorithms ( Crypto/Hash/Algorithms.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 54 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Hash ( Crypto/Hash.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 55 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.WordArray ( Crypto/Internal/WordArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 56 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Twofish.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/Twofish/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Crypto/Cipher/Twofish/Primitive.hs:84:19: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Word32]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] [_, _, _] ... | 84 | where [k0, k1, k2, k3] = fmap (\offset -> arrayRead32 ks $ (8 + 4 * ind) + offset) [0..3] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Cipher/Twofish/Primitive.hs:119:19: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Word32]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] [_, _, _] ... | 119 | where [k0, k1, k2, k3] = fmap (\offset -> arrayRead32 ks $ (4 + 4 * ind) + offset) [0..3] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Cipher/Twofish/Primitive.hs:210:11: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Word8]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] [_, _, _] ... | 210 | [w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13, w14, w15] = take 16 ws | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Cipher/Twofish/Primitive.hs:258:11: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Word8]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] [_, _, _] ... | 258 | [y0, y1, y2, y3] = take 4 input | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 57 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Twofish ( Crypto/Cipher/Twofish.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 58 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.CAST5.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/CAST5/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 59 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.CAST5 ( Crypto/Cipher/CAST5.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 60 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Box ( Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish/Box.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 61 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 62 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish ( Crypto/Cipher/Blowfish.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 63 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Internal.Words ( Crypto/Internal/Words.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 64 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Camellia.Primitive ( Crypto/Cipher/Camellia/Primitive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 65 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.Camellia ( Crypto/Cipher/Camellia.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 66 of 138] Compiling Crypto.KDF.Argon2 ( Crypto/KDF/Argon2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 67 of 138] Compiling Crypto.KDF.BCryptPBKDF ( Crypto/KDF/BCryptPBKDF.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 68 of 138] Compiling Crypto.MAC.CMAC ( Crypto/MAC/CMAC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 69 of 138] Compiling Crypto.MAC.HMAC ( Crypto/MAC/HMAC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 70 of 138] Compiling Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2 ( Crypto/KDF/PBKDF2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 71 of 138] Compiling Crypto.KDF.Scrypt ( Crypto/KDF/Scrypt.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 72 of 138] Compiling Crypto.KDF.HKDF ( Crypto/KDF/HKDF.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 73 of 138] Compiling Crypto.MAC.KMAC ( Crypto/MAC/KMAC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 74 of 138] Compiling Crypto.MAC.KeyedBlake2 ( Crypto/MAC/KeyedBlake2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 75 of 138] Compiling Crypto.MAC.Poly1305 ( Crypto/MAC/Poly1305.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 76 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305 ( Crypto/Cipher/ChaChaPoly1305.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 77 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Compat ( Crypto/Number/Compat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:57:22: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘gcdExtInteger’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerGcde instead" | 57 | where (# g, s #) = gcdExtInteger a b | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:90:40: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘powModInteger’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerPowMod# instead" | 90 | gmpPowModInteger b e m = GmpSupported (powModInteger b e m) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:101:13: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘recipModInteger’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerRecipMod# instead" | 101 | where r = recipModInteger g m | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:132:49: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘sizeInBaseInteger’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerSizeInBase# instead" | 132 | gmpSizeInBytes n = GmpSupported (I# (word2Int# (sizeInBaseInteger n 256#))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:140:48: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘sizeInBaseInteger’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerSizeInBase# instead" | 140 | gmpSizeInBits n = GmpSupported (I# (word2Int# (sizeInBaseInteger n 2#))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:149:10: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘exportIntegerToAddr’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerToAddr# instead" | 149 | _ <- exportIntegerToAddr n addr 1# | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:163:10: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘exportIntegerToAddr’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerToAddr# instead" | 163 | _ <- exportIntegerToAddr n addr 0# | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:177:5: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘importIntegerFromAddr’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerFromAddr# instead" | 177 | importIntegerFromAddr addr (int2Word# n) 1# | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crypto/Number/Compat.hs:189:5: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘importIntegerFromAddr’ (imported from GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals): Deprecated: "Use integerFromAddr# instead" | 189 | importIntegerFromAddr addr (int2Word# n) 0# | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 78 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Basic ( Crypto/Number/Basic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 79 of 138] Compiling Crypto.ECC.Simple.Types ( Crypto/ECC/Simple/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 80 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.F2m ( Crypto/Number/F2m.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 81 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.ModArithmetic ( Crypto/Number/ModArithmetic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 82 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Nat ( Crypto/Number/Nat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 83 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Serialize.Internal ( Crypto/Number/Serialize/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 84 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Serialize ( Crypto/Number/Serialize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 85 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Serialize.Internal.LE ( Crypto/Number/Serialize/Internal/LE.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 86 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Serialize.LE ( Crypto/Number/Serialize/LE.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 87 of 138] Compiling Crypto.OTP ( Crypto/OTP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 88 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 89 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Internal ( Crypto/PubKey/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 90 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.MaskGenFunction ( Crypto/PubKey/MaskGenFunction.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 91 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 92 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Prim ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/Prim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 93 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Source ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Source.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 94 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.RDRand ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/RDRand.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 95 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Unix ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Unix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 96 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Backend ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Backend.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 97 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy.Unsafe ( Crypto/Random/Entropy/Unsafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 98 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Entropy ( Crypto/Random/Entropy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 99 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.EntropyPool ( Crypto/Random/EntropyPool.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [100 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Types ( Crypto/Random/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [101 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.SystemDRG ( Crypto/Random/SystemDRG.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [102 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.ChaChaDRG ( Crypto/Random/ChaChaDRG.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [103 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random ( Crypto/Random.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [104 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Random.Probabilistic ( Crypto/Random/Probabilistic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [105 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Ed448 ( Crypto/PubKey/Ed448.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [106 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Ed25519 ( Crypto/PubKey/Ed25519.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [107 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.P256 ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/P256.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [108 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Curve448 ( Crypto/PubKey/Curve448.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [109 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 ( Crypto/PubKey/Curve25519.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [110 of 138] Compiling Crypto.KDF.BCrypt ( Crypto/KDF/BCrypt.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [111 of 138] Compiling Crypto.ECC.Edwards25519 ( Crypto/ECC/Edwards25519.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [112 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Cipher.AESGCMSIV ( Crypto/Cipher/AESGCMSIV.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Crypto/Cipher/AESGCMSIV.hs:193:23: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘Maybe (IV c)’ not matched: Nothing | 193 | where toIV bs = let Just iv = makeIV (bs :: Bytes) in iv | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [113 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Generate ( Crypto/Number/Generate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [114 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Prim ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Prim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [115 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/ECDSA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [116 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/Generate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [117 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.DSA ( Crypto/PubKey/DSA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [118 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Number.Prime ( Crypto/Number/Prime.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [119 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Rabin.Types ( Crypto/PubKey/Rabin/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [120 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Rabin.OAEP ( Crypto/PubKey/Rabin/OAEP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [121 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Rabin.RW ( Crypto/PubKey/Rabin/RW.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [122 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Rabin.Modified ( Crypto/PubKey/Rabin/Modified.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [123 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.Rabin.Basic ( Crypto/PubKey/Rabin/Basic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [124 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [125 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/PSS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [126 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/PKCS15.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [127 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.RSA.OAEP ( Crypto/PubKey/RSA/OAEP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [128 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.DH ( Crypto/PubKey/DH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [129 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ElGamal ( Crypto/PubKey/ElGamal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [130 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECC.DH ( Crypto/PubKey/ECC/DH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Crypto/PubKey/ECC/DH.hs:47:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘Point’ not matched: PointO | 47 | Point x _ = pointMul curve db qa | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [131 of 138] Compiling Crypto.ECC.Simple.Prim ( Crypto/ECC/Simple/Prim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [132 of 138] Compiling Crypto.ECC ( Crypto/ECC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [133 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.EdDSA ( Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:110:45: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 110 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:132:36: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 132 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:154:36: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 154 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:175:35: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 175 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:184:39: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 184 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:195:31: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 195 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:204:33: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 204 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:213:34: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 213 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:223:36: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 223 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:233:33: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 233 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:242:35: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 242 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:251:36: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 251 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:269:38: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 269 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:292:31: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 292 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ Crypto/PubKey/EdDSA.hs:313:42: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 313 | , HashDigestSize hash ~ CurveDigestSize curve | ^ [134 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECIES ( Crypto/PubKey/ECIES.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [135 of 138] Compiling Crypto.PubKey.ECDSA ( Crypto/PubKey/ECDSA.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [136 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Data.AFIS ( Crypto/Data/AFIS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [137 of 138] Compiling Crypto.System.CPU ( Crypto/System/CPU.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [138 of 138] Compiling Crypto.Tutorial ( Crypto/Tutorial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring asn1-types-0.3.4... Warning: asn1-types.cabal:17:34: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Preprocessing library for asn1-types-0.3.4.. Building library for asn1-types-0.3.4.. [1 of 6] Compiling Data.ASN1.BitArray ( Data/ASN1/BitArray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 6] Compiling Data.ASN1.OID ( Data/ASN1/OID.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 6] Compiling Data.ASN1.Types.Lowlevel ( Data/ASN1/Types/Lowlevel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Data.ASN1.Types.String ( Data/ASN1/Types/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Data.ASN1.Types ( Data/ASN1/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 6] Compiling Data.ASN1.Pretty ( Data/ASN1/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for blaze-html- Preprocessing library for blaze-html- Building library for blaze-html- [ 1 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html ( src/Text/Blaze/Html.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty ( src/Text/Blaze/Html/Renderer/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String ( src/Text/Blaze/Html/Renderer/String.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text ( src/Text/Blaze/Html/Renderer/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 ( src/Text/Blaze/Html/Renderer/Utf8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html4.FrameSet ( src/Text/Blaze/Html4/FrameSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html4.FrameSet.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/Html4/FrameSet/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict ( src/Text/Blaze/Html4/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/Html4/Strict/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html4.Transitional ( src/Text/Blaze/Html4/Transitional.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html4.Transitional.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/Html4/Transitional/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html5 ( src/Text/Blaze/Html5.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/Html5/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml1.FrameSet ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml1/FrameSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml1.FrameSet.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml1/FrameSet/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml1.Strict ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml1/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml1.Strict.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml1/Strict/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml1.Transitional ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml1/Transitional.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml1.Transitional.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml1/Transitional/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml5 ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml5.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 21] Compiling Text.Blaze.XHtml5.Attributes ( src/Text/Blaze/XHtml5/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for ansi-terminal-1.1.. Preprocessing library for ansi-terminal-1.1.. Building library for ansi-terminal-1.1.. [1 of 3] Compiling System.Console.ANSI.Codes ( src/System/Console/ANSI/Codes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling System.Console.ANSI.Internal ( unix/System/Console/ANSI/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) unix/System/Console/ANSI/Internal.hs:25:9: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a case alternative: Patterns of type ‘ConsoleLayer’ not matched: Underlining | 25 | pS = case layer of | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... [3 of 3] Compiling System.Console.ANSI ( src/System/Console/ANSI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for vault- Preprocessing library for vault- Building library for vault- [1 of 5] Compiling Data.Unique.Really ( src/Data/Unique/Really.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Unique/Really.hs:6:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 6 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 5] Compiling Data.Vault.ST.Lazy ( src/Data/Vault/ST/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:15:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 15 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:16:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 16 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:18:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 18 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:47:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Vault s)’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 47 | mappend = union | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 5] Compiling Data.Vault.Lazy ( src/Data/Vault/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.Vault.ST.Strict ( src/Data/Vault/ST/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:15:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 15 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:16:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 16 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:18:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 18 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Vault/ST/ST.h:47:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Vault s)’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 47 | mappend = union | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [5 of 5] Compiling Data.Vault.Strict ( src/Data/Vault/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: uniplate.cabal:1:28: Packages with 'cabal-version: 1.12' or later should specify a specific version of the Cabal spec of the form 'cabal-version: x.y'. Use 'cabal-version: 1.18'. Configuring library for uniplate-1.6.13.. Preprocessing library for uniplate-1.6.13.. Building library for uniplate-1.6.13.. [ 1 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data.Instances ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Data/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Internal.Utils ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Internal/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate ( Data/Generics/Uniplate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Str ( Data/Generics/Str.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Internal.DataOnlyOperations ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Internal/DataOnlyOperations.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Internal.Data ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Internal/Data.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.DataOnly ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/DataOnly.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Operations.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Direct ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Direct.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Data.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.SYB ( Data/Generics/SYB.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Compos ( Data/Generics/Compos.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Typeable ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Typeable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Uniplate.Zipper ( Data/Generics/Uniplate/Zipper.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.UniplateOn ( Data/Generics/UniplateOn.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.UniplateStr ( Data/Generics/UniplateStr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.UniplateStrOn ( Data/Generics/UniplateStrOn.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.Biplate ( Data/Generics/Biplate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.PlateTypeable ( Data/Generics/PlateTypeable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.PlateDirect ( Data/Generics/PlateDirect.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 21] Compiling Data.Generics.PlateData ( Data/Generics/PlateData.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for http-types-0.12.4.. Preprocessing library for http-types-0.12.4.. Building library for http-types-0.12.4.. [1 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types.Header ( Network/HTTP/Types/Header.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types.Method ( Network/HTTP/Types/Method.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types.Status ( Network/HTTP/Types/Status.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types.URI ( Network/HTTP/Types/URI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike ( Network/HTTP/Types/QueryLike.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types.Version ( Network/HTTP/Types/Version.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling Network.HTTP.Types ( Network/HTTP/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for http-media- Preprocessing library for http-media- Building library for http-media- [ 1 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Accept ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Accept.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.RenderHeader ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/RenderHeader.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Quality ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Quality.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Language.Internal ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Language/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Language ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Language.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Utils ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.MediaType.Internal ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/MediaType/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.MediaType ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/MediaType.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Encoding.Internal ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Encoding/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Encoding ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Charset.Internal ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Charset/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media.Charset ( src/Network/HTTP/Media/Charset.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Compiling Network.HTTP.Media ( src/Network/HTTP/Media.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unliftio- Preprocessing library for unliftio- Building library for unliftio- [ 1 of 23] Compiling Paths_unliftio ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Chan ( src/UnliftIO/Chan.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Directory ( src/UnliftIO/Directory.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Environment ( src/UnliftIO/Environment.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Exception ( src/UnliftIO/Exception.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Exception.Lens ( src/UnliftIO/Exception/Lens.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Foreign ( src/UnliftIO/Foreign.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.IO ( src/UnliftIO/IO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.IORef ( src/UnliftIO/IORef.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Internals.Async ( src/UnliftIO/Internals/Async.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/UnliftIO/Internals/Async.hs:513:3: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Conc m a)’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 513 | mappend = liftA2 mappend | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [11 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Async ( src/UnliftIO/Async.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.MVar ( src/UnliftIO/MVar.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.IO.File.Posix ( src/UnliftIO/IO/File/Posix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.IO.File ( src/UnliftIO/IO/File.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Concurrent ( src/UnliftIO/Concurrent.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Memoize ( src/UnliftIO/Memoize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Process ( src/UnliftIO/Process.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.QSem ( src/UnliftIO/QSem.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.QSemN ( src/UnliftIO/QSemN.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.STM ( src/UnliftIO/STM.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Temporary ( src/UnliftIO/Temporary.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO.Timeout ( src/UnliftIO/Timeout.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 23] Compiling UnliftIO ( src/UnliftIO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for typed-process- Preprocessing library for typed-process- Building library for typed-process- [1 of 3] Compiling Paths_typed_process ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling System.Process.Typed.Internal ( src/System/Process/Typed/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling System.Process.Typed ( src/System/Process/Typed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for socks-0.6.1.. Preprocessing library for socks-0.6.1.. Building library for socks-0.6.1.. [1 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5.Parse ( Network/Socks5/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Socks5/Parse.hs:75:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad Parser’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 75 | return v = Parser $ \buf _ ok -> ok buf v | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Network/Socks5/Parse.hs:91:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘pure = return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative Parser’. Move definition from ‘return’ to ‘pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 91 | pure = return | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5.Types ( Network/Socks5/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5.Conf ( Network/Socks5/Conf.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5.Wire ( Network/Socks5/Wire.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5.Command ( Network/Socks5/Command.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5.Lowlevel ( Network/Socks5/Lowlevel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling Network.Socks5 ( Network/Socks5.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for recv-0.1.0.. Preprocessing library for recv-0.1.0.. Building library for recv-0.1.0.. [1 of 5] Compiling Network.Socket.BufferPool.Types ( Network/Socket/BufferPool/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Network.Socket.BufferPool.Buffer ( Network/Socket/BufferPool/Buffer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Socket/BufferPool/Buffer.hs:62:5: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 62 | memcpy ptr (p `plusPtr` o) (fromIntegral l) | ^^^^^^ [3 of 5] Compiling Network.Socket.BufferPool.Recv ( Network/Socket/BufferPool/Recv.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Network.Socket.BufferPool ( Network/Socket/BufferPool.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Network.Socket.BufferPool.Windows ( Network/Socket/BufferPool/Windows.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for iproute-1.7.12.. Preprocessing library for iproute-1.7.12.. Building library for iproute-1.7.12.. [1 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.Addr ( Data/IP/Addr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/IP/Addr.hs:622:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Int]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] [_, _, _] ... | 622 | [i1,i2,i3,i4] = fromIPv4 ip | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.Builder ( Data/IP/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.Mask ( Data/IP/Mask.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.Range ( Data/IP/Range.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.Op ( Data/IP/Op.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/IP/Op.hs:109:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Int]’ not matched: [] [_] [_, _] [_, _, _] ... | 109 | [i1,i2,i3,i4] = fromIPv4 ip | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [6 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.Internal ( Data/IP/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 9] Compiling Data.IP ( Data/IP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.RouteTable.Internal ( Data/IP/RouteTable/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [9 of 9] Compiling Data.IP.RouteTable ( Data/IP/RouteTable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hslua-repl-0.1.2.. Preprocessing library for hslua-repl-0.1.2.. Building library for hslua-repl-0.1.2.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.REPL Configuring library for hslua-marshalling-2.3.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-marshalling-2.3.1.. Building library for hslua-marshalling-2.3.1.. [1 of 5] Compiling HsLua.Marshalling.Peek [2 of 5] Compiling HsLua.Marshalling.Peekers [3 of 5] Compiling HsLua.Marshalling.Push [4 of 5] Compiling HsLua.Marshalling.Userdata [5 of 5] Compiling HsLua.Marshalling Configuring library for hslua-list-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-list-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-list-1.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.List cbits/listmod.c:332:63: error: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value] for (const char **name = tablelib_functions; *name != NULL; *name++) { ^~~~~~~ | 332 | for (const char **name = tablelib_functions; *name != NULL; *name++) { | ^ 1 warning generated. cbits/listmod.c:332:63: error: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value] for (const char **name = tablelib_functions; *name != NULL; *name++) { ^~~~~~~ | 332 | for (const char **name = tablelib_functions; *name != NULL; *name++) { | ^ 1 warning generated. Configuring unix-time-0.4.12... checking for gcc... /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes checking whether /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- accepts -g... yes checking for /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- option to accept ISO C89... none needed checking how to run the C preprocessor... /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- -E checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E checking for ANSI C header files... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for memory.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking xlocale.h usability... no checking xlocale.h presence... no checking for xlocale.h... no checking for strptime_l... no checking for timegm... yes checking whether _mkgmtime is declared... no checking for _get_current_locale... no checking for _create_locale... no checking for strtol_l... no checking for strtoll_l... no checking for _isspace_l... no checking for _isupper_l... no checking for _isdigit_l... no checking for _isblank_l... no configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating cbits/config.h Preprocessing library for unix-time-0.4.12.. Building library for unix-time-0.4.12.. [1 of 5] Compiling Data.UnixTime.Types ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/UnixTime/Types.hsc:5:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 5 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 5] Compiling Data.UnixTime.Sys ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.UnixTime.Diff ( Data/UnixTime/Diff.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/UnixTime/Diff.hs:48:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "Integral->UnixDiffTime" may never fire because ‘fromIntegral’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fromIntegral’ | 48 | {-# RULES "Integral->UnixDiffTime" fromIntegral = secondsToUnixDiffTime #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 5] Compiling Data.UnixTime.Conv ( Data/UnixTime/Conv.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/UnixTime/Conv.hs:17:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 17 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [5 of 5] Compiling Data.UnixTime ( Data/UnixTime.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring data-default- Warning: data-default.cabal:17:33: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Preprocessing library for data-default- Building library for data-default- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Default ( Data/Default.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for attoparsec-0.14.4.. Preprocessing library for attoparsec-0.14.4.. Building library for attoparsec-0.14.4.. [ 1 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types ( Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Types.hs:28:53: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘<$>’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | 28 | import Control.Applicative as App (Applicative(..), (<$>)) | ^^^^^ Data/Attoparsec/Internal/Types.hs:34:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 34 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 2 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Internal ( Data/Attoparsec/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Number ( Data/Attoparsec/Number.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Types ( Data/Attoparsec/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Zepto ( Data/Attoparsec/Zepto.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Attoparsec/Zepto.hs:46:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 46 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 6 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Combinator ( Data/Attoparsec/Combinator.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Attoparsec/Combinator.hs:46:46: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘liftA2’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | 46 | import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), liftA2, many, (<|>)) | ^^^^^^ [ 7 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Text.Internal ( Data/Attoparsec/Text/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Attoparsec/Text/Internal.hs:68:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘*>, <$>, pure’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | 68 | import Control.Applicative ((<|>), (<$>), pure, (*>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Attoparsec/Text/Internal.hs:91:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 91 | instance (a ~ Text) => IsString (Parser a) where | ^ [ 8 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Text ( Data/Attoparsec/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Text.Lazy ( Data/Attoparsec/Text/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Internal ( Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.ByteString ( Data/Attoparsec/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy ( Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Lazy ( Data/Attoparsec/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 ( Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Char8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Attoparsec/ByteString/Char8.hs:154:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 154 | instance (a ~ B.ByteString) => IsString (Parser a) where | ^ [15 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec.Char8 ( Data/Attoparsec/Char8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 16] Compiling Data.Attoparsec ( Data/Attoparsec.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for text-iso8601-0.1.. Preprocessing library for text-iso8601-0.1.. Building library for text-iso8601-0.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling Data.Time.FromText ( src/Data/Time/FromText.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Time.ToText ( src/Data/Time/ToText.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for gridtables- Preprocessing library for gridtables- Building library for gridtables- [1 of 4] Compiling Text.GridTable.ArrayTable [2 of 4] Compiling Text.GridTable.Trace [3 of 4] Compiling Text.GridTable.Parse [4 of 4] Compiling Text.GridTable Configuring library for djot- Preprocessing library for djot- Building library for djot- [1 of 9] Compiling Djot.AST ( src/Djot/AST.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 9] Compiling Djot.Options ( src/Djot/Options.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 9] Compiling Djot.Parse ( src/Djot/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 9] Compiling Djot.Html ( src/Djot/Html.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 9] Compiling Djot.Djot ( src/Djot/Djot.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 9] Compiling Djot.Attributes ( src/Djot/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 9] Compiling Djot.Inlines ( src/Djot/Inlines.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 9] Compiling Djot.Blocks ( src/Djot/Blocks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [9 of 9] Compiling Djot ( src/Djot.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for uuid-types- Preprocessing library for uuid-types- Building library for uuid-types- [1 of 3] Compiling Data.UUID.Types.Internal.Builder ( src/Data/UUID/Types/Internal/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.UUID.Types.Internal ( src/Data/UUID/Types/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/UUID/Types/Internal.hs:54:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 54 | import Control.Applicative ((<*>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/UUID/Types/Internal.hs:60:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Functor’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Functor’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Functor() | 60 | import Data.Functor ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 3] Compiling Data.UUID.Types ( src/Data/UUID/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for temporary-1.3.. Preprocessing library for temporary-1.3.. Building library for temporary-1.3.. [1 of 1] Compiling System.IO.Temp ( System/IO/Temp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for streaming-commons- Preprocessing library for streaming-commons- Building library for streaming-commons- [ 1 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.ByteString.Builder.Buffer ( Data/Streaming/ByteString/Builder/Buffer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.ByteString.Builder ( Data/Streaming/ByteString/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.FileRead ( Data/Streaming/FileRead.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Filesystem ( Data/Streaming/Filesystem.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Network.Internal ( Data/Streaming/Network/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Network ( Data/Streaming/Network.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Process.Internal ( Data/Streaming/Process/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Process ( Data/Streaming/Process.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Text ( Data/Streaming/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Zlib.Lowlevel ( Data/Streaming/Zlib/Lowlevel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 11] Compiling Data.Streaming.Zlib ( Data/Streaming/Zlib.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for QuickCheck-2.14.3.. Preprocessing library for QuickCheck-2.14.3.. Building library for QuickCheck-2.14.3.. [ 1 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Exception ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Exception.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Random ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Random.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Gen ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Gen.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Gen.Unsafe ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Gen/Unsafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Arbitrary.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Poly ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Poly.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Modifiers ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Modifiers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Function ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Function.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Text ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.State ( src/Test/QuickCheck/State.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Property ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Property.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Test ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Test.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Monadic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.All ( src/Test/QuickCheck/All.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Features ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Features.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 16] Compiling Test.QuickCheck ( src/Test/QuickCheck.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for comonad-5.0.8.. Preprocessing library for comonad-5.0.8.. Building library for comonad-5.0.8.. [ 1 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad ( src/Control/Comonad.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Hoist.Class ( src/Control/Comonad/Hoist/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Trans.Class ( src/Control/Comonad/Trans/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Trans.Env ( src/Control/Comonad/Trans/Env.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Trans.Identity ( src/Control/Comonad/Trans/Identity.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Identity ( src/Control/Comonad/Identity.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Trans.Store ( src/Control/Comonad/Trans/Store.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Trans.Traced ( src/Control/Comonad/Trans/Traced.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Traced.Class ( src/Control/Comonad/Traced/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Traced ( src/Control/Comonad/Traced.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Store.Class ( src/Control/Comonad/Store/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Store ( src/Control/Comonad/Store.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Env.Class ( src/Control/Comonad/Env/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 15] Compiling Control.Comonad.Env ( src/Control/Comonad/Env.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 15] Compiling Data.Functor.Composition ( src/Data/Functor/Composition.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for dec-0.0.5.. Preprocessing library for dec-0.0.5.. Building library for dec-0.0.5.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Type.Dec ( src/Data/Type/Dec.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for constraints-0.14.. Preprocessing library for constraints-0.14.. Building library for constraints-0.14.. [1 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint ( src/Data/Constraint.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Deferrable ( src/Data/Constraint/Deferrable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Forall ( src/Data/Constraint/Forall.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Lifting ( src/Data/Constraint/Lifting.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Unsafe ( src/Data/Constraint/Unsafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Nat ( src/Data/Constraint/Nat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Symbol ( src/Data/Constraint/Symbol.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 8] Compiling Data.Constraint.Char ( src/Data/Constraint/Char.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for these-1.2.. Preprocessing library for these-1.2.. Building library for these-1.2.. [1 of 3] Compiling Data.Functor.These ( src/Data/Functor/These.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Data.These ( src/Data/These.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.These.Combinators ( src/Data/These/Combinators.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for monad-control- Preprocessing library for monad-control- Building library for monad-control- [1 of 1] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans.Control ( src/Control/Monad/Trans/Control.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Control/Monad/Trans/Control.hs:207:19: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 207 | type StT t a :: * | ^ src/Control/Monad/Trans/Control.hs:546:21: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 546 | type StM m a :: * | ^ Configuring library for commonmark- Preprocessing library for commonmark- Building library for commonmark- [ 1 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Tokens ( src/Commonmark/Tokens.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.TokParsers ( src/Commonmark/TokParsers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Tag ( src/Commonmark/Tag.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Entity ( src/Commonmark/Entity.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Types ( src/Commonmark/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.SourceMap ( src/Commonmark/SourceMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.ReferenceMap ( src/Commonmark/ReferenceMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Inlines ( src/Commonmark/Inlines.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Html ( src/Commonmark/Html.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Blocks ( src/Commonmark/Blocks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Syntax ( src/Commonmark/Syntax.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 13] Compiling Commonmark.Parser ( src/Commonmark/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Compiling Commonmark ( src/Commonmark.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for th-lift-instances-0.1.20.. Preprocessing library for th-lift-instances-0.1.20.. Building library for th-lift-instances-0.1.20.. [1 of 1] Compiling Instances.TH.Lift ( src/Instances/TH/Lift.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for indexed-traversable-instances- Preprocessing library for indexed-traversable-instances- Building library for indexed-traversable-instances- [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Functor.WithIndex.Instances ( src/Data/Functor/WithIndex/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for bitvec- Preprocessing library for bitvec- Building library for bitvec- [ 1 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.PdepPext ( src/Data/Bit/PdepPext.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.SIMD ( src/Data/Bit/SIMD.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.Utils ( src/Data/Bit/Utils.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.InternalTS ( src/Data/Bit/InternalTS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.MutableTS ( src/Data/Bit/MutableTS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.Internal ( src/Data/Bit/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.Mutable ( src/Data/Bit/Mutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.ImmutableTS ( src/Data/Bit/ImmutableTS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.Immutable ( src/Data/Bit/Immutable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.F2PolyTS ( src/Data/Bit/F2PolyTS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.ThreadSafe ( src/Data/Bit/ThreadSafe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit.F2Poly ( src/Data/Bit/F2Poly.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Compiling Data.Bit ( src/Data/Bit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for JuicyPixels-3.3.8.. Preprocessing library for JuicyPixels-3.3.8.. Building library for JuicyPixels-3.3.8.. [ 1 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.InternalHelper ( src/Codec/Picture/InternalHelper.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Metadata.Exif ( src/Codec/Picture/Metadata/Exif.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Metadata ( src/Codec/Picture/Metadata.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Tiff.Internal.Types ( src/Codec/Picture/Tiff/Internal/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Tiff.Internal.Metadata ( src/Codec/Picture/Tiff/Internal/Metadata.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Types ( src/Codec/Picture/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture/Types.hs:235:53: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 235 | ~ PixelBaseComponent px | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Types.hs:250:47: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 250 | ~ PixelBaseComponent a) | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Types.hs:705:34: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 705 | type PixelBaseComponent a :: * | ^ [ 7 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Png.Internal.Type ( src/Codec/Picture/Png/Internal/Type.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Png.Internal.Metadata ( src/Codec/Picture/Png/Internal/Metadata.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.VectorByteConversion ( src/Codec/Picture/VectorByteConversion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture/VectorByteConversion.hs:43:58: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 43 | . (Pixel px, (PixelBaseComponent px) ~ Word8) | ^ [10 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Tga ( src/Codec/Picture/Tga.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Png.Internal.Export ( src/Codec/Picture/Png/Internal/Export.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture/Png/Internal/Export.hs:127:71: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 127 | genericEncode16BitsPng :: forall px. (Pixel px, PixelBaseComponent px ~ Word16) | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Png/Internal/Export.hs:179:65: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 179 | genericEncodePng :: forall px. (Pixel px, PixelBaseComponent px ~ Word8) | ^ [12 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Png ( src/Codec/Picture/Png.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.HDR ( src/Codec/Picture/HDR.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Bitmap ( src/Codec/Picture/Bitmap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.BitWriter ( src/Codec/Picture/BitWriter.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.DefaultTable ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/DefaultTable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.Types ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.Metadata ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/Metadata.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.FastIdct ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/FastIdct.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.FastDct ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/FastDct.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.Common ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.Progressive ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg/Internal/Progressive.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Jpg ( src/Codec/Picture/Jpg.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture/Jpg.hs:613:13: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘Maybe JpgFrameHeader’ not matched: Nothing | 613 | Just fHdr = currentFrame st | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Codec/Picture/Jpg.hs:627:13: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘Maybe JpgFrameHeader’ not matched: Nothing | 627 | Just fHdr = currentFrame st | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Codec/Picture/Jpg.hs:638:53: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 638 | extractBlock :: forall s px. (PixelBaseComponent px ~ Word8) | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Jpg.hs:795:40: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 795 | class (Pixel px, PixelBaseComponent px ~ Word8) => JpgEncodable px where | ^ [24 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Gif.Internal.LZWEncoding ( src/Codec/Picture/Gif/Internal/LZWEncoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Gif.Internal.LZW ( src/Codec/Picture/Gif/Internal/LZW.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Tiff ( src/Codec/Picture/Tiff.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture/Tiff.hs:212:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 212 | type StorageType a :: * | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Tiff.hs:486:36: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 486 | , StorageType comp ~ PixelBaseComponent pixel | ^ [27 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Gif ( src/Codec/Picture/Gif.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.ColorQuant ( src/Codec/Picture/ColorQuant.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture.Saving ( src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:46:42: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 46 | from16to8 :: ( PixelBaseComponent source ~ Word16 | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:47:40: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 47 | , PixelBaseComponent dest ~ Word8 ) | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:54:42: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 54 | from32to8 :: ( PixelBaseComponent source ~ Word32 | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:55:40: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 55 | , PixelBaseComponent dest ~ Word8 ) | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:62:43: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 62 | from32to16 :: ( PixelBaseComponent source ~ Word32 | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:63:40: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 63 | , PixelBaseComponent dest ~ Word16 ) | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:70:46: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 70 | from16toFloat :: ( PixelBaseComponent source ~ Word16 | ^ src/Codec/Picture/Saving.hs:71:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 71 | , PixelBaseComponent dest ~ Float ) | ^ [30 of 30] Compiling Codec.Picture ( src/Codec/Picture.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Picture.hs:294:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 294 | , PixelBaseComponent px1 ~ Pixel16 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:295:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 295 | , PixelBaseComponent px2 ~ Pixel8 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:301:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 301 | , PixelBaseComponent px1 ~ Pixel32 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:302:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 302 | , PixelBaseComponent px2 ~ Pixel16 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:308:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 308 | , PixelBaseComponent px1 ~ Pixel32 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:309:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 309 | , PixelBaseComponent px2 ~ Pixel8 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:315:43: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 315 | , PixelBaseComponent px1 ~ PixelF | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:316:43: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 316 | , PixelBaseComponent px2 ~ Pixel8 | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:322:43: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 322 | , PixelBaseComponent px1 ~ PixelF | ^ src/Codec/Picture.hs:323:43: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 323 | , PixelBaseComponent px2 ~ Pixel16 | ^ Configuring library for zip-archive-0.4.3.. Preprocessing library for zip-archive-0.4.3.. Building library for zip-archive-0.4.3.. [1 of 1] Compiling Codec.Archive.Zip ( src/Codec/Archive/Zip.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for asn1-encoding-0.9.6.. Preprocessing library for asn1-encoding-0.9.6.. Building library for asn1-encoding-0.9.6.. [ 1 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Error ( Data/ASN1/Error.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Get ( Data/ASN1/Get.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/ASN1/Get.hs:31:29: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Applicative’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | 31 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..),Alternative(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Get.hs:92:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘pure = return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative Get’. Move definition from ‘return’ to ‘pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 92 | pure = return | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Get.hs:101:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad Get’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 101 | return a = Get $ \ s0 b0 m0 p0 _ ks -> ks s0 b0 m0 p0 a | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 3 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Internal ( Data/ASN1/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Object ( Data/ASN1/Object.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Serialize ( Data/ASN1/Serialize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/ASN1/Serialize.hs:17:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 17 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 6 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding.Writer ( Data/ASN1/BinaryEncoding/Writer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding.Parse ( Data/ASN1/BinaryEncoding/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding.Raw ( Data/ASN1/BinaryEncoding/Raw.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Stream ( Data/ASN1/Stream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Prim ( Data/ASN1/Prim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:55:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 55 | import Data.Monoid | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:65:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 65 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:259:11: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘exponent’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Prelude’ at Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:13:8-21 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Float’) | 259 | exponent = exp' - fromIntegral scaleFactor | ^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:296:9: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Word8]’ not matched: [] | 296 | (x:xs) = B.unpack s | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:428:9: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘exp’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Prelude’ at Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:13:8-21 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Float’) | 428 | (man, exp) = decodeFloat d | ^^^ Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:429:14: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘exponent’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Prelude’ at Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:13:8-21 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Float’) | 429 | (mantissa, exponent) = normalize (fromIntegral $ mkUnsigned man, exp) | ^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:441:22: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘exponent’ shadows the existing binding imported from ‘Prelude’ at Data/ASN1/Prim.hs:13:8-21 (and originally defined in ‘GHC.Float’) | 441 | normalize (mantissa, exponent) = (mantissa `shiftR` sh, exponent + sh) | ^^^^^^^^ [11 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.Encoding ( Data/ASN1/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 12] Compiling Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding ( Data/ASN1/BinaryEncoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3.. Preprocessing library for prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3.. Building library for prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3.. [1 of 4] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal.Internal ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Terminal/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal ( src/Prettyprinter/Render/Terminal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Terminal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal.Internal ( src/Data/Text/Prettyprint/Doc/Render/Terminal/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for wai-3.2.4.. Preprocessing library for wai-3.2.4.. Building library for wai-3.2.4.. [1 of 2] Compiling Network.Wai.Internal ( Network/Wai/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Network.Wai ( Network/Wai.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for time-manager-0.0.1.. Preprocessing library for time-manager-0.0.1.. Building library for time-manager-0.0.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling System.TimeManager ( System/TimeManager.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hslua-typing-0.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-typing-0.1.1.. Building library for hslua-typing-0.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Typing Configuring library for hslua-cli-1.4.2.. Preprocessing library for hslua-cli-1.4.2.. Building library for hslua-cli-1.4.2.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.CLI Configuring library for hslua-classes-2.3.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-classes-2.3.1.. Building library for hslua-classes-2.3.1.. [1 of 6] Compiling HsLua.Class.Peekable [2 of 6] Compiling HsLua.Class.Pushable [3 of 6] Compiling HsLua.Class.Exposable [4 of 6] Compiling HsLua.Class.Util [5 of 6] Compiling HsLua.Class.Invokable [6 of 6] Compiling HsLua.Classes Configuring library for network-control-0.0.2.. Preprocessing library for network-control-0.0.2.. Building library for network-control-0.0.2.. [1 of 4] Compiling Network.Control.Flow ( Network/Control/Flow.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Network.Control.LRUCache ( Network/Control/LRUCache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Network.Control.Rate ( Network/Control/Rate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Network.Control ( Network/Control.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for fast-logger-3.2.2.. Preprocessing library for fast-logger-3.2.2.. Building library for fast-logger-3.2.2.. [ 1 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.Imports ( System/Log/FastLogger/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.FileIO ( System/Log/FastLogger/FileIO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.LogStr ( System/Log/FastLogger/LogStr.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.IO ( System/Log/FastLogger/IO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.Types ( System/Log/FastLogger/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.File ( System/Log/FastLogger/File.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.Date ( System/Log/FastLogger/Date.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.Write ( System/Log/FastLogger/Write.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.SingleLogger ( System/Log/FastLogger/SingleLogger.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.MultiLogger ( System/Log/FastLogger/MultiLogger.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.LoggerSet ( System/Log/FastLogger/LoggerSet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger ( System/Log/FastLogger.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Compiling System.Log.FastLogger.Internal ( System/Log/FastLogger/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for http-date-0.0.11.. Preprocessing library for http-date-0.0.11.. Building library for http-date-0.0.11.. [1 of 5] Compiling Network.HTTP.Date.Types ( Network/HTTP/Date/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Network.HTTP.Date.Parser ( Network/HTTP/Date/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Network.HTTP.Date.Formatter ( Network/HTTP/Date/Formatter.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/HTTP/Date/Formatter.hs:51:7: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘memcpy’ (imported from Data.ByteString.Internal, but defined in Data.ByteString.Internal.Type): Deprecated: "Use Foreign.Marshal.Utils.copyBytes instead" | 51 | memcpy ptr (fp `plusPtr` o) 3 | ^^^^^^ [4 of 5] Compiling Network.HTTP.Date.Converter ( Network/HTTP/Date/Converter.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Network.HTTP.Date ( Network/HTTP/Date.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for cassava- Preprocessing library for cassava- Building library for cassava- [ 1 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Types ( src/Data/Csv/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Util ( src/Data/Csv/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Parser ( src/Data/Csv/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Conversion.Internal ( src/Data/Csv/Conversion/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Conversion ( src/Data/Csv/Conversion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Encoding ( src/Data/Csv/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Incremental ( src/Data/Csv/Incremental.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Streaming ( src/Data/Csv/Streaming.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv.Builder ( src/Data/Csv/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 10] Compiling Data.Csv ( src/Data/Csv.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for http-api-data-0.6.. Preprocessing library for http-api-data-0.6.. Building library for http-api-data-0.6.. [1 of 4] Compiling Web.Internal.HttpApiData ( src/Web/Internal/HttpApiData.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Web/Internal/HttpApiData.hs:35:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 35 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 4] Compiling Web.Internal.FormUrlEncoded ( src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:40:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 40 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:58:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Numeric.Natural’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Numeric.Natural’ To import instances alone, use: import Numeric.Natural() | 58 | import Numeric.Natural (Natural) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:336:23: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 336 | class GToForm t (f :: * -> *) where | ^ src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:336:28: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 336 | class GToForm t (f :: * -> *) where | ^ src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:484:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 484 | class GFromForm t (f :: * -> *) where | ^ src/Web/Internal/FormUrlEncoded.hs:484:30: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 484 | class GFromForm t (f :: * -> *) where | ^ [3 of 4] Compiling Web.FormUrlEncoded ( src/Web/FormUrlEncoded.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 4] Compiling Web.HttpApiData ( src/Web/HttpApiData.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for http-client-0.7.16.. Preprocessing library for http-client-0.7.16.. Building library for http-client-0.7.16.. [ 1 of 19] Compiling Data.KeyedPool ( Data/KeyedPool.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Types ( Network/HTTP/Client/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Connection ( Network/HTTP/Client/Connection.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Headers ( Network/HTTP/Client/Headers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Body ( Network/HTTP/Client/Body.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Util ( Network/HTTP/Client/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Request ( Network/HTTP/Client/Request.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Response ( Network/HTTP/Client/Response.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Proxy ( Network/HTTP/Proxy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Manager ( Network/HTTP/Client/Manager.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 19] Compiling Network.PublicSuffixList.Types ( publicsuffixlist/Network/PublicSuffixList/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 19] Compiling Network.PublicSuffixList.Serialize ( publicsuffixlist/Network/PublicSuffixList/Serialize.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 19] Compiling Network.PublicSuffixList.DataStructure ( publicsuffixlist/Network/PublicSuffixList/DataStructure.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 19] Compiling Network.PublicSuffixList.Lookup ( publicsuffixlist/Network/PublicSuffixList/Lookup.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Cookies ( Network/HTTP/Client/Cookies.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Core ( Network/HTTP/Client/Core.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.Internal ( Network/HTTP/Client/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client ( Network/HTTP/Client.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 19] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData ( Network/HTTP/Client/MultipartFormData.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for bifunctors-5.6.1.. Preprocessing library for bifunctors-5.6.1.. Building library for bifunctors-5.6.1.. [ 1 of 15] Compiling Data.Biapplicative ( src/Data/Biapplicative.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Biap ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Biap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Biff ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Biff.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Clown ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Clown.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Fix ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Fix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Functor ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Functor.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Flip ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Flip.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Join ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Join.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Joker ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Joker.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Product ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Product.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Sum ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Sum.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.TH.Internal ( src/Data/Bifunctor/TH/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.TH ( src/Data/Bifunctor/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Tannen ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Tannen.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 15] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Wrapped ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Wrapped.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for singleton-bool-0.1.7.. Preprocessing library for singleton-bool-0.1.7.. Building library for singleton-bool-0.1.7.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Singletons.Bool ( src/Data/Singletons/Bool.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for strict-0.5.. Preprocessing library for strict-0.5.. Building library for strict-0.5.. [1 of 7] Compiling Data.Strict.Either ( src/Data/Strict/Either.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Data.Strict.Maybe ( src/Data/Strict/Maybe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 7] Compiling Data.Strict.These ( src/Data/Strict/These.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 7] Compiling Data.Strict.Tuple ( src/Data/Strict/Tuple.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Strict/Tuple.hs:171:3: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (Pair a b)’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 171 | (x1 :!: y1) `mappend` (x2 :!: y2) = (x1 `mappend` x2) :!: (y1 `mappend` y2) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [5 of 7] Compiling Data.Strict.Classes ( src/Data/Strict/Classes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Data.Strict ( src/Data/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 7] Compiling System.IO.Strict ( src/System/IO/Strict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for commonmark-extensions- Preprocessing library for commonmark-extensions- Building library for commonmark-extensions- [ 1 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Alerts ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Alerts.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Attributes ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Attributes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.AutoIdentifiers ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/AutoIdentifiers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Autolink ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Autolink.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.DefinitionList ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/DefinitionList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Emoji ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Emoji.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.FancyList ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/FancyList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Footnote ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Footnote.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.HardLineBreaks ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/HardLineBreaks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.ImplicitHeadingReferences ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/ImplicitHeadingReferences.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Math ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Math.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.PipeTable ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/PipeTable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.RebaseRelativePaths ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/RebaseRelativePaths.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Smart ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Smart.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Strikethrough ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Strikethrough.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Subscript ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Subscript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Superscript ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Superscript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.TaskList ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/TaskList.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions.Wikilinks ( src/Commonmark/Extensions/Wikilinks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 20] Compiling Commonmark.Extensions ( src/Commonmark/Extensions.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for unicode-collation- Preprocessing library for unicode-collation- Building library for unicode-collation- [ 1 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.Lang [ 2 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.Trie [ 3 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.UnicodeData [ 4 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.CanonicalCombiningClass [ 5 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.Normalize [ 6 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.Collation [ 7 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.TH [ 8 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.Tailorings [ 9 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate.Collator [10 of 10] Compiling Text.Collate Configuring library for witherable-0.4.2.. Preprocessing library for witherable-0.4.2.. Building library for witherable-0.4.2.. [1 of 2] Compiling Witherable ( src/Witherable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Data.Witherable ( src/Data/Witherable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Witherable.hs:48:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 48 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for vector-algorithms- Preprocessing library for vector-algorithms- Building library for vector-algorithms- [ 1 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Common ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Optimal ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Optimal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Insertion ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Insertion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Merge ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Merge.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.AmericanFlag ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/AmericanFlag.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Heap ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Heap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Intro.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Radix ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Radix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Search ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Search.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 11] Compiling Data.Vector.Algorithms.Tim ( src/Data/Vector/Algorithms/Tim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Warning: asn1-parse.cabal:17:34: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Warning: asn1-parse.cabal:19:42: version operators used. To use version operators the package needs to specify at least 'cabal-version: >= 1.8'. Configuring asn1-parse-0.9.5... Preprocessing library for asn1-parse-0.9.5.. Building library for asn1-parse-0.9.5.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.ASN1.Parse ( Data/ASN1/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/ASN1/Parse.hs:35:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Fail’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Fail’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Fail() | 35 | import Control.Monad.Fail | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/ASN1/Parse.hs:52:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad ParseASN1’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 52 | return a = pure a | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for optparse-applicative- Preprocessing library for optparse-applicative- Building library for optparse-applicative- [ 1 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Help.Levenshtein ( src/Options/Applicative/Help/Levenshtein.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty ( src/Options/Applicative/Help/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk ( src/Options/Applicative/Help/Chunk.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Help.Types ( src/Options/Applicative/Help/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Types ( src/Options/Applicative/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Options/Applicative/Types.hs:58:1: warning: [-Wdodgy-imports] Module ‘Data.Semigroup’ does not export ‘Option’ | 58 | import Data.Semigroup hiding (Option) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 6 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.NonEmpty ( src/Options/Applicative/NonEmpty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Internal ( src/Options/Applicative/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Common ( src/Options/Applicative/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Help.Core ( src/Options/Applicative/Help/Core.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Help ( src/Options/Applicative/Help.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Builder.Internal ( src/Options/Applicative/Builder/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Options/Applicative/Builder/Internal.hs:29:1: warning: [-Wdodgy-imports] Module ‘Data.Semigroup’ does not export ‘Option’ | 29 | import Data.Semigroup hiding (Option) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [12 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Builder.Completer ( src/Options/Applicative/Builder/Completer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Builder ( src/Options/Applicative/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.BashCompletion ( src/Options/Applicative/BashCompletion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Options/Applicative/BashCompletion.hs:16:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Foldable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Foldable() | 16 | import Data.Foldable ( asum ) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [15 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Extra ( src/Options/Applicative/Extra.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative ( src/Options/Applicative.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 17] Compiling Options.Applicative.Arrows ( src/Options/Applicative/Arrows.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for wai-cors-0.2.7.. Preprocessing library for wai-cors-0.2.7.. Building library for wai-cors-0.2.7.. [1 of 1] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors ( src/Network/Wai/Middleware/Cors.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1.. Building library for hslua-objectorientation-2.3.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling HsLua.ObjectOrientation.Operation [2 of 2] Compiling HsLua.ObjectOrientation Configuring library for http2-5.0.1.. Preprocessing library for http2-5.0.1.. Building library for http2-5.0.1.. [ 1 of 54] Compiling Imports ( Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Builder ( Network/HPACK/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.HeaderBlock.Integer ( Network/HPACK/HeaderBlock/Integer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.Bit ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/Bit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.ByteString ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.Params ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/Params.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.Table ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/Table.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.Encode ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/Encode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.Tree ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/Tree.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Token ( Network/HPACK/Token.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Types ( Network/HPACK/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Table.Entry ( Network/HPACK/Table/Entry.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Table.Static ( Network/HPACK/Table/Static.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Table.RevIndex ( Network/HPACK/Table/RevIndex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman.Decode ( Network/HPACK/Huffman/Decode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Huffman ( Network/HPACK/Huffman.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Table.Dynamic ( Network/HPACK/Table/Dynamic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Table ( Network/HPACK/Table.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.HeaderBlock.Encode ( Network/HPACK/HeaderBlock/Encode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.HeaderBlock.Decode ( Network/HPACK/HeaderBlock/Decode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.Internal ( Network/HPACK/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK.HeaderBlock ( Network/HPACK/HeaderBlock.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 54] Compiling Network.HPACK ( Network/HPACK.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Frame.Types ( Network/HTTP2/Frame/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Frame.Encode ( Network/HTTP2/Frame/Encode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Frame.Decode ( Network/HTTP2/Frame/Decode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Frame ( Network/HTTP2/Frame.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.EncodeFrame ( Network/HTTP2/H2/EncodeFrame.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.File ( Network/HTTP2/H2/File.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Manager ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Manager.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.ReadN ( Network/HTTP2/H2/ReadN.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Settings ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Settings.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [33 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Status ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Status.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Types ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [35 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.StreamTable ( Network/HTTP2/H2/StreamTable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [36 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Stream ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Stream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [37 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Queue ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Queue.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [38 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Context ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Context.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [39 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.HPACK ( Network/HTTP2/H2/HPACK.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [40 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Config ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Config.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [41 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Window ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Window.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [42 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Sender ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Sender.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [43 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2.Receiver ( Network/HTTP2/H2/Receiver.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [44 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.H2 ( Network/HTTP2/H2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [45 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Client.Types ( Network/HTTP2/Client/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [46 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Client.Run ( Network/HTTP2/Client/Run.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [47 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Client.Internal ( Network/HTTP2/Client/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [48 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Client ( Network/HTTP2/Client.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [49 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Internal ( Network/HTTP2/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [50 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Server.Types ( Network/HTTP2/Server/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [51 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Server.Worker ( Network/HTTP2/Server/Worker.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [52 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Server.Run ( Network/HTTP2/Server/Run.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [53 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Server.Internal ( Network/HTTP2/Server/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [54 of 54] Compiling Network.HTTP2.Server ( Network/HTTP2/Server.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [1 of 2] Compiling Main ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Linking /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- OSThreads.c(OSThreads.thr_o:(createAttachedOSThread) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2_thr.a): warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy() EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.thr_o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2_thr.a): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() Configuring wai-logger-2.4.0... Preprocessing library for wai-logger-2.4.0.. Building library for wai-logger-2.4.0.. [1 of 4] Compiling Network.Wai.Logger.IORef ( Network/Wai/Logger/IORef.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 4] Compiling Network.Wai.Logger.IP ( Network/Wai/Logger/IP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 4] Compiling Network.Wai.Logger.Apache ( Network/Wai/Logger/Apache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Wai/Logger/Apache.hs:21:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 21 | import Data.Monoid ((<>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 4] Compiling Network.Wai.Logger ( Network/Wai/Logger.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for semigroupoids- Preprocessing library for semigroupoids- Building library for semigroupoids- [ 1 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Extend ( src/Data/Functor/Extend.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Foldable.Class ( src/Data/Semigroup/Foldable/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 27] Compiling Data.Traversable.Instances ( src/Data/Traversable/Instances.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 27] Compiling Semigroupoids.Internal ( src/Semigroupoids/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Bind.Class ( src/Data/Functor/Bind/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Apply ( src/Data/Functor/Apply.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Bifoldable ( src/Data/Semigroup/Bifoldable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divise ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Divise.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Decide ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Decide.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Contravariant.Conclude ( src/Data/Functor/Contravariant/Conclude.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Bind ( src/Data/Functor/Bind.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroupoid ( src/Data/Semigroupoid.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroupoid.Ob ( src/Data/Semigroupoid/Ob.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroupoid.Dual ( src/Data/Semigroupoid/Dual.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroupoid.Categorical ( src/Data/Semigroupoid/Categorical.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 27] Compiling Data.Groupoid ( src/Data/Groupoid.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 27] Compiling Data.Isomorphism ( src/Data/Isomorphism.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Bind.Trans ( src/Data/Functor/Bind/Trans.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 27] Compiling Data.Bifunctor.Apply ( src/Data/Bifunctor/Apply.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Alt ( src/Data/Functor/Alt.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Foldable ( src/Data/Semigroup/Foldable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Traversable.Class ( src/Data/Semigroup/Traversable/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Traversable ( src/Data/Semigroup/Traversable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Bitraversable ( src/Data/Semigroup/Bitraversable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 27] Compiling Data.Functor.Plus ( src/Data/Functor/Plus.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 27] Compiling Semigroupoids.Do ( src/Semigroupoids/Do.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 27] Compiling Data.Semigroupoid.Static ( src/Data/Semigroupoid/Static.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for serialise- Preprocessing library for serialise- Building library for serialise- [1 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.Decoding ( src/Codec/Serialise/Decoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.Encoding ( src/Codec/Serialise/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.Internal.GeneralisedUTF8 ( src/Codec/Serialise/Internal/GeneralisedUTF8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Serialise/Internal/GeneralisedUTF8.hs:78:15: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘sizeofMutableByteArray’ (imported from Data.Primitive.ByteArray): Deprecated: "use getSizeofMutableByteArray instead" | 78 | cap = sizeofMutableByteArray ba | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.Class ( src/Codec/Serialise/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Codec/Serialise/Class.hs:1370:1: warning: [GHC-53633] [-Woverlapping-patterns] Pattern match is redundant In an equation for ‘encodeTypeRep’: encodeTypeRep (Fun arg res) = ... | 1370 | encodeTypeRep (Fun arg res) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... [5 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise ( src/Codec/Serialise.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.IO ( src/Codec/Serialise/IO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.Properties ( src/Codec/Serialise/Properties.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 8] Compiling Codec.Serialise.Tutorial ( src/Codec/Serialise/Tutorial.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for mono-traversable- Preprocessing library for mono-traversable- Building library for mono-traversable- [1 of 6] Compiling Data.MonoTraversable ( src/Data/MonoTraversable.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/MonoTraversable.hs:1277:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘ViewL a’ not matched: EmptyL | 1277 | oextract ~(x :< _) = x | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/MonoTraversable.hs:1279:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘ViewL a’ not matched: EmptyL | 1279 | oextend f w@(~(_ :< xxs)) = | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/MonoTraversable.hs:1287:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘ViewR a’ not matched: EmptyR | 1287 | oextract ~(_ :> x) = x | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/MonoTraversable.hs:1289:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘ViewR a’ not matched: EmptyR | 1289 | oextend f w@(~(xxs :> _)) = | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... [2 of 6] Compiling Data.Containers ( src/Data/Containers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Containers.hs:51:48: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 51 | unions :: (MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ set) => mono -> set | ^ src/Data/Containers.hs:703:38: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 703 | class (SetContainer set, Element set ~ ContainerKey set) => IsSet set where | ^ [3 of 6] Compiling Data.MonoTraversable.Unprefixed ( src/Data/MonoTraversable/Unprefixed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/MonoTraversable/Unprefixed.hs:158:41: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 158 | and :: (MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool) => mono -> Bool | ^ src/Data/MonoTraversable/Unprefixed.hs:164:40: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 164 | or :: (MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool) => mono -> Bool | ^ src/Data/MonoTraversable/Unprefixed.hs:219:62: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 219 | sequence_ :: (Applicative m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ (m ())) => mono -> m () | ^ [4 of 6] Compiling Data.Sequences ( src/Data/Sequences.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Sequences.hs:1530:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1530 | class (IsSequence t, IsString t, Element t ~ Char) => Textual t where | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1546:29: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1546 | unwords :: (Element seq ~ t, MonoFoldable seq) => seq -> t | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1563:29: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1563 | unlines :: (Element seq ~ t, MonoFoldable seq) => seq -> t | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1611:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1611 | instance (c ~ Char) => Textual [c] where | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1664:37: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1664 | Element (f (Maybe t)) ~ Maybe t) | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1715:52: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1715 | repack :: (MonoFoldable a, IsSequence b, Element a ~ Element b) => a -> b | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1731:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1731 | instance (c ~ Char, w ~ Word8) => Utf8 [c] [w] where | ^ src/Data/Sequences.hs:1731:23: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1731 | instance (c ~ Char, w ~ Word8) => Utf8 [c] [w] where | ^ [5 of 6] Compiling Data.NonNull ( src/Data/NonNull.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 6] Compiling Paths_mono_traversable ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for crypton-x509-1.7.6.. Preprocessing library for crypton-x509-1.7.6.. Building library for crypton-x509-1.7.6.. [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.AlgorithmIdentifier ( Data/X509/AlgorithmIdentifier.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.Internal ( Data/X509/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.ExtensionRaw ( Data/X509/ExtensionRaw.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/ExtensionRaw.hs:17:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 17 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 4 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.DistinguishedName ( Data/X509/DistinguishedName.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/DistinguishedName.hs:20:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 20 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/X509/DistinguishedName.hs:22:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 22 | import Data.Semigroup | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 5 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.Ext ( Data/X509/Ext.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/Ext.hs:46:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 46 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 6 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.CRL ( Data/X509/CRL.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/CRL.hs:19:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 19 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 7 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.OID ( Data/X509/OID.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/OID.hs:15:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 15 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 8 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.PublicKey ( Data/X509/PublicKey.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.PrivateKey ( Data/X509/PrivateKey.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/PrivateKey.hs:16:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 16 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>), pure) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/X509/PrivateKey.hs:18:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Word’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Word’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Word() | 18 | import Data.Word (Word) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [10 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.EC ( Data/X509/EC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.Cert ( Data/X509/Cert.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/Cert.hs:15:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 15 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [12 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.Signed ( Data/X509/Signed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 14] Compiling Data.X509.CertificateChain ( Data/X509/CertificateChain.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 14] Compiling Data.X509 ( Data/X509.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hslua-packaging-2.3.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-packaging-2.3.1.. Building library for hslua-packaging-2.3.1.. [1 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.Types [2 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.Rendering [3 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.Documentation [4 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.Function [5 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.Module [6 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.Convenience [7 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging.UDType [8 of 8] Compiling HsLua.Packaging Configuring library for semialign-1.3.. Preprocessing library for semialign-1.3.. Building library for semialign-1.3.. [1 of 6] Compiling Data.Semialign.Internal ( src/Data/Semialign/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 6] Compiling Data.Semialign.Indexed ( src/Data/Semialign/Indexed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 6] Compiling Data.Semialign ( src/Data/Semialign.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 6] Compiling Data.Align ( src/Data/Align.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 6] Compiling Data.Crosswalk ( src/Data/Crosswalk.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 6] Compiling Data.Zip ( src/Data/Zip.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for conduit-1.3.5.. Preprocessing library for conduit-1.3.5.. Building library for conduit-1.3.5.. [ 1 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Internal.Pipe ( src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs:48:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 48 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs:56:51: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘MonadUnliftIO’ from module ‘Control.Monad.IO.Unlift’ is redundant | 56 | import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadIO (liftIO), MonadUnliftIO, withRunInIO) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs:59:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 59 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid (mappend, mempty)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs:60:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 60 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup ((<>))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs:217:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: CI.await >>= maybe" may never fire because ‘maybe’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘maybe’ | 217 | {-# RULES "conduit: CI.await >>= maybe" forall x y. await >>= maybe x y = NeedInput y (const x) #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Pipe.hs:226:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: awaitE >>= either" may never fire because ‘either’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘either’ | 226 | {-# RULES "conduit: awaitE >>= either" forall x y. awaitE >>= either x y = NeedInput y x #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 2 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit ( src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:93:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 93 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:104:51: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘MonadUnliftIO’ from module ‘Control.Monad.IO.Unlift’ is redundant | 104 | import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadIO (liftIO), MonadUnliftIO, withRunInIO) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:108:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 108 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid (mappend, mempty)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:109:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 109 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup ((<>))) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:114:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Traversable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Traversable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Traversable() | 114 | import Data.Traversable (Traversable (..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:151:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘(*>) = (>>)’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative (ConduitT i o m)’. Move definition from ‘(>>)’ to ‘(*>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 151 | (*>) = (>>) | ^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:739:20: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘p’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:736:25 | 739 | go (HaveOutput p o) = pure $ Just (o, SealedConduitT p) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:743:18: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘p’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:736:25 | 743 | go (Leftover p ()) = go p | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:756:20: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘p’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:753:31 | 756 | go (HaveOutput p o) = pure $ Right (o, SealedConduitT p) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:760:18: warning: [GHC-63397] [-Wname-shadowing] This binding for ‘p’ shadows the existing binding bound at src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:753:31 | 760 | go (Leftover p ()) = go p | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Conduit.hs:881:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: await >>= maybe" may never fire because ‘maybe’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘maybe’ | 881 | {-# RULES "conduit: await >>= maybe" forall x y. await >>= maybe x y = await' x y #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 3 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Internal.Fusion ( src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:71:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: fuseStream (.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 71 | {-# RULES "conduit: fuseStream (.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:74:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: fuseStream (fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 74 | {-# RULES "conduit: fuseStream (fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:78:23: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 78 | unstream left =$= unstream right = unstream (fuseStream left right) | ^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:102:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: runStream (pure)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 102 | {-# RULES "conduit: runStream (pure)" forall stream. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:105:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: runStream (ResourceT)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 105 | {-# RULES "conduit: runStream (ResourceT)" forall stream. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:129:23: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘$$’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use runConduit and .|" | 129 | unstream left $$ unstream right = connectStream left right | ^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:154:23: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘$$’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use runConduit and .|" | 154 | unstream left $$ right = connectStream1 left right | ^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:157:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduit/.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 157 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduit/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:161:35: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 161 | runConduit (unstream left =$= right) = connectStream1 left right | ^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:163:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduit/fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 163 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduit/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:167:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 167 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:167:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/.|)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 167 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:170:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/=$=)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 170 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/=$=)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:171:39: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 171 | runConduitPure (unstream left =$= right) = runIdentity (connectStream1 left right) | ^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:173:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 173 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:173:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/fuse)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 173 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitPure/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:177:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 177 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:177:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/.|)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 177 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:180:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/=$=)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 180 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/=$=)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:181:38: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 181 | runConduitRes (unstream left =$= right) = runResourceT (connectStream1 left right) | ^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:183:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 183 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:183:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/fuse)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 183 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream1 (runConduitRes/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:214:14: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘$$’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use runConduit and .|" | 214 | left $$ unstream right = connectStream2 left right | ^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:217:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduit/.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 217 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduit/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:220:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduit/fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 220 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduit/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:224:26: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 224 | runConduit (left =$= unstream right) = connectStream2 left right | ^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:227:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 227 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:227:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/.|)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 227 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:230:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 230 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:230:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/fuse)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 230 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:233:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/=$=)" may never fire because ‘runConduitPure’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitPure’ | 233 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitPure/=$=)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:234:30: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 234 | runConduitPure (left =$= unstream right) = runIdentity (connectStream2 left right) | ^^^ src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:237:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/.|)" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 237 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:237:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/.|)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 237 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/.|)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:240:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/fuse)" may never fire because ‘fuse’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘fuse’ | 240 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:240:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/fuse)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 240 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/fuse)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:243:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/=$=)" may never fire because ‘runConduitRes’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘runConduitRes’ | 243 | {-# RULES "conduit: connectStream2 (runConduitRes/=$=)" forall left right. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Conduit/Internal/Fusion.hs:244:29: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘=$=’ (imported from Data.Conduit.Internal.Conduit): Deprecated: "Use .|" | 244 | runConduitRes (left =$= unstream right) = runResourceT (connectStream2 left right) | ^^^ [ 4 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Internal.List.Stream ( src/Data/Conduit/Internal/List/Stream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Combinators.Stream ( src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Stream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Stream.hs:362:61: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 362 | slidingWindowS :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ a) => Int -> StreamConduit a m seq | ^ [ 6 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit ( src/Data/Conduit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit.hs:105:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Functor.Identity’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Functor.Identity’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Functor.Identity() | 105 | import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity, runIdentity) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit.hs:106:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource() | 106 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT, runResourceT) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit.hs:107:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.IO.Unlift’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.IO.Unlift’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift() | 107 | import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 7 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Internal ( src/Data/Conduit/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Lift ( src/Data/Conduit/Lift.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Lift.hs:67:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 67 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 9 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.List ( src/Data/Conduit/List.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/List.hs:336:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: $$ fold" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 336 | {-# RULES "conduit: $$ fold" forall src f b. runConduit (src .| fold f b) = connectFold src f b #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/List.hs:352:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: $$ foldM" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 352 | {-# RULES "conduit: $$ foldM" forall src f b. runConduit (src .| foldM f b) = connectFoldM src f b #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/List.hs:395:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connect to mapM_" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 395 | {-# RULES "conduit: connect to mapM_" [2] forall f src. runConduit (src .| mapM_ f) = srcMapM_ src f #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/List.hs:836:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: source/filter fusion .|" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 836 | {-# RULES "conduit: source/filter fusion .|" forall f src. src .| filter f = filterFuseRight src f #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Data/Conduit/List.hs:860:11: warning: [GHC-95396] [-Winline-rule-shadowing] Rule "conduit: connect to sinkNull" may never fire because ‘.|’ might inline first Suggested fix: Add an INLINE[n] or NOINLINE[n] pragma for ‘.|’ | 860 | {-# RULES "conduit: connect to sinkNull" forall src. runConduit (src .| sinkNull) = srcSinkNull src #-} | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [10 of 14] Compiling Data.Streaming.FileRead ( src/Data/Streaming/FileRead.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Data.Streaming.Filesystem ( src/Data/Streaming/Filesystem.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Combinators ( src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:901:43: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 901 | foldl1E :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, a ~ Element mono) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:907:40: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 907 | foldMaybeNull :: (MonoFoldable mono, e ~ Element mono) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:992:51: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 992 | andE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:1013:50: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1013 | orE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:1801:76: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1801 | slidingWindow, slidingWindowC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ a) => Int -> ConduitT a seq m () | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2036:51: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2036 | line :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2045:56: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2045 | lineAscii :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2082:54: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2082 | unlines :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char) => ConduitT seq seq m () | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2090:59: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2090 | unlinesAscii :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8) => ConduitT seq seq m () | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2126:61: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2126 | linesUnbounded :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2135:66: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2135 | linesUnboundedAscii :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators.hs:2437:71: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 2437 | vectorBuilder :: (PrimMonad m, PrimMonad n, V.Vector v e, PrimState m ~ PrimState n) | ^ [13 of 14] Compiling Data.Conduit.Combinators.Unqualified ( src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:461:52: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 461 | andCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:480:51: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 480 | orCE :: (Monad m, MonoFoldable mono, Element mono ~ Bool) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:993:61: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 993 | slidingWindowC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ a) => Int -> ConduitT a seq m () | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1135:52: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1135 | lineC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1144:57: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1144 | lineAsciiC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1153:55: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1153 | unlinesC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char) => ConduitT seq seq m () | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1160:60: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1160 | unlinesAsciiC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8) => ConduitT seq seq m () | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1170:62: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1170 | linesUnboundedC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Char) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1178:67: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1178 | linesUnboundedAsciiC :: (Monad m, Seq.IsSequence seq, Element seq ~ Word8) | ^ src/Data/Conduit/Combinators/Unqualified.hs:1201:72: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1201 | vectorBuilderC :: (PrimMonad m, V.Vector v e, PrimMonad n, PrimState m ~ PrimState n) | ^ [14 of 14] Compiling Conduit ( src/Conduit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for crypton-x509-store-1.6.9.. Preprocessing library for crypton-x509-store-1.6.9.. Building library for crypton-x509-store-1.6.9.. [1 of 3] Compiling Data.X509.CertificateStore ( Data/X509/CertificateStore.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/CertificateStore.hs:16:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 16 | import Data.Semigroup | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/X509/CertificateStore.hs:23:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 23 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 3] Compiling Data.X509.Memory ( Data/X509/Memory.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Data.X509.File ( Data/X509/File.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/File.hs:7:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 7 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/X509/File.hs:10:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding() | 10 | import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/X509/File.hs:11:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.ASN1.Encoding’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.ASN1.Encoding’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.ASN1.Encoding() | 11 | import Data.ASN1.Encoding | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/X509/File.hs:15:43: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘PEM(pemName)’ from module ‘Data.PEM’ is redundant | 15 | import Data.PEM (pemParseLBS, pemContent, pemName, PEM) | ^^^^^^^ Configuring library for hslua-module-zip-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-module-zip-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-module-zip-1.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Module.Zip Configuring library for hslua-module-version-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-module-version-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-module-version-1.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Module.Version Configuring library for hslua-module-text-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-module-text-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-module-text-1.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Module.Text Configuring library for hslua-module-system-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-module-system-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-module-system-1.1.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling HsLua.Module.SystemUtils [2 of 2] Compiling HsLua.Module.System Configuring library for hslua-module-path-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-module-path-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-module-path-1.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Module.Path Configuring library for aeson- Preprocessing library for aeson- Building library for aeson- [ 1 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.ByteString ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Functions ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Functions.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Prelude ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Prelude.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Scientific ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Scientific.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.TH ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Text ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Unescape ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Unescape.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.UnescapeFromText ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/UnescapeFromText.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Word16 ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Word16.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Internal.Word8 ( src/Data/Aeson/Internal/Word8.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Key ( src/Data/Aeson/Key.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding.Tokens ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding/Tokens.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding.Internal ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding.Text ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding.ByteString.Lazy ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding/ByteString/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding.ByteString ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding/ByteString.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.KeyMap ( src/Data/Aeson/KeyMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types.Generic ( src/Data/Aeson/Types/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types.Internal ( src/Data/Aeson/Types/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Parser.Time ( src/Data/Aeson/Parser/Time.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Encoding.Builder ( src/Data/Aeson/Encoding/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Encoding.Internal ( src/Data/Aeson/Encoding/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Encoding ( src/Data/Aeson/Encoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding.Conversion ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding/Conversion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON ( src/Data/Aeson/Types/FromJSON.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON ( src/Data/Aeson/Types/ToJSON.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Aeson/Types/ToJSON.hs:1612:23: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of data constructor ‘Solo’ (imported from Data.Tuple.Solo, but defined in GHC.Tuple): Deprecated: "The Solo constructor has been renamed to MkSolo to avoid punning." | 1612 | liftToJSON _ t _ (Solo a) = t a | ^^^^ src/Data/Aeson/Types/ToJSON.hs:1615:27: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of data constructor ‘Solo’ (imported from Data.Tuple.Solo, but defined in GHC.Tuple): Deprecated: "The Solo constructor has been renamed to MkSolo to avoid punning." | 1615 | liftToEncoding _ t _ (Solo a) = t a | ^^^^ [27 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types.Class ( src/Data/Aeson/Types/Class.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Types ( src/Data/Aeson/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Text ( src/Data/Aeson/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.Decoding ( src/Data/Aeson/Decoding.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson ( src/Data/Aeson.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.RFC8785 ( src/Data/Aeson/RFC8785.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [33 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple ( src/Data/Aeson/QQ/Simple.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 34] Compiling Data.Aeson.TH ( src/Data/Aeson/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Data/Aeson/TH.hs:948:7: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Q Exp]’ not matched: [] | 948 | x:xs = [ lookupField argTy | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Data/Aeson/TH.hs:1064:14: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘[Q Exp]’ not matched: [] | 1064 | let x:xs = [ dispatchParseJSON jc conName tvMap argTy | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... Configuring library for libyaml-0.1.2.. Preprocessing library for libyaml-0.1.2.. Building library for libyaml-0.1.2.. [1 of 2] Compiling Paths_libyaml ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Text.Libyaml ( src/Text/Libyaml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for conduit-extra-1.3.6.. Preprocessing library for conduit-extra-1.3.6.. Building library for conduit-extra-1.3.6.. [ 1 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Attoparsec ( Data/Conduit/Attoparsec.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Binary ( Data/Conduit/Binary.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.ByteString.Builder ( Data/Conduit/ByteString/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Filesystem ( Data/Conduit/Filesystem.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Foldl ( Data/Conduit/Foldl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Lazy ( Data/Conduit/Lazy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Network ( Data/Conduit/Network.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Network.UDP ( Data/Conduit/Network/UDP.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Network.Unix ( Data/Conduit/Network/Unix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Process ( Data/Conduit/Process.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/Conduit/Process.hs:47:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 47 | instance (r ~ (), MonadIO m, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r) where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:47:32: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 47 | instance (r ~ (), MonadIO m, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r) where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:48:20: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 48 | isStdStream = (\(Just h) -> hSetBuffering h NoBuffering $> sinkHandle h, Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:49:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 49 | instance (r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:49:22: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 49 | instance (r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:49:52: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 49 | instance (r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, i ~ ByteString) => InputSource (ConduitM i o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:50:20: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 50 | isStdStream = (\(Just h) -> hSetBuffering h NoBuffering $> (sinkHandle h, liftIO $ hClose h), Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:65:24: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 65 | instance (MonadIO m, r ~ ()) => InputSource (BuilderInput o m r) where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:66:18: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 66 | isStdStream = (\(Just h) -> return $ BuilderInput $ sinkHandleBuilder h, Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:67:35: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 67 | instance (MonadIO m, MonadIO n, r ~ (), r' ~ ()) => InputSource (BuilderInput o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:67:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 67 | instance (MonadIO m, MonadIO n, r ~ (), r' ~ ()) => InputSource (BuilderInput o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:68:18: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 68 | isStdStream = (\(Just h) -> return (BuilderInput $ sinkHandleBuilder h, liftIO $ hClose h), Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:69:24: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 69 | instance (MonadIO m, r ~ ()) => InputSource (FlushInput o m r) where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:70:18: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 70 | isStdStream = (\(Just h) -> return $ FlushInput $ sinkHandleFlush h, Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:71:35: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 71 | instance (MonadIO m, MonadIO n, r ~ (), r' ~ ()) => InputSource (FlushInput o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:71:44: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 71 | instance (MonadIO m, MonadIO n, r ~ (), r' ~ ()) => InputSource (FlushInput o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:72:18: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 72 | isStdStream = (\(Just h) -> return (FlushInput $ sinkHandleFlush h, liftIO $ hClose h), Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:74:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 74 | instance (r ~ (), MonadIO m, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r) where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:74:32: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 74 | instance (r ~ (), MonadIO m, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r) where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:75:20: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 75 | osStdStream = (\(Just h) -> hSetBuffering h NoBuffering $> sourceHandle h, Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:76:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 76 | instance (r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:76:22: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 76 | instance (r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:76:52: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 76 | instance (r ~ (), r' ~ (), MonadIO m, MonadIO n, o ~ ByteString) => OutputSink (ConduitM i o m r, n r') where | ^ Data/Conduit/Process.hs:77:20: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a lambda abstraction: Patterns of type ‘Maybe GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle’ not matched: Nothing | 77 | osStdStream = (\(Just h) -> hSetBuffering h NoBuffering $> (sourceHandle h, liftIO $ hClose h), Just CreatePipe) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [11 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Process.Typed ( Data/Conduit/Process/Typed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Text ( Data/Conduit/Text.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 13] Compiling Data.Conduit.Zlib ( Data/Conduit/Zlib.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12.. Preprocessing library for crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12.. Building library for crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12.. [1 of 5] Compiling Data.X509.Validation.Fingerprint ( Data/X509/Validation/Fingerprint.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 5] Compiling Data.X509.Validation.Signature ( Data/X509/Validation/Signature.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 5] Compiling Data.X509.Validation.Types ( Data/X509/Validation/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 5] Compiling Data.X509.Validation.Cache ( Data/X509/Validation/Cache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 5] Compiling Data.X509.Validation ( Data/X509/Validation.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Data/X509/Validation.hs:35:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 35 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuring library for crypton-x509-system-1.6.7.. Preprocessing library for crypton-x509-system-1.6.7.. Building library for crypton-x509-system-1.6.7.. [1 of 3] Compiling System.X509.MacOS ( System/X509/MacOS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) System/X509/MacOS.hs:8:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 8 | import Control.Applicative | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2 of 3] Compiling System.X509.Unix ( System/X509/Unix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) System/X509/Unix.hs:22:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 22 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ System/X509/Unix.hs:26:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 26 | import Data.Monoid (mconcat) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 3] Compiling System.X509 ( System/X509.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for servant-0.20.1.. Preprocessing library for servant-0.20.1.. Building library for servant-0.20.1.. [ 1 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Alternative ( src/Servant/API/Alternative.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Alternative.hs:10:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 10 | import Control.Applicative (liftA2) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/API/Alternative.hs:41:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monoid-instances] Noncanonical ‘mappend’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (a :<|> b)’. ‘mappend’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘(<>)’ Either remove definition for ‘mappend’ (recommended) or define as ‘mappend = (<>)’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/semigroup-monoid | 41 | (a :<|> b) `mappend` (a' :<|> b') = (a `mappend` a') :<|> (b `mappend` b') | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 2 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.BasicAuth ( src/Servant/API/BasicAuth.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/BasicAuth.hs:27:47: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 27 | data BasicAuth (realm :: Symbol) (userData :: *) | ^ [ 3 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Capture ( src/Servant/API/Capture.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Capture.hs:20:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 20 | data Capture' (mods :: [*]) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Capture.hs:20:51: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 20 | data Capture' (mods :: [*]) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Capture.hs:30:39: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 30 | data CaptureAll (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ [ 4 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.ContentTypes ( src/Servant/API/ContentTypes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/ContentTypes.hs:174:47: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 174 | class (AllMime list) => AllCTRender (list :: [*]) a where | ^ src/Servant/API/ContentTypes.hs:228:31: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 228 | class AllCTUnrender (list :: [*]) a where | ^ src/Servant/API/ContentTypes.hs:247:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 247 | class AllMime (list :: [*]) where | ^ src/Servant/API/ContentTypes.hs:265:49: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 265 | class (AllMime list) => AllMimeRender (list :: [*]) a where | ^ src/Servant/API/ContentTypes.hs:305:51: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 305 | class (AllMime list) => AllMimeUnrender (list :: [*]) a where | ^ [ 5 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Description ( src/Servant/API/Description.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Description.hs:62:57: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 62 | type family FoldDescription' (acc :: Symbol) (mods :: [*]) :: Symbol where | ^ [ 6 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Empty ( src/Servant/API/Empty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Experimental.Auth ( src/Servant/API/Experimental/Auth.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Fragment ( src/Servant/API/Fragment.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Fragment.hs:17:21: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 17 | data Fragment (a :: *) | ^ [ 9 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Generic ( src/Servant/API/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Generic.hs:86:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 86 | type mode :- api :: * | ^ [10 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.HttpVersion ( src/Servant/API/HttpVersion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.IsSecure ( src/Servant/API/IsSecure.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Modifiers ( src/Servant/API/Modifiers.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Modifiers.hs:54:51: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 54 | type family FoldRequired' (acc :: Bool) (mods :: [*]) :: Bool where | ^ src/Servant/API/Modifiers.hs:75:51: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 75 | type family FoldLenient' (acc :: Bool) (mods :: [*]) :: Bool where | ^ [13 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Header ( src/Servant/API/Header.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Header.hs:26:24: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 26 | data Header' (mods :: [*]) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Header.hs:26:50: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 26 | data Header' (mods :: [*]) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ [14 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.NamedRoutes ( src/Servant/API/NamedRoutes.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/NamedRoutes.hs:10:26: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 10 | data NamedRoutes (api :: * -> *) | ^ src/Servant/API/NamedRoutes.hs:10:31: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 10 | data NamedRoutes (api :: * -> *) | ^ [15 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.QueryParam ( src/Servant/API/QueryParam.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/QueryParam.hs:24:28: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 24 | data QueryParam' (mods :: [*]) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/QueryParam.hs:24:54: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 24 | data QueryParam' (mods :: [*]) (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/QueryParam.hs:38:40: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 38 | data QueryParams (sym :: Symbol) (a :: *) | ^ [16 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Raw ( src/Servant/API/Raw.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.RemoteHost ( src/Servant/API/RemoteHost.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.ReqBody ( src/Servant/API/ReqBody.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/ReqBody.hs:24:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 24 | data ReqBody' (mods :: [*]) (contentTypes :: [*]) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/ReqBody.hs:24:47: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 24 | data ReqBody' (mods :: [*]) (contentTypes :: [*]) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/ReqBody.hs:24:57: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 24 | data ReqBody' (mods :: [*]) (contentTypes :: [*]) (a :: *) | ^ [19 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Status ( src/Servant/API/Status.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Sub ( src/Servant/API/Sub.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Sub.hs:18:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 18 | data (path :: k) :> (a :: *) | ^ [21 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.TypeErrors ( src/Servant/API/TypeErrors.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.UVerb.Union ( src/Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:78:16: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 78 | forall (c :: * -> Constraint) (a :: *) (as :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:78:39: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 78 | forall (c :: * -> Constraint) (a :: *) (as :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:78:50: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 78 | forall (c :: * -> Constraint) (a :: *) (as :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:91:28: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 91 | matchUnion :: forall (a :: *) (as :: [*]). (IsMember a as) => Union as -> Maybe a | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb/Union.hs:91:39: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 91 | matchUnion :: forall (a :: *) (as :: [*]). (IsMember a as) => Union as -> Maybe a | ^ [23 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.ResponseHeaders ( src/Servant/API/ResponseHeaders.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/ResponseHeaders.hs:39:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘init, unlines’ from module ‘Data.ByteString.Char8’ is redundant | 39 | import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Servant/API/ResponseHeaders.hs:94:32: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 94 | type family HeaderValMap (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) where | ^ src/Servant/API/ResponseHeaders.hs:94:37: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 94 | type family HeaderValMap (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) where | ^ src/Servant/API/ResponseHeaders.hs:94:48: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 94 | type family HeaderValMap (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) where | ^ [24 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.UVerb ( src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs:44:51: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 44 | class KnownStatus (StatusOf a) => HasStatus (a :: *) where | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs:45:23: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 45 | type StatusOf (a :: *) :: Nat | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs:56:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 56 | class HasStatuses (as :: [*]) where | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs:57:25: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 57 | type Statuses (as :: [*]) :: [Nat] | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs:103:52: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 103 | data UVerb (method :: StdMethod) (contentTypes :: [*]) (as :: [*]) | ^ src/Servant/API/UVerb.hs:103:64: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 103 | data UVerb (method :: StdMethod) (contentTypes :: [*]) (as :: [*]) | ^ [25 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Vault ( src/Servant/API/Vault.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Verbs ( src/Servant/API/Verbs.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Verbs.hs:29:64: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 29 | data Verb (method :: k1) (statusCode :: Nat) (contentTypes :: [*]) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Verbs.hs:29:74: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 29 | data Verb (method :: k1) (statusCode :: Nat) (contentTypes :: [*]) (a :: *) | ^ [27 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.TypeLevel ( src/Servant/API/TypeLevel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/TypeLevel.hs:179:31: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 179 | type family IsIn (endpoint :: *) (api :: *) :: Constraint where | ^ src/Servant/API/TypeLevel.hs:179:42: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 179 | type family IsIn (endpoint :: *) (api :: *) :: Constraint where | ^ [28 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.WithNamedContext ( src/Servant/API/WithNamedContext.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/WithNamedContext.hs:21:56: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 21 | data WithNamedContext (name :: Symbol) (subContext :: [*]) subApi | ^ [29 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.WithResource ( src/Servant/API/WithResource.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 34] Compiling Servant.Types.SourceT ( src/Servant/Types/SourceT.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Types/SourceT.hs:73:19: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 73 | instance Identity ~ m => Foldable (SourceT m) where | ^ src/Servant/Types/SourceT.hs:126:19: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 126 | instance Identity ~ m => Foldable (StepT m) where | ^ [31 of 34] Compiling Servant.API.Stream ( src/Servant/API/Stream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:66:56: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 66 | data Stream (method :: k1) (status :: Nat) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:66:75: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 66 | data Stream (method :: k1) (status :: Nat) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:66:84: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 66 | data Stream (method :: k1) (status :: Nat) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:75:28: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 75 | data StreamBody' (mods :: [*]) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:75:44: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 75 | data StreamBody' (mods :: [*]) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:75:63: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 75 | data StreamBody' (mods :: [*]) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/API/Stream.hs:75:72: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 75 | data StreamBody' (mods :: [*]) (framing :: *) (contentType :: *) (a :: *) | ^ [32 of 34] Compiling Servant.Links ( src/Servant/Links.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Links.hs:420:19: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 420 | data AsLink (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:456:32: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 456 | type MkLink endpoint (a :: *) | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:535:57: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 535 | instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Header' mods sym (a :: *) :> sub) where | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:611:24: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 611 | class GLink (routes :: * -> *) (a :: *) where | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:611:29: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 611 | class GLink (routes :: * -> *) (a :: *) where | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:611:38: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 611 | class GLink (routes :: * -> *) (a :: *) where | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:670:76: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 670 | type MkLink (arr :> sub) _ = TypeError (PartialApplication (HasLink :: * -> Constraint) arr) | ^ src/Servant/Links.hs:674:1: warning: [GHC-08585] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit associated type or default declaration for ‘MkLink’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasLink (ty :> sub)’ | 674 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceForSub | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Servant/Links.hs:674:31: warning: [GHC-06201] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit implementation for ‘toLink’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasLink (ty :> sub)’ | 674 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceForSub | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Servant/Links.hs:680:1: warning: [GHC-08585] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit associated type or default declaration for ‘MkLink’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasLink api’ | 680 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceFor (HasLink api)) => HasLink api | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Links.hs:680:31: warning: [GHC-06201] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit implementation for ‘toLink’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasLink api’ | 680 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceFor (HasLink api)) => HasLink api | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [33 of 34] Compiling Servant.API ( src/Servant/API.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 34] Compiling Servant.Test.ComprehensiveAPI ( src/Servant/Test/ComprehensiveAPI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for pandoc-types-1.23.1.. Preprocessing library for pandoc-types-1.23.1.. Building library for pandoc-types-1.23.1.. [1 of 7] Compiling Paths_pandoc_types ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Definition ( src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs:102:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 102 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 7] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Builder ( src/Text/Pandoc/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Pandoc/Builder.hs:194:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Traversable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Traversable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Traversable() | 194 | import Data.Traversable (Traversable) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Pandoc/Builder.hs:195:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Foldable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Foldable() | 195 | import Data.Foldable (Foldable) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Pandoc/Builder.hs:200:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Semigroup’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Semigroup’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Semigroup() | 200 | import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 7] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary ( src/Text/Pandoc/Arbitrary.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Pandoc/Arbitrary.hs:7:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 7 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative ((<*>), pure), (<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [5 of 7] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Generic ( src/Text/Pandoc/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 7] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Walk ( src/Text/Pandoc/Walk.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/Pandoc/Walk.hs:117:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 117 | import Control.Applicative (Applicative ((<*>), pure), (<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Pandoc/Walk.hs:123:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Traversable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Traversable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Traversable() | 123 | import Data.Traversable (Traversable) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Pandoc/Walk.hs:125:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Foldable’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Foldable() | 125 | import Data.Foldable (Foldable) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/Pandoc/Walk.hs:126:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 126 | import Data.Monoid ((<>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [7 of 7] Compiling Text.Pandoc.JSON ( src/Text/Pandoc/JSON.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for ipynb-0.2.. Preprocessing library for ipynb-0.2.. Building library for ipynb-0.2.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Ipynb ( src/Data/Ipynb.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hslua-aeson-2.3.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-aeson-2.3.1.. Building library for hslua-aeson-2.3.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Aeson Configuring library for doctemplates-0.11.. Preprocessing library for doctemplates-0.11.. Building library for doctemplates-0.11.. [1 of 3] Compiling Text.DocTemplates.Internal ( src/Text/DocTemplates/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Text.DocTemplates.Parser ( src/Text/DocTemplates/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Text.DocTemplates ( src/Text/DocTemplates.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for aeson-pretty-0.8.10.. Preprocessing library for aeson-pretty-0.8.10.. Building library for aeson-pretty-0.8.10.. [1 of 1] Compiling Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty ( Data/Aeson/Encode/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for yaml- Preprocessing library for yaml- Building library for yaml- [ 1 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Internal ( src/Data/Yaml/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Include ( src/Data/Yaml/Include.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Builder ( src/Data/Yaml/Builder.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml ( src/Data/Yaml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Config ( src/Data/Yaml/Config.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Aeson ( src/Data/Yaml/Aeson.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Parser ( src/Data/Yaml/Parser.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.Pretty ( src/Data/Yaml/Pretty.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 10] Compiling Data.Yaml.TH ( src/Data/Yaml/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 10] Compiling Paths_yaml ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [1 of 2] Compiling Main ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Linking /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.thr_o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2_thr.a): warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy() EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.thr_o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2_thr.a): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() Configuring xml-conduit- Preprocessing library for xml-conduit- Building library for xml-conduit- [1 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Cursor.Generic ( src/Text/XML/Cursor/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Stream.Token ( src/Text/XML/Stream/Token.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/XML/Stream/Token.hs:19:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 19 | import Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty, (<>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [3 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Stream.Render ( src/Text/XML/Stream/Render.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/XML/Stream/Render.hs:33:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 33 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Render.hs:34:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource() | 34 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Render.hs:43:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 43 | import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Render.hs:193:5: warning: [GHC-62161] [-Wincomplete-uni-patterns] Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive In a pattern binding: Patterns of type ‘Stack’ not matched: [] [] | 193 | (sl:s') = s | ^^^^^^^^^^^ [4 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Stream.Parse ( src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:139:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘<$>, Applicative’ from module ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant | 139 | import Control.Applicative (Alternative (empty, (<|>)), | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:146:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.IO.Class’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.IO.Class’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.IO.Class() | 146 | import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:147:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Class’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Class’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Class() | 147 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:149:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource() | 149 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, MonadThrow (..), | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:151:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Attoparsec.Internal’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Attoparsec.Internal’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Attoparsec.Internal() | 151 | import Data.Attoparsec.Internal (concatReverse) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:1122:13: warning: [GHC-58520] [-Wtype-equality-requires-operators] The use of ‘~’ without TypeOperators will become an error in a future GHC release. Suggested fix: Perhaps you intended to use TypeOperators | 1122 | instance (a ~ Name) => IsString (NameMatcher a) where | ^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:1155:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad AttrParser’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 1155 | return a = AttrParser $ \as -> Right (as, a) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Stream/Parse.hs:1161:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘pure = return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative AttrParser’. Move definition from ‘return’ to ‘pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 1161 | pure = return | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [5 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Unresolved ( src/Text/XML/Unresolved.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/XML/Unresolved.hs:47:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 47 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Unresolved.hs:50:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Class’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Class’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Class() | 50 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML/Unresolved.hs:59:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 59 | import Data.Monoid (mconcat) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [6 of 7] Compiling Text.XML ( src/Text/XML.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Text/XML.hs:78:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative() | 78 | import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML.hs:82:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Resource’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource() | 82 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, throwM) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML.hs:105:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Class’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Monad.Trans.Class’ To import instances alone, use: import Control.Monad.Trans.Class() | 105 | import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Text/XML.hs:115:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Data.Monoid’ To import instances alone, use: import Data.Monoid() | 115 | import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty) | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [7 of 7] Compiling Text.XML.Cursor ( src/Text/XML/Cursor.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for simple-sendfile-0.2.32.. Preprocessing library for simple-sendfile-0.2.32.. Building library for simple-sendfile-0.2.32.. [1 of 3] Compiling Network.Sendfile.Types ( Network/Sendfile/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 3] Compiling Network.Sendfile.Fallback ( Network/Sendfile/Fallback.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 3] Compiling Network.Sendfile ( Network/Sendfile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for tls-2.0.1.. Preprocessing library for tls-2.0.1.. Building library for tls-2.0.1.. [ 1 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Crypto.Types ( Network/TLS/Crypto/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.ErrT ( Network/TLS/ErrT.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Imports ( Network/TLS/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Backend ( Network/TLS/Backend.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Measurement ( Network/TLS/Measurement.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.RNG ( Network/TLS/RNG.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Crypto.DH ( Network/TLS/Crypto/DH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Extra.FFDHE ( Network/TLS/Extra/FFDHE.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Util ( Network/TLS/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Util.ASN1 ( Network/TLS/Util/ASN1.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Util.Serialization ( Network/TLS/Util/Serialization.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Crypto.IES ( Network/TLS/Crypto/IES.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Crypto ( Network/TLS/Crypto.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Types ( Network/TLS/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Session ( Network/TLS/Session.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Compression ( Network/TLS/Compression.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Struct ( Network/TLS/Struct.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Struct13 ( Network/TLS/Struct13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.MAC ( Network/TLS/MAC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Cipher ( Network/TLS/Cipher.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Control ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Control.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher ( Network/TLS/Extra/Cipher.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Extra ( Network/TLS/Extra.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Wire ( Network/TLS/Wire.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Packet ( Network/TLS/Packet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.State ( Network/TLS/Record/State.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.Types ( Network/TLS/Record/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.Engage ( Network/TLS/Record/Engage.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.Disengage ( Network/TLS/Record/Disengage.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record ( Network/TLS/Record.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Packet13 ( Network/TLS/Packet13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.State ( Network/TLS/Handshake/State.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [33 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.KeySchedule ( Network/TLS/KeySchedule.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Extension ( Network/TLS/Extension.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [35 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.State ( Network/TLS/State.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [36 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.X509 ( Network/TLS/X509.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [37 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Hooks ( Network/TLS/Hooks.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [38 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Credentials ( Network/TLS/Credentials.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [39 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Parameters ( Network/TLS/Parameters.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [40 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Context.Internal ( Network/TLS/Context/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [41 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.Writing ( Network/TLS/Record/Writing.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [42 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.Reading ( Network/TLS/Record/Reading.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [43 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Receiving ( Network/TLS/Receiving.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [44 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.State13 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/State13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [45 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Random ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Random.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [46 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Sending ( Network/TLS/Sending.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [47 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.IO ( Network/TLS/IO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [48 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Process ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Process.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [49 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Key ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Key.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [50 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Signature ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Signature.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [51 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Common ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [52 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.ClientHello ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/ClientHello.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [53 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Certificate ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Certificate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [54 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Common13 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Common13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [55 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.ClientHello13 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/ClientHello13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [56 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.Common ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [57 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.TLS13 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/TLS13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [58 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.TLS12 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/TLS12.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [59 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.ServerHello13 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/ServerHello13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [60 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.ServerHello12 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/ServerHello12.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [61 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server.ClientHello12 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server/ClientHello12.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [62 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Server ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Server.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [63 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Client.Common ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Client/Common.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [64 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Client.TLS12 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Client/TLS12.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [65 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Client.ServerHello ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Client/ServerHello.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [66 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Client.TLS13 ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Client/TLS13.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [67 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Client.ClientHello ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Client/ClientHello.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [68 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake.Client ( Network/TLS/Handshake/Client.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [69 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.PostHandshake ( Network/TLS/PostHandshake.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [70 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Handshake ( Network/TLS/Handshake.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [71 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Context ( Network/TLS/Context.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [72 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Record.Layer ( Network/TLS/Record/Layer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [73 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Core ( Network/TLS/Core.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [74 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.QUIC ( Network/TLS/QUIC.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [75 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS.Internal ( Network/TLS/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [76 of 76] Compiling Network.TLS ( Network/TLS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for texmath- Preprocessing library for texmath- Building library for texmath- [ 1 of 21] Compiling Paths_texmath ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/MathML/EntityMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.TeX.Macros ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/TeX/Macros.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.TeX ( src/Text/TeXMath/TeX.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Types ( src/Text/TeXMath/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Shared ( src/Text/TeXMath/Shared.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.MMLDict ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/MathML/MMLDict.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Unicode.Fonts ( src/Text/TeXMath/Unicode/Fonts.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToUnicode ( src/Text/TeXMath/Unicode/ToUnicode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Unicode.ToTeX ( src/Text/TeXMath/Unicode/ToTeX.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.TeX.Commands ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/TeX/Commands.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.OMML ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/OMML.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.TeX ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/TeX.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML ( src/Text/TeXMath/Readers/MathML.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Writers.Eqn ( src/Text/TeXMath/Writers/Eqn.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Writers.MathML ( src/Text/TeXMath/Writers/MathML.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Writers.OMML ( src/Text/TeXMath/Writers/OMML.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Writers.Pandoc ( src/Text/TeXMath/Writers/Pandoc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Writers.TeX ( src/Text/TeXMath/Writers/TeX.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath.Writers.Typst ( src/Text/TeXMath/Writers/Typst.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 21] Compiling Text.TeXMath ( src/Text/TeXMath.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for commonmark-pandoc- Preprocessing library for commonmark-pandoc- Building library for commonmark-pandoc- [1 of 1] Compiling Commonmark.Pandoc ( src/Commonmark/Pandoc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for hslua-2.3.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-2.3.1.. Building library for hslua-2.3.1.. [1 of 2] Compiling HsLua.Util [2 of 2] Compiling HsLua Configuring library for typst- Preprocessing library for typst- Building library for typst- [ 1 of 14] Compiling Typst.MathClass ( src/Typst/MathClass.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 14] Compiling Typst.Regex ( src/Typst/Regex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 14] Compiling Typst.Syntax ( src/Typst/Syntax.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 14] Compiling Typst.Parse ( src/Typst/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 14] Compiling Typst.Types ( src/Typst/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 14] Compiling Typst.Show ( src/Typst/Show.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 14] Compiling Typst.Bind ( src/Typst/Bind.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 14] Compiling Typst.Util ( src/Typst/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 14] Compiling Typst.Module.Math ( src/Typst/Module/Math.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 14] Compiling Typst.Module.Calc ( src/Typst/Module/Calc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 14] Compiling Typst.Module.Standard ( src/Typst/Module/Standard.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 14] Compiling Typst.Methods ( src/Typst/Methods.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 14] Compiling Typst.Evaluate ( src/Typst/Evaluate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 14] Compiling Typst ( src/Typst.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for skylighting-core-0.14.1.. Preprocessing library for skylighting-core-0.14.1.. Building library for skylighting-core-0.14.1.. [ 1 of 11] Compiling Regex.KDE.Regex [ 2 of 11] Compiling Regex.KDE.Match [ 3 of 11] Compiling Regex.KDE.Compile [ 4 of 11] Compiling Regex.KDE [ 5 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Regex [ 6 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Types [ 7 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Styles [ 8 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Parser [ 9 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Tokenizer [10 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Loader [11 of 11] Compiling Skylighting.Core Configuring library 'xml-light' for pandoc- Preprocessing library 'xml-light' for pandoc- Building library 'xml-light' for pandoc- [1 of 4] Compiling Text.Pandoc.XML.Light.Types [2 of 4] Compiling Text.Pandoc.XML.Light.Proc [3 of 4] Compiling Text.Pandoc.XML.Light.Output [4 of 4] Compiling Text.Pandoc.XML.Light Configuring library for citeproc-0.8.1.. Preprocessing library for citeproc-0.8.1.. Building library for citeproc-0.8.1.. [ 1 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Data [ 2 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Unicode [ 3 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Types [ 4 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Element [ 5 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Locale [ 6 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Style [ 7 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Eval [ 8 of 11] Compiling Citeproc [ 9 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.CaseTransform [10 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.Pandoc [11 of 11] Compiling Citeproc.CslJson Configuring library for warp-3.3.31.. Preprocessing library for warp-3.3.31.. Building library for warp-3.3.31.. [ 1 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Date ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Date.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HashMap ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HashMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Imports ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Imports.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FileInfoCache ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/FileInfoCache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Counter ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Counter.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.MultiMap ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/MultiMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FdCache ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/FdCache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.PackInt ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/PackInt.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ReadInt ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/ReadInt.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ResponseHeader ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/ResponseHeader.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.RequestHeader ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/RequestHeader.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Header ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Header.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.File ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/File.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Types ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Conduit ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Conduit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Buffer ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Buffer.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.SendFile ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/SendFile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/SendFile.hs:25:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘Network.Sendfile’ is redundant except perhaps to import instances from ‘Network.Sendfile’ To import instances alone, use: import Network.Sendfile() | 25 | import Network.Sendfile | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [19 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.File ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/File.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.IO ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/IO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Windows ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Windows.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 34] Compiling Paths_warp ( /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Settings.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Request ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Request.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Request ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/Request.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/Request.hs:60:9: warning: [GHC-68441] [-Wdeprecations] In the use of ‘requestBody’ (imported from Network.Wai.Internal): Deprecated: "requestBody's name is misleading because it only gets a partial chunk of the body. Use getRequestBodyChunk instead when getting the field, and setRequestBodyChunks when setting the field." | 60 | , requestBody = body | ^^^^^^^^^^^ [26 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.PushPromise ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/PushPromise.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Response.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Response ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2/Response.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2 ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP1 ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/HTTP1.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Run ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Run.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.WithApplication ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/WithApplication.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [33 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Internal ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 34] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.Warp ( Network/Wai/Handler/Warp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for crypton-connection-0.3.2.. Preprocessing library for crypton-connection-0.3.2.. Building library for crypton-connection-0.3.2.. [1 of 2] Compiling Network.Connection.Types ( Network/Connection/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 2] Compiling Network.Connection ( Network/Connection.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.4.. Preprocessing library for pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.4.. Building library for pandoc-lua-marshal-0.2.4.. [ 1 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Alignment [ 2 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.CitationMode [ 3 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Filter [ 4 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Format [ 5 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.List [ 6 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Attr [ 7 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.ListAttributes [ 8 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.MathType [ 9 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.QuoteType [10 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.SpliceList [11 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Walk [12 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Topdown [13 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Inline[boot] [14 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Citation [15 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Block[boot] [16 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Shared [17 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Content [18 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Inline [19 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Cell [20 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Row [21 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.TableHead [22 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.TableFoot [23 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.TableParts [24 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Block [25 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.SimpleTable [26 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.MetaValue [27 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Pandoc [28 of 28] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.AST Configuring library for hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1.. Preprocessing library for hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1.. Building library for hslua-module-doclayout-1.1.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling HsLua.Module.DocLayout Configuring library for skylighting-format-latex-0.1.. Preprocessing library for skylighting-format-latex-0.1.. Building library for skylighting-format-latex-0.1.. [1 of 1] Compiling Skylighting.Format.LaTeX Configuring library for skylighting-format-context- Preprocessing library for skylighting-format-context- Building library for skylighting-format-context- [1 of 1] Compiling Skylighting.Format.ConTeXt Configuring library for skylighting-format-blaze-html- Preprocessing library for skylighting-format-blaze-html- Building library for skylighting-format-blaze-html- [1 of 1] Compiling Skylighting.Format.HTML Configuring library for skylighting-format-ansi-0.1.. Preprocessing library for skylighting-format-ansi-0.1.. Building library for skylighting-format-ansi-0.1.. : warning: [GHC-42258] [-Wunused-packages] The following packages were specified via -package or -package-id flags, but were not needed for compilation: - colour-2.3.6 (exposed by flag -package-id colour-2.3.6-inplace) [1 of 1] Compiling Skylighting.Format.ANSI Configuring library for wai-extra-3.1.14.. Preprocessing library for wai-extra-3.1.14.. Building library for wai-extra-3.1.14.. [ 1 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.EventSource.EventStream ( Network/Wai/EventSource/EventStream.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.EventSource ( Network/Wai/EventSource.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.CGI ( Network/Wai/Handler/CGI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Handler.SCGI ( Network/Wai/Handler/SCGI.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.AddHeaders ( Network/Wai/Middleware/AddHeaders.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Autohead ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Autohead.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.CleanPath ( Network/Wai/Middleware/CleanPath.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.HealthCheckEndpoint ( Network/Wai/Middleware/HealthCheckEndpoint.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.HttpAuth ( Network/Wai/Middleware/HttpAuth.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Jsonp ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Jsonp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Local ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Local.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [12 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.MethodOverride ( Network/Wai/Middleware/MethodOverride.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [13 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.MethodOverridePost ( Network/Wai/Middleware/MethodOverridePost.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.RealIp ( Network/Wai/Middleware/RealIp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger.Internal ( Network/Wai/Middleware/RequestLogger/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [16 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestSizeLimit.Internal ( Network/Wai/Middleware/RequestSizeLimit/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Rewrite ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Rewrite.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [18 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Routed ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Routed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [19 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Select ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Select.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [20 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.StreamFile ( Network/Wai/Middleware/StreamFile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [21 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.StripHeaders ( Network/Wai/Middleware/StripHeaders.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [22 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Timeout ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Timeout.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [23 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Vhost ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Vhost.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [24 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Parse ( Network/Wai/Parse.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [25 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Request ( Network/Wai/Request.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [26 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestSizeLimit ( Network/Wai/Middleware/RequestSizeLimit.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [27 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.ForceSSL ( Network/Wai/Middleware/ForceSSL.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [28 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.ForceDomain ( Network/Wai/Middleware/ForceDomain.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [29 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Approot ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Approot.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [30 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Test.Internal ( Network/Wai/Test/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [31 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Test ( Network/Wai/Test.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [32 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.UrlMap ( Network/Wai/UrlMap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [33 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Util ( Network/Wai/Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [34 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.CombineHeaders ( Network/Wai/Middleware/CombineHeaders.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [35 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Header ( Network/Wai/Header.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [36 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger ( Network/Wai/Middleware/RequestLogger.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [37 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger.JSON ( Network/Wai/Middleware/RequestLogger/JSON.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [38 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.Gzip ( Network/Wai/Middleware/Gzip.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [39 of 39] Compiling Network.Wai.Middleware.AcceptOverride ( Network/Wai/Middleware/AcceptOverride.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for http-client-tls- Preprocessing library for http-client-tls- Building library for http-client-tls- [1 of 1] Compiling Network.HTTP.Client.TLS ( Network/HTTP/Client/TLS.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for skylighting-0.14.1.. Preprocessing library for skylighting-0.14.1.. Building library for skylighting-0.14.1.. [ 1 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Abc ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Abc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 2 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Actionscript ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Actionscript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Ada ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Ada.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 4 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Agda ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Agda.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Alert ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Alert.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Apache ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Apache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 7 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Asn1 ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Asn1.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Asp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Asp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Ats ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Ats.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 10 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Awk ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Awk.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 11 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Bash ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Bash.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 12 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Bibtex ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Bibtex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 13 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Boo ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Boo.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 14 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.C ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/C.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 15 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Changelog ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Changelog.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 16 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Clojure ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Clojure.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 17 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Cmake ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Cmake.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 18 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Coffee ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Coffee.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 19 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Coldfusion ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Coldfusion.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 20 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Comments ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Comments.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 21 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Commonlisp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Commonlisp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 22 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Cpp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Cpp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 23 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Cs ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Cs.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 24 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Css ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Css.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 25 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Curry ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Curry.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 26 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.D ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/D.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 27 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Dart ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Dart.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 28 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Debiancontrol ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Debiancontrol.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 29 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Default ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Default.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 30 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Diff ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Diff.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 31 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Djangotemplate ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Djangotemplate.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 32 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Dockerfile ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Dockerfile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 33 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Dosbat ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Dosbat.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 34 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Dot ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Dot.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 35 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Doxygen ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Doxygen.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 36 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Doxygenlua ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Doxygenlua.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 37 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Dtd ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Dtd.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 38 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Eiffel ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Eiffel.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 39 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Elixir ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Elixir.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 40 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Elm ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Elm.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 41 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Email ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Email.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 42 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Erlang ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Erlang.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 43 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Fasm ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Fasm.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 44 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.FortranFixed ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/FortranFixed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 45 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.FortranFree ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/FortranFree.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 46 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Fsharp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Fsharp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 47 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Gap ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Gap.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 48 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Gcc ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Gcc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 49 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Glsl ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Glsl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 50 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Gnuassembler ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Gnuassembler.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 51 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Go ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Go.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 52 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Graphql ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Graphql.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 53 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Groovy ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Groovy.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 54 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Hamlet ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Hamlet.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 55 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Haskell ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Haskell.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 56 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Haxe ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Haxe.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 57 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Html ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Html.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 58 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Idris ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Idris.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 59 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Ini ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Ini.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 60 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Isocpp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Isocpp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 61 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.J ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/J.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 62 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Java ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Java.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 63 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Javadoc ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Javadoc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 64 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Javascript ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Javascript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 65 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.JavascriptReact ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/JavascriptReact.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 66 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Json ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Json.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 67 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Jsp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Jsp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 68 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Julia ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Julia.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 69 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Kotlin ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Kotlin.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 70 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Latex ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Latex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 71 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Lex ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Lex.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 72 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Lilypond ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Lilypond.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 73 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.LiterateCurry ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/LiterateCurry.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 74 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.LiterateHaskell ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/LiterateHaskell.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 75 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Llvm ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Llvm.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 76 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Lua ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Lua.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 77 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.M4 ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/M4.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 78 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Makefile ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Makefile.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 79 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Mandoc ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Mandoc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 80 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Markdown ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Markdown.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 81 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Mathematica ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Mathematica.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 82 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Matlab ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Matlab.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 83 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Maxima ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Maxima.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 84 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Mediawiki ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Mediawiki.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 85 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Metafont ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Metafont.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 86 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Mips ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Mips.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 87 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Modelines ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Modelines.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 88 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Modula2 ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Modula2.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 89 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Modula3 ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Modula3.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 90 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Monobasic ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Monobasic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 91 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Mustache ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Mustache.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 92 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Nasm ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Nasm.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 93 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Nim ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Nim.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 94 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Nix ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Nix.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 95 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Noweb ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Noweb.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 96 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Objectivec ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Objectivec.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 97 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Objectivecpp ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Objectivecpp.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 98 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Ocaml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Ocaml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 99 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Octave ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Octave.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [100 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Opencl ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Opencl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [101 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Orgmode ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Orgmode.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [102 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Pascal ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Pascal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [103 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Perl ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Perl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [104 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Php ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Php.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [105 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Pike ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Pike.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [106 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Postscript ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Postscript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [107 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Povray ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Povray.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [108 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Powershell ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Powershell.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [109 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Prolog ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Prolog.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [110 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Protobuf ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Protobuf.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [111 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Pure ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Pure.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [112 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Purebasic ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Purebasic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [113 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Purescript ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Purescript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [114 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Python ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Python.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [115 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Qml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Qml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [116 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.R ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/R.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [117 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Raku ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Raku.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [118 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Relaxng ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Relaxng.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [119 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Relaxngcompact ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Relaxngcompact.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [120 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Rest ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Rest.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [121 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Rhtml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Rhtml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [122 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Roff ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Roff.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [123 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Ruby ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Ruby.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [124 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Rust ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Rust.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [125 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Sass ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Sass.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [126 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Scala ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Scala.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [127 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Scheme ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Scheme.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [128 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Sci ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Sci.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [129 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Scss ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Scss.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [130 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Sed ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Sed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [131 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Sgml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Sgml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [132 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Sml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Sml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [133 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.SpdxComments ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/SpdxComments.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [134 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Sql ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Sql.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [135 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.SqlMysql ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/SqlMysql.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [136 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.SqlPostgresql ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/SqlPostgresql.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [137 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Stan ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Stan.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [138 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Stata ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Stata.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [139 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Swift ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Swift.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [140 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Systemverilog ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Systemverilog.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [141 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Tcl ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Tcl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [142 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Tcsh ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Tcsh.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [143 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Texinfo ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Texinfo.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [144 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Toml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Toml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [145 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Typescript ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Typescript.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [146 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Verilog ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Verilog.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [147 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Vhdl ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Vhdl.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [148 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Xml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Xml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [149 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Xorg ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Xorg.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [150 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Xslt ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Xslt.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [151 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Xul ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Xul.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [152 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Yacc ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Yacc.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [153 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Yaml ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Yaml.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [154 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax.Zsh ( src/Skylighting/Syntax/Zsh.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [155 of 156] Compiling Skylighting.Syntax ( src/Skylighting/Syntax.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [156 of 156] Compiling Skylighting ( src/Skylighting.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for wai-app-static-3.1.8.. Preprocessing library for wai-app-static-3.1.8.. Building library for wai-app-static-3.1.8.. [1 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.Types ( WaiAppStatic/Types.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [2 of 9] Compiling Util ( Util.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [3 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.Listing ( WaiAppStatic/Listing.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [4 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.Storage.Filesystem ( WaiAppStatic/Storage/Filesystem.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [5 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.Storage.Embedded.TH ( WaiAppStatic/Storage/Embedded/TH.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [6 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.Storage.Embedded.Runtime ( WaiAppStatic/Storage/Embedded/Runtime.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [7 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.Storage.Embedded ( WaiAppStatic/Storage/Embedded.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [8 of 9] Compiling Network.Wai.Application.Static ( Network/Wai/Application/Static.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [9 of 9] Compiling WaiAppStatic.CmdLine ( WaiAppStatic/CmdLine.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for pandoc- Preprocessing library for pandoc- Building library for pandoc- [ 1 of 212] Compiling Paths_pandoc [ 2 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Asciify [ 3 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.CslJson [ 4 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.Util [ 5 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.Data [ 6 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Data.BakedIn [ 7 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Emoji [ 8 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Extensions [ 9 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.MIME [ 10 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.MediaBag [ 11 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.Future [ 12 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Process [ 13 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Combine [ 14 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Symbols [ 15 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Util [ 16 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.TagCategories [ 17 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Generic.Fallible [ 18 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Generic.Namespaces [ 19 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Generic.SetMap [ 20 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Generic.Utils [ 21 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Arrows.Utils [ 22 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Arrows.State [ 23 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Generic.XMLConverter [ 24 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Namespaces [ 25 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.Base [ 26 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.Shared [ 27 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.RoffChar [ 28 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Shared [ 29 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.StyleReader [ 30 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Logging [ 31 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Image [ 32 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.Name [ 33 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.MetaValue [ 34 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Chunks [ 35 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Slides [ 36 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Sources [ 37 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.TeX [ 38 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Translations.Types [ 39 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class.CommonState [ 40 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.UTF8 [ 41 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.URI [ 42 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT.ContentReader [ 43 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse.Styles [ 44 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Error [ 45 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad [ 46 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst.Parsing [ 47 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocPure [ 48 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class.Sandbox [ 49 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class.IO [ 50 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocIO [ 51 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Class [ 52 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Highlighting [ 53 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Options [ 54 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.ODT [ 55 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Native [ 56 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Haddock [ 57 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.EndNote [ 58 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Djot [ 59 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.CslJson [ 60 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.Capabilities [ 61 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.State [ 62 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.Lists [ 63 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.ImageSize [ 64 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Filter.Environment [ 65 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Data [ 66 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Translations [ 67 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Templates [ 68 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.UUID [ 69 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Version [ 70 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Filter.JSON [ 71 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable [ 72 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Blaze [ 73 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.CslJson [ 74 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.StyleMap [ 75 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.GridTable [ 76 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.Types [ 77 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Lang [ 78 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Notes [ 79 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Types [ 80 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Caption [ 81 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Util [ 82 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Table [ 83 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math [ 84 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Native [ 85 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.OOXML [ 86 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Types [ 87 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx.Table [ 88 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Roff [ 89 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.XML [ 90 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.Table [ 91 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.References [ 92 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Jira [ 93 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.JATS [ 94 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.FB2 [ 95 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.DocBook [ 96 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.General [ 97 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.Smart [ 98 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.Math [ 99 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.GridTable [100 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing.Citations [101 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Parsing [102 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown.Types [103 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown.Table [104 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.SelfContained [105 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Vimwiki [106 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst.Math [107 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst [108 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Txt2Tags [109 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.TikiWiki [110 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Roff [111 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.RTF [112 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.RIS [113 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.ParserState [114 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.Parsing [115 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.ExportSettings [116 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.BlockStarts [117 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.DocumentTree [118 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Muse [119 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Metadata [120 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Man [121 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing [122 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Table [123 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.SIunitx [124 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Math [125 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Macro [126 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Lang [127 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Inline [128 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Citation [129 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX [130 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.Inlines [131 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.Meta [132 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.Blocks [133 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org [134 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Types [135 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Parsing [136 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.DokuWiki [137 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Fields [138 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse [139 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists [140 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx [141 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Creole [142 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.CommonMark [143 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Format [144 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.Locator [145 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX.Citation [146 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.CSV [147 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST [148 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.CSV [149 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.CSS [150 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared [151 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.ZimWiki [152 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Typst [153 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Textile [154 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Texinfo [155 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.TEI [156 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF [157 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST [158 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation [159 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Output [160 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint [161 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Org [162 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.OpenDocument [163 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.ODT [164 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Muse [165 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms [166 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.MediaWiki [167 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.XWiki [168 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man [169 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX [170 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.BibTeX [171 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.BibTeX [172 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Jira [173 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.ICML [174 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Haddock [175 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML [176 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown.Inline [177 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown [178 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.OPML [179 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ipynb [180 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.CommonMark [181 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.FB2 [182 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.EPUB [183 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.DokuWiki [184 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docx [185 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.DocBook [186 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.Djot [187 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt [188 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.ChunkedHTML [189 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.BibTeX [190 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.AsciiDoc [191 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.PDF [192 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.Table [193 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML [194 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Textile [195 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.TWiki [196 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.MediaWiki [197 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown [198 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.OPML [199 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.Ipynb [200 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Citeproc [201 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS [202 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Writers [203 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers.EPUB [204 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Readers [205 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Scripting [206 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Filter [207 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.App.Input [208 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc [209 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.App.Opt [210 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.App.CommandLineOptions [211 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.App.OutputSettings [212 of 212] Compiling Text.Pandoc.App Configuring library for servant-server-0.20.. Preprocessing library for servant-server-0.20.. Building library for servant-server-0.20.. [ 1 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.Context ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/Context.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/Internal/Context.hs:54:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 54 | type family (.++) (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/Context.hs:54:39: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 54 | type family (.++) (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/Context.hs:76:36: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 76 | class HasContextEntry (context :: [*]) (val :: *) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/Context.hs:76:48: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 76 | class HasContextEntry (context :: [*]) (val :: *) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/Context.hs:93:52: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 93 | data NamedContext (name :: Symbol) (subContext :: [*]) | ^ [ 2 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.ServerError ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/ServerError.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 3 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.RouteResult ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/RouteResult.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/Internal/RouteResult.hs:31:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘pure = return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative RouteResult’. Move definition from ‘return’ to ‘pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 31 | pure = return | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/RouteResult.hs:35:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad RouteResult’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 35 | return = Route | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/RouteResult.hs:47:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘pure = return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Applicative (RouteResultT m)’. Move definition from ‘return’ to ‘pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 47 | pure = return | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/RouteResult.hs:51:5: warning: [-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances] Noncanonical ‘return’ definition detected in the instance declaration for ‘Monad (RouteResultT m)’. ‘return’ will eventually be removed in favour of ‘pure’ Either remove definition for ‘return’ (recommended) or define as ‘return = pure’ See also: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/proposal/monad-of-no-return | 51 | return = RouteResultT . return . Route | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [ 4 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/RoutingApplication.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 5 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.Handler ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/Handler.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 6 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.ErrorFormatter ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/ErrorFormatter.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/Internal/ErrorFormatter.hs:70:43: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 70 | type MkContextWithErrorFormatter (ctx :: [*]) = ctx .++ DefaultErrorFormatters | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal/ErrorFormatter.hs:72:48: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 72 | mkContextWithErrorFormatter :: forall (ctx :: [*]). Context ctx -> Context (MkContextWithErrorFormatter ctx) | ^ [ 7 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.Router ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/Router.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 8 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.DelayedIO ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/DelayedIO.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [ 9 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.Delayed ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/Delayed.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [10 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal.BasicAuth ( src/Servant/Server/Internal/BasicAuth.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [11 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Internal ( src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:115:38: warning: [-Wunused-imports] The import of ‘TypeError’ from module ‘GHC.TypeLits’ is redundant | 115 | (ErrorMessage (..), TypeError) | ^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:124:26: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 124 | type ServerT api (m :: * -> *) :: * | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:124:31: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 124 | type ServerT api (m :: * -> *) :: * | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:124:37: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 124 | type ServerT api (m :: * -> *) :: * | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:903:79: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 903 | type ServerT (arr :> sub) _ = TypeError (PartialApplication (HasServer :: * -> [*] -> Constraint) arr) | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:903:85: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 903 | type ServerT (arr :> sub) _ = TypeError (PartialApplication (HasServer :: * -> [*] -> Constraint) arr) | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:945:1: warning: [GHC-08585] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit associated type or default declaration for ‘ServerT’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasServer (ty :> sub) context’ | 945 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceForSub | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:945:31: warning: [GHC-06201] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit implementation for ‘route’ and ‘hoistServerWithContext’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasServer (ty :> sub) context’ | 945 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceForSub | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^... src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:951:1: warning: [GHC-08585] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit associated type or default declaration for ‘ServerT’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasServer api context’ | 951 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceFor (HasServer api context)) => HasServer api context | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:951:31: warning: [GHC-06201] [-Wmissing-methods] • No explicit implementation for ‘route’ and ‘hoistServerWithContext’ • In the instance declaration for ‘HasServer api context’ | 951 | instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError (NoInstanceFor (HasServer api context)) => HasServer api context | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:976:22: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 976 | data AsServerT (m :: * -> *) | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:976:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 976 | data AsServerT (m :: * -> *) | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:1002:23: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 1002 | class GServer (api :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:1002:28: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 1002 | class GServer (api :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:1002:37: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 1002 | class GServer (api :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) where | ^ src/Servant/Server/Internal.hs:1002:42: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 1002 | class GServer (api :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) where | ^ [12 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.UVerb ( src/Servant/Server/UVerb.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/UVerb.hs:42:16: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 42 | forall (x :: *) (xs :: [*]) (f :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/UVerb.hs:42:27: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 42 | forall (x :: *) (xs :: [*]) (f :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/UVerb.hs:42:37: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 42 | forall (x :: *) (xs :: [*]) (f :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/UVerb.hs:42:42: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 42 | forall (x :: *) (xs :: [*]) (f :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/UVerb.hs:48:33: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 48 | class IsServerResource (cts :: [*]) a where | ^ [13 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server ( src/Servant/Server.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [14 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.StaticFiles ( src/Servant/Server/StaticFiles.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [15 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Generic ( src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:40:24: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 40 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:40:29: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 40 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:40:38: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 40 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:40:43: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 40 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:58:24: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 58 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) (ctx :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:58:29: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 58 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) (ctx :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:58:38: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 58 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) (ctx :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:58:43: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 58 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) (ctx :: [*]). | ^ src/Servant/Server/Generic.hs:58:55: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 58 | :: forall (routes :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) (ctx :: [*]). | ^ [16 of 18] Compiling Servant ( src/Servant.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) [17 of 18] Compiling Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth ( src/Servant/Server/Experimental/Auth.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) src/Servant/Server/Experimental/Auth.hs:41:33: warning: [GHC-39567] [-Wstar-is-type] Using ‘*’ (or its Unicode variant) to mean ‘Data.Kind.Type’ relies on the StarIsType extension, which will become deprecated in the future. Suggested fix: Use ‘Type’ from ‘Data.Kind’ instead. | 41 | type family AuthServerData a :: * | ^ [18 of 18] Compiling Servant.Utils.StaticFiles ( src/Servant/Utils/StaticFiles.hs, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-, /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ) Configuring library for pandoc-lua-engine- Preprocessing library for pandoc-lua-engine- Building library for pandoc-lua-engine- [ 1 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Chunks [ 2 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.CommonState [ 3 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Context [ 4 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.PandocError [ 5 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Reference [ 6 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Sources [ 7 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.System [ 8 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocLua [ 9 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Utils [10 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Types [11 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Text [12 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.JSON [13 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.CLI [14 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Template [15 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Template [16 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Format [17 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Format [18 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.WriterOptions [19 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Structure [20 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.ReaderOptions [21 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Orphans [22 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.MediaBag [23 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Global [24 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Writer.Classic [25 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Pandoc [26 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Writer.Scaffolding [27 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Scaffolding [28 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Init [29 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Filter [30 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua.Custom [31 of 31] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Lua Configuring library for pandoc-server- Preprocessing library for pandoc-server- Building library for pandoc-server- [1 of 1] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Server Configuring executable 'pandoc' for pandoc-cli- Preprocessing executable 'pandoc' for pandoc-cli- Building executable 'pandoc' for pandoc-cli- [1 of 3] Compiling PandocCLI.Lua [2 of 3] Compiling PandocCLI.Server [3 of 3] Compiling Main [4 of 4] Linking /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- OSThreads.c(OSThreads.thr_o:(createAttachedOSThread) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2_thr.a): warning: strcpy() is almost always misused, please use strlcpy() EventLogWriter.c(EventLogWriter.thr_o:(initEventLogFileWriter) in archive /usr/local/lib/ghc-9.6.5/lib/../lib/x86_64-openbsd-ghc-9.6.5/rts-1.0.2/libHSrts-1.0.2_thr.a): warning: sprintf() is often misused, please use snprintf() loslib.c(loslib.o:(os_tmpname) in archive /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- warning: tmpnam() possibly used unsafely; consider using mkstemp() >>> Running fake in textproc/pandoc at 1714105856.37 ===> textproc/pandoc ===> Faking installation for pandoc- /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- -c -m 644 /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- -c -m 644 /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- -c -m 644 /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- >>> Running package in textproc/pandoc at 1714105866.30 ===> textproc/pandoc `/exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc-' is up to date. Installing /exopi-cvs/ports/textproc/pandoc/pkg/README as /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- ===> Building package for pandoc- Create /exopi-cvs/ports/packages/amd64/all/pandoc- Creating package pandoc- reading plist| checking dependencies| checking dependencies|converters/libiconv checking dependencies|devel/gmp,-main checking dependencies|devel/libffi checksumming| checksumming| | 0% checksumming|*** | 4% checksumming|***** | 9% checksumming|******** | 13% checksumming|*********** | 17% checksumming|************* | 22% checksumming|**************** | 26% checksumming|******************* | 30% checksumming|********************* | 35% checksumming|************************ | 39% checksumming|*************************** | 43% checksumming|***************************** | 48% checksumming|******************************** | 52% checksumming|********************************** | 57% checksumming|************************************* | 61% checksumming|**************************************** | 65% checksumming|****************************************** | 70% checksumming|********************************************* | 74% checksumming|************************************************ | 78% checksumming|************************************************** | 83% checksumming|***************************************************** | 87% checksumming|******************************************************** | 91% checksumming|********************************************************** | 96% checksumming|*************************************************************|100% archiving| archiving| | 0% archiving|* | 2% archiving|*** | 4% archiving|**** | 6% archiving|***** | 8% archiving|******* | 10% archiving|******** | 12% archiving|********* | 14% archiving|*********** | 16% archiving|************ | 19% archiving|************* | 21% archiving|*************** | 23% archiving|**************** | 25% archiving|***************** | 27% archiving|****************** | 29% archiving|******************** | 31% archiving|********************* | 33% archiving|********************** | 35% archiving|************************ | 37% archiving|************************* | 39% archiving|************************** | 41% archiving|**************************** | 43% archiving|***************************** | 45% archiving|****************************** | 47% archiving|******************************** | 49% archiving|********************************* | 52% archiving|********************************** | 54% archiving|************************************ | 56% archiving|************************************* | 58% archiving|************************************** | 60% archiving|**************************************** | 62% archiving|***************************************** | 64% archiving|****************************************** | 66% archiving|******************************************** | 68% archiving|********************************************* | 70% archiving|********************************************** | 72% archiving|*********************************************** | 74% archiving|************************************************* | 76% archiving|************************************************** | 78% archiving|*************************************************** | 80% archiving|***************************************************** | 82% archiving|****************************************************** | 85% archiving|******************************************************* | 87% archiving|********************************************************* | 89% archiving|********************************************************** | 91% archiving|*********************************************************** | 93% archiving|************************************************************* | 95% archiving|************************************************************** | 97% archiving|*************************************************************** | 99% archiving|****************************************************************|100% /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- No one-line description, using filename "pandoc-server" /exopi-obj/pobj/pandoc- No one-line description, using filename "pandoc-lua" Link to /exopi-cvs/ports/packages/amd64/ftp/pandoc- >>> Running clean in textproc/pandoc at 1714105885.64 ===> textproc/pandoc ===> Cleaning for pandoc- >>> Ended at 1714105897.92 max_stuck=91.36/waiting-for-lock #68=2.80/depends=39.15/show-prepare-results=1.63/patch=13.45/configure=1.13/build=7478.92/fake=9.93/package=19.34/clean=12.31